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How Can I Not Love You?

How Can I Not Love You?

Anna Fiona Rose


“Scarlet, please, grant my last wish. Marry my nephew. I know you still love my late son, Adam. But, I don’t want you to be alone.” On the opposite side of the bed, stood James’s nephew, Matthew Foster, cousin of Scarlet’s late husband, Adam Foster. Both Scarlet and Matthew are single parents. Scarlet has a 3-year-old daughter while Matt has a 4-year-old son. Their spouses died in the same plane crash who were business partners and both of them could not move on with their lives, so James had to match-make them and wanted them to get married to each other. Matthew’s son and Scarlet’s daughter get along very well except their parents. They always had a dispute and were on the verge of a divorce until one of them realised they had fallen in love.

Chapter 1 A Wedding and their flashbacks

Scarlet made her way to the aisle in her wedding dress for the second time of her life. The man she is marrying to, was a cousin of her late husband. They met once in each other’s wedding but never struck a conversation before or maybe a few words as Scarlet was a kindergarten teacher. Matthew is a man of status. He does not like Scarlet as she is not born in a rich family.

Scarlet is a down to earth woman and that was what made Adam fall for her. He does not care what her status and whose family she belongs to.

As for Matthew, he grew up with a silver spoon with Ada

“always been on his side.

Matthew married his high school sweetheart, Katherine Willis. Both studied in the same prep school. Katherine and Adam knew each other.

The Fosters and the Willises are business partners from the start. So, Matthew proposed to Katherine after graduation and got married after they completed their Master’s Degrees.

Adam too completed his studies but he went to a different University. There, he met Scarlet who took a Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education. Scarlet knew Adam’s background and she actually was not interested in him due to their differences.

Adam tried to pursue her no matter what it takes but she was playing hard-to-get with him. When Adam pretended not to pursue her any longer, Scarlet looked for him.

She looked for him in the school’s cafeteria and he was with his friends and Scarlet was standing behind him. His friends pointed behind him. He turned and deep down, he was smirking, in a good way. “Looking for me?”

Scarlet grabbed him by his collar, her face was directly in front of him, “Listen here, Mr Foster. When I told you to stop pestering me, don’t stop. Do you know how long I’ve waited for you to come? I know this sounds crazy but your annoyance sometimes makes me smile. Your presence lightens up my day. So, don’t you dare stop.”

Adam smiled and he got his answer. Scarlet indirectly tells him that she was fond of him. “Why are you smiling?” She asked with her eyebrows raised. “Has anyone told you that you look cute when you’re angry?” Scarlet blushed and released his collar.

“And are you trying to say that you like me too?”

Scarlet snickered, “Hah! As if!” She walked off smiling unknowingly. “Hey! I like you too!” Adam said it out loud and Scarlet turned her head, sticking out her tongue while smiling.

During their graduation, Adam proposes to Scarlet. They get married after months of being engaged.

Matthew was Adam’s Best Man for the wedding. When Adam first introduced Scarlet during their engagement, he did not like her. Scarlet can sense his dislike for her. So, she decided to shrug it off, as long as the man that she loved is by her side.

Being the Best Man, Matthew happened to see Scarlet getting ready in her room with her bridal dress on. Despite him being married to Katherine and have new-born son, suddenly his world spun slowly around him. Scarlet’s beauty awed him. Matthew snapped back to reality when a random kid ran towards him, accidentally hit him on his scrotum.

Scarlet and her bridesmaid came out to see what the commotion was. “AHHH!!! MOM!!! A MAN PUT HIS PENIS ON MY FACE!!!” The girls were laughing at Matthew. “WHAT?!! HE PUTS HIS FACE ON MY PENIS!!!” Matthew then got back his composure and saw Scarlet laughing at him. She does have a beautiful smile. Then he realised why Adam loved Scarlet so much. She is indeed a keeper.

Embarrassed, he went down and gathered with the other groomsmen as quickly as possible.

Adam was at the altar while his groomsmen were escorting Scarlet’s bridesmaids, only Matthew stood next to Adam. “You looked pale. Are you alright?” Adam asked. “Imagine your balls getting knocked by a big headed kid.” Adam was about to burst out laughing but he kept his cool. “Matt, I know you hate children but remember, you have George now.”

Matthew side-eyed Adam then looked at Katherine with their son. She lifted up her son’s hand to wave at his father. Matthew smiled and winked.

The Bridal Wedding March started to play and everyone stood up from their seats. They turned to the bride and everyone was astonished at Scarlet’s beauty. Even Matthew could not keep his eyes off her. He partially blamed her for the accident he had with the kid.

Despite Adam comes from a very rich family, Matthew could not believe that his dear cousin listened to Scarlet’s idea of a small wedding instead of a grand wedding like how Matthew and Katherine had once.

After Adam and Scarlet exchanged their vows and their kisses, as they went down the altar, Scarlet almost lost her balance. Adam managed to catch her and since Scarlet was not wearing any thick frills, Matthew realised that Scarlet had dropped her shoes.

Matthew caught on and told Adam to stop. They turned and Matthew ran towards them, stopping in front of Scarlet. He put it on for her and the couple said their thanks. Scarlet was surprised that Matthew helped her. She smiled at him.

Matthew snapped back to his senses, Scarlet was walking towards him, already stepping up to the altar. He offered his hand and she gladly took it. “Don’t drop your shoe this time.” He whispered to her and she looked at him underneath her veil. ‘He remembered?’

Almost a year later, Scarlet gave birth to a baby girl, they named her Bianca. It was Adam’s idea to name her, Bianca. Scarlet was named after a shade of red. He thought naming their daughter after a colour would be a good idea too. Bianca means white and white is pure.

After their daughter’s second birthday, Adam has to leave for a business trip with Matthew. But Matthew couldn’t make it so Katherine volunteered to go on his behalf. Matthew thought it was not a good idea but she insisted as they are business partners too.

Hours later, they received news that the plane they were in, crashed. Devastated, Scarlet fainted and Matthew stopped breathing for a few minutes.

Their bodies were sent back and a proper funeral was held. Matthew and Scarlet stood opposite of each other. Scarlet was carrying her daughter, crying her eyes out while Matthew held his son’s hand.

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