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Sold To The Cold CEO: The Billionaire's Daughter Maid

Sold To The Cold CEO: The Billionaire's Daughter Maid



Read about the unfortunate life of Mia Andres, a young artist who only wanted to make a name for herself in the art world, but got sold by her own parents to pay up a debt. Her life takes a drastic turn in the mansion of Alexander Hamilton, the man who bought her. Mia plans her escape but after spending up to two months in his house she began to discover that she had feelings for this man also she feel in love with his bratty daughter who only wanted to be with her. Just when she thought Alex might possibly have feelings for her also and end her escaping plan, she overhead a conversation between Alex and his sister that completely shattered her. " Look here Ria... There's nothing going on between Mia and I, and there would never be". That was is, she thought. This wasn't a Cinderella story, the poor girl doesn't get with the prince at last. With the help of Amelia, Alex sister in law Mia leaves the house and the country. What happens when she comes back a year after looking even more ravishing and a successful artists, not only that she came along with, Alexander's half brother Gregory who wanted nothing than to destroy Alexander? Would she help him destroy the man she was still in love with just because she feels that he could never love her? Or would she finally realize that she had been wrong all along?!

Chapter 1 I'll buy her for a million

Mia's POV

My heart raced as I shivered in fright.

I was standing backstage, blindfolded, hands tied behind my back and to crown it all, naked.

When I say naked, not the type of naked like you're wearing an open swimsuit and feeling insecure, butt fucking naked.

" We've saved the best for last. Here's Mia, a twenty four year old ready to fulfill all your needs".

He just called my name. The freaking man just called my name!

I thought it was a mistake, if he was hoe would he know my name and my age? I questioned myself, my heart still beating in terror of what's about to happen

Two men came forward an dragged me on to the stage. The first on untied my hands before following the other one to drag me.

No, I don't want to go. I struggled to set myself free from their iron grip, but my efforts were completely useless because I was thrown on to the stage like a fucking ragdoll.

" We don't need to mishandled our product". I heard the guy with the microphone warn the two guys who threw me on the stage.


That darn bastard called me a product!

I'll show them who's a product...

I stood up and yanked the blindfold off my eyes.

Well... Maybe that was a bad move.

Soon enough I discovered that I was standing on a stage with dozens different pairs of eyes watching me, well, my body.

Some whistled while others laughed.

I panicked, quickly using my hands to cover my breasts and my lower abdomen, but it was just impossible, my hands were to skinny.

" Ok, As you all can see Mia here is a feisty one, she would be good for all you young folks". The... I don't even know what to call him.

Since he was like an MC, so I'll say MC.

The MC, gestured for me to turn around and I shook my head immensely.

There was no way I was acknowledging to the fact I was a product for them to check.

The MC walked toward me harshly grabbing my hands which I was using to cover my breasts and turned me around.

"See, this girl got nice stuffs. "

"Get your hands away from me". I spoke for the first time since I was dragged into a bathroom and scrubbed clean by a maid.

My teeth were clenched together tightly as I stared right at the stupid MC.

" See what I mean, fierce..." The MC joked about my actions which got the other men seated laughing also.

I glared at each and every one of them seated there.

Was this a joke to them? Was I a joke to them?

"Since this one was newly brought in, bidding starts at two thousand dollars increases with a thousand dollars".

My eyes widened when I heard the amount that bastard wanted to sell me for.

Two thousand dollars? Wow that's a lot of money.

For a struggling artist like myself, two thousand dollars was a lot of money.

" Three thousand dollars..."

" Ten thousand dollars..."

I was surprised by the amount they called at first, but after few bid I became used to it.

Rich people, always ready to throw their money away.

The continued their bidding a person said a five hundred dollars and the rest just stopped bidding. Some grumbled but still dropped their bidding card.

" Five hundred thousand going once, going twice..." The MC stroke auctioneer was about to strike his little hammer on the table when I suddenly spoke up.

" I never said I wanted to be bought". I said calmly even though I had no calm bones in my body at the moment. Only frightened, angry and embarrassed ones.

The man looked both sides as if I wasn't talking to him. Pointing at himself he asked.

" Where you talking to me?"

No, I was talking to idiot behind you're glasses. I badly wanted to say, but bit my tongue and held it in.

I was in the presence of most of the richest and powerful men in the country, one word from them, I'm done for, but my mouth just wouldn't shut up.

" Of course I was, did you see anyone behind you when you checked? " I asked sarcastically.

For a moment there, I forgot I was butt naked.

" Did you're parents no teach you manners little girl? You mouth should be full of thanks and not spitting rubbish".

That was what everyone had been telling me since I got here. Hello, I was freaking kidnapped from my town and dragged all the way here to stand as naked as a product for rich promiscuous men to buy, how is that something I should be grateful for?

