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The bilionaire's sex slave

The bilionaire's sex slave

Ann Maama


In the murky underbelly of mid-20th century San Francisco, Lily's life is a haunting echo of her broken home. Raised in the shadows of a dysfunctional family, her days are shrouded in darkness, her innocence stolen at an early age. But fate takes a harrowing turn when she becomes the unfortunate collateral for her father's debts, thrust into a life of submission as the sex slave of the enigmatic Mafia Lord, Lucian. Lily's world unravels in the heart of the "Villain's World," a sinister realm of crime, vice, and unforgiving power struggles. As she navigates the treacherous labyrinth of this morally bankrupt society, she's faced with a daunting choice that could define her future and seal her fate. Love and revenge entwine, creating a complex tapestry that threatens to consume all in its path. Lucian, the enigmatic and merciless Mafia Lord, holds the key to Lily's survival and, paradoxically, her destruction. His allure is undeniable, his power undeniable, and his control over her absolute. As their relationship evolves, it's a precarious dance between desire and despair, dominance and submission. Lily grapples with the agonizing disorderliness of her life, desperately trying to find her place in this violent and unpredictable world. But amid the chaos and brutality, she discovers a newfound love, a spark of warmth in the darkest of nights. And this love becomes both her salvation and her greatest vulnerability. Yet, a painful choice looms ahead, one that could shatter her newfound happiness and bring her back into the clutches of her fractured family. Will she choose the path of love and risk everything, or will the shadow of revenge pull her back into the relentless embrace of the "Villain's World"?

Chapter 1 The worries

Lucian P. O. V

Lucian, the notorious Mafia Lord, had always been known for his rough and dominant nature. He had a reputation for taking what he wanted without hesitation or remorse. Bethany, a woman had been his sex machine. Though she loved him, he never loved her or reciprocate his love.

As Lucian thrust himself in and out of her with unrestrained force, Bethany's cries echoed throughout the room. The intensity of their encounter only fueled Lucian's insatiable lust for more. He reveled in the power he held over her, relishing in the control he exerted.

After several minutes of deep and forceful thrusts, Lucian abruptly pulled himself away from Bethany's trembling form. Gasping for air, the naked woman beneath him collapsed heavily onto the bed, her body drained both physically and emotionally.

Lucian had never been one to show mercy or tenderness. His hardened demeanor was evident as he coldly addressed Bethany, instructing her to leave his room and take whatever drugs she needed to numb herself from their encounter. He had no interest in hearing any consequences that may arise from their illicit affair.

Nodding weakly, Bethany gathered her clothes, one piece at a time, and quickly dressed herself before obediently exiting the room. As she walked away, a mix of fear and resignation filled her heart, knowing that this would not be the last time she would succumb to Lucian's brutal desires.

Left alone in the aftermath of their encounter, Lucian made his way n*kedly to the bathroom. The water cascaded over his body as he scrubbed away the evidence of their passion, washing away any lingering traces of vulnerability that may have momentarily surfaced during their intense rendezvous.

After finishing his shower, he emerged from the bathroom and dried himself with a towel. He then proceeded to put on a stylish red long jacket, making sure to look his best. Before leaving the room, he grabbed one of his phones, ensuring he was always connected.

Just as he stepped out, his dedicated assistant, Becky, approached him with an air of urgency. Sensing her seriousness, he asked her if there was any news that required his attention. In response, Becky quickly flipped through a stack of books, searching for the information she needed. Finally, she informed him that they had gone through the list of debtors and discovered that there were a few individuals who had refused to make their payments. Curiosity piqued, he inquired further about who had borrowed the highest amount of money and failed to repay it. To his surprise, Becky revealed that it was none other than Mr Alejandro - a poor man who had borrowed money three months ago for his son's medical treatment.

And how many times have I warned you not to borrow such a large sum of money from people who can't afford to pay it back?" He snapped, turning his head towards her. She shifted back in fear, but quickly replied, "You gave him the money yourself." His anger seemed to dissipate slightly as he mumbled, "Ohh." Realizing that they needed to address the situation, he said, "Okay, we are visiting him tomorrow." She nodded in agreement and obediently replied, "Okay, sir." Lucian is definitely going to teach Mr Alejandro a lesson

Watch out!!


Lily P. O. V

Lily dropped the hot pot carefully on the floor and start dishing out the meal inside three old ceramic plates on the floor.

“Is the food not yet re-ady?”Jason grumble walking into the old small kitchen and Lily sighed.

“Wait a minute more,the food will soon be re-ady”

“You had better be fast or else you will have to eat the whole food yourself”He threatened playfully and Lily chuckled watching him walk out of the kitchen.

What a foodie!

Sh shook her head and quickly round everything up.


Later that day

She placed the food carefully in front of him and began eating in earnest. He scooped some soup into his mouth and moaned out in satisfaction. "So delicious," he mumbled, closing his eyes in delight, and Lily smiled.

"Yeah, I'm the best in cooking," she boasted majestically, walking around the room. "Stop flattering yourself, sis, you're not the best cook; you're just lucky," he moaned, and Lily pulled his hair.

"Ouch, stop," he grumbled, and she gave him a hard knock before releasing his hair.

They were still in the middle of this when their father, Mr. Alejandro, walked inside with lots of bags, and the two rushed to help him. "Welcome, Dad," Jason greeted cheerfully, and his Dad patted his head slowly.

"How was your day?" Lily butted in, and his father sighed tiredly. "Stressful, I went through a lot before I was able to gather money to buy foodstuffs. You don't understand this business anymore; people no longer patronize poor goldsmiths like us. I'm tired."

"Don't worry, Dad, things are going to be okay very soon," Lily assured him, although she wasn't entirely sure. "Lily assured, although she's not sure maybe things are going to be okay very soon."

"When? I still have to pay the money I borrowed when Jason was sick. It hasn't been refunded yet, and you're the one we used as collateral. I can't bear seeing you being carted away as a s-x slave. I don't know what to do anymore, Lily," Mr. Alejandro complained, and tears slipped down his face. Lily helped him wipe the tears off his face and pacify him not to cry anymore, but the old man couldn't be consoled.

"Dad, if I'm to be a s-x slave to Lucian, then so be it. We all know you've tried your best to refund the money. Dad, you've tried enough. Don't stress yourself about the money anymore," Lily said, breaking down in tears.

Jason retreated himself a little from them; he felt really guilty for everything.If he wasn't sick his father wouldn't have borrowed money from Mr Damian"Lily, I..." He tried talking, but the tears choked him already. Lily pulled him into a hug, and he cried heavily on her shoulders.

"It's fine, Dad, it's fine," she assured him, patting his back softly.

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