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Love from beyond the grave

Love from beyond the grave



Rose finally manages to get to the surface after being buried alive only for her to discover that she was in the grave for almost a millennium. How will she navigate this modern world and most importantly,will she ever see her girlfriend again.

Chapter 1 Rose and Sarah

Rose had spent a long time blaming herself for getting buried alive. "If only I had run away with Sarah,I wouldn't have gotten buried alive and we would have had a happy life together",that was what rose told herself for a long time until saying the word got a little old for her and that was when she started dreaming of the life she could have had with her one true love. During all this time,Sarah never asked herself why and how she was still breathing for this long after being buried alive and to be honest,she would never think about it at all.

The year 1840::: rose and Sarah grew up as any two normal best friends would but when they got the age of 17,they realized that their was "friendship" wasn't a friendship at all but it was something romantic and they started dating. The world was still so religious and being in a same sex relationship wasn't exactly something you would classify as being holy,so the penalty for "immoralities" that was being hanged on a tree,being buried alive or being drowned to death by your parents. All these penalties would make anyone want to hide their relationship but when rose and Sarah got to the age of 20(which was a marriageable age for them),Sarah made a plan for the both of the to run very far away with other people like them who were in their village and the neighboring villages but on the day of them running away, rose never showed up so Sarah took the people and ran far away.

What happened to rose::: when rose was packing her thing to run away, a silly idea came into her mind which was" if my parents are the leaders and the lawmakers around here,I'll just tell them about me, sarah and all of us. Because I'm their daughter they'll change the law in my favor" but she was sorely mistaken and made a really bad decision telling her parents her plan.

When they heard what they daughter had to say,they were filled with disgust and ordered for her to be buried alive which led to her not seeing the love of her life.

Back to the grave::: rose had never realized how much time had passed in the grave but she knew that someone who was buried alive was not meant to last that long before breathing their last breath. Days,turned in weeks,weeks in months,months in years,tears into decades and decades into centuries. Rose just spent all that time blaming herself for being so stupid and fantasizing about Sarah.

One ordinary day in the grave while rose was moping,she started hearing sounds like someone digging and the person stopped digging when they got to Rose's body level. Rose was first scared but she saw a wrist band on the person that she knew too well but when she got pulled out of the grave,the person she meet looking at her face to face was a completely different person from the person she had hoped to see.

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