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Alex Smith,a hardworking,sarcastic and playful young lady who lived a simple mediocre life but introduced herself into a lifestyle she never imagined. Alex married herself off to a powerful billionaire who was in need of a fake family to help secure a contract in order to save her brother's life and pay up hospital bills. Things took a drastic turn when she found herself gradually losing concentration and falling in love with the billionaire,breaking the number one rule of the contract but the most shocking news for her was confessing her love to Andrew finding out he felt same way about her but has a family of his own, which he had kept a secret from everyone. Will Alex and Andrew love blossoms?

Chapter 1 A mess.

"Do you think I can do this?" She asked.

"I'm also scared as this is too risky, " Abigail replied.

"No,I promised to do anything and everything for Dan"

"I can do this!" She said to herself.

"Yes you can do this!" Abigail said to encourage her best friend.

Alexandra and Abigail walked into Miller's Investment and co.

One of the biggest and tallest buildings in their city is owned by Mr Miller. The most powerful and influential billionaire in Miami.

Their eyes were filled with excitement as they searched through the room.They were sure they've never seen or entered such large and well decorated rooms. They were too stunned and almost forgot the real reason why they're at the Millers company.

Alex pulled herself together, remembering the real reason why she was at Miller's company. Abigail adjusted as she saw the change in the eyes of her best friend, the eyes that were filled with surprise and excitement a few minutes ago were now filled with sadness and hopelessness.

"I'm proud of you and Dan is lucky to have you as his sister, " Abigail said to Alex.

Alex forced a smile and replied "Thank you".


"Good morning sir" Alex greeted nervously but to her surprise, there was no response.

Alex stood in front of a large table in Andrew's office. She was screaming for help internally hoping her best friend could hear her and come to her rescue.

While standing,she took her time to study the man who didn't respond to her greeting and was already scared she made the wrong decisions. She shouldn't have been here. She should have found other alternatives to help save Dan.

"Sit down," Andrew finally said in a deep,sharp tone.

Alex, who was carried away in her own thoughts, immediately sat down. She was nervous and sweating that Andrew could instantly notice her shaky hands.

One part of Alex wanted the job because the pay is good and will be able to help save her brother. But the other part of Alex was hoping he would reject her because she wasn't sure she was ready,not even with such a cold man.

"I'm sure you know why you're here"

"Yes sir"

"Are you sure you're ready?"

Alex looked up to his hard glare nervously, she wasn't sure she was ready to get herself involved in the type of life she was about living but that was the only opportunity to save her brother, her only family.

Andrew wasn't giving her a chance to think properly with those hard glare he threw her away,his face not leaving hers.

She took a deep breath and answered.

"Yes sir,I am ready".

"You don't look like someone who's ready, so I'm going to ask again,are you ready?" He asked, firmly.

"Yes,I am," Alex answered, sounding optimistic. Even when she could hear her own heartbeat.


"You will be asked to sign some documents later this week but I will tell you the most important part of it"

"Okay sir"

"No feelings attached"

Alex blinked multiple times before she could bring herself to mutter a word.

"Sure,I'm not planning to do anything stupid,I'm only doing this because I need money for my brother's medical fee."

"Good,you have the contract then."

"Thank you so much sir" Alex replied, almost too excited.

"You will have to learn how to stop being formal in front of other people since you'd be acting as my wife soon"

Alex remembered she has to learn how not to be formal around Andrew in front of other people and act like his actual family. She was surprised how Andrew wasn't feeling shy and how he wanted her to stop being formal that soon but that wasn't her concern at that moment. Her only concern at that moment was her brother, she was happy she got the job and will be able to take proper care of Dan.

Alex said goodbye to Andrew and left his office, she went out to her best friend with a smile on her face. Abigail immediately knew she got the contract, she shouted "congratulations'' and hugged her best friend, her voice attracted some glare their way.

Alex told Abigail how intimidating Mr Miller was and how she was screaming internally for her help.

They both laughed and chatted on their way back to the hospital to tell Dan about the news and what they just got themselves into.

Alex was nervous because she didn't know how Dan would take this but Abigail was always there to support her best friend.

The two ladies got to the hospital and Alex was too scared to enter,she didn't know how she would face her brother.

"How will I explain to Dan that I just got married on a contract?"

"How will he handle this with his current condition?"

"Do you think I went too far?"

Alex asked her best friend these questions with tears in her eyes. She wasn't happy about her decisions and she was sure Dan won't be happy with her either cos he wouldn't agree with her to marry someone who she doesn't love just to save him.

"I'm so proud of you Lexy,you've always been strong since college days. You're the best person, sister, bestfriend, everyone needs in their lives and will be so happy to have,this is not easy on you but I will always be by your side, supporting you and cheering you on even when it's hard to do so,I'm proud of you once again,I love you bestfriend "

Those words of encouragement from her best friend made Alex sighed in relief, she hugged and thanked Abigail for being the best and always having her way to bring her comfort even in chaos.

They both sat on one of the benches outside the hospital. Alex and Abigail talked about good old days in college and how life was easy for them,how much they miss their other friends.

But unfortunately for them,life won't always give us what we want and that's one term they're starting to live by.

The two best friends got up and proceeded to enter the hospital and explain things to Dan.

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