" You want a thank you? For what exactly? Huh who in the hell said I wanted to be bought?" I asked the MC shocking him. Guess he thought I wouldn't speak back, well he thought wrong because even I cannot control my tongue when I get this mad.

" I advise you to keep you mouth shut, or else..."

"Or else what? You'll ruin your product for the buyer..." I said pointing at the old idiot who wanted to buy me for five hundred thousand dollars.

I would confess, that was a huge amount of money but I wasn't for sale.

He was an old man which I could bet was in his late sixties of early seventies. A man like that would have more than two wives but still look for a woman outside to satisfy his needs.

I shook my head in disgrace.

The MC calmed down when I pointed at the old man, who guess he was someone big in the city, if not in the whole country.

" I don't care about what's happening here, but I promise not to sue if you'll take me home right now". I said in the most threatening voice I could muster.

The hall went silent, before everyone burst in a loud laughter.

What was so funny?

Did they think I was bluffing?

I looked around and saw everyone of them was laughing, except one guy.

A handsome guy was seated at the back, silently but intensely watching me. His gaze was so intense that I became aware that I was not wearing any clothes.

Covering my body with my hands would be useless, so I looked away hoping to forget it again.

" Look here honey..." Did he just call me honey?

" You can try to call whosoever you wish, the police are like pawns to the people here, so I advise you respect yourself before they choose to humble you". He warned.

I could swear all the hairs on my hair stood up in fright.

I felt the shiver down my spine when I saw the look on his face.

He was serious, seriously serious.

But I couldn't just back down like this. My pride just wouldn't let me.

" Fine... Then... Then... I'll just, " I struggled to find something threatening to say, but my brain was to scared to think of anything at the moment.

The MC looked away from me and picked up his little hammer which he dropped earlier to confront me.

" Sold to ..." My heart raced.

Was this how I would he turned to a slave?

"No no no, I can't take her. " The old man who raised a bid for five hundred thousand, said stopping the MC from hitting his hammer on the table.

I breath a sigh of relief.

"Why?" The MC asked confusedly.

I was also curious so I brought all my attention to him.

" She's too much. She might as well kill me with high blood pressure from too much talking. " The old man explained.

I smiled in relief.

For the first time my mouth saved me instead of putting me in more trouble.

I inspected the MC face but instead of anger or sadness I expected to see on his face, I saw a sadistic smile plastered there.

"What's going on?" I asked when the men from earlier climbed the stage and began walking towards me.

I think I spoke, well thought too soon.

I looked towards the MC for an explanation. I could bet he could see the worry in my eyes because he smiled even harder as he walked towards me.

Bending down he whispered into my ears.

"Women that don't get sold because of some reasons, we have those reasons taken care of. And since you're case is because of your mouth... " He left the sentence incomplete but I understood it as clear as crystal.

They were going to cut off my tongue.

" Please, I'm sorry, I just didn't know what was going on". I begged, but my pleads fell on deaf ears.

And just when I thought, it was over for my mouth, I heard a voice that sounded like an angel.

" I'll buy her, for a million dollars! ".

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Other books by Fxve

After Divorce: Loved By The Secret Billionaire CEO

After Divorce: Loved By The Secret Billionaire CEO



After a devastating divorce with the man she had been married to for over three years, Rachel thought her life was over. Her family disowned her, they wanted nothing to do with her anymore and she couldn't blame them. She had just divorced David Hart, one of the top successful bachelors in the country and heir to the Hart industries. But they would never understand that she didn't divorce him, he divorced her after she caught him cheating on her with her god-damned best friend! Rachel was just about to end everything by jumping off a bridge when she was saved by the most unexpected person. The boy she once bullied severally in highschool because he always wore ugly glass and was from a poor background, how come that glass make him so hot now? Why was he helping her get revenge on ex-husband who is trying to make her life even more miserable? And most important how did he get so handsome? What exactly does he want from her? ... No, you must want something, anything. If you can really help me get revenge on David and Lana, I can't just let you do it for free". Ethan went quiet for a while. I held my breath waiting for what his request might be. If it was something money could buy, I'll try my best to get it for him even though I was somehow broke right now. "You're right I do want something". He said after thinking for few minutes "What?" I asked slowly. " Until you get your revenge on David, Lana and every other person you want, you will live here". Live here as in...?  " Wha... What are you saying? ". I stammered hoping he wasn't saying what I thought he was saying. I tried to step back but I missed a step and almost fell on the bed but Ethan caught me holding me in his muscular arms.  Ethan moved his face closer to mine be was so close, our nose almost touched. " I want you to be with me! ".

Hiding My Son From His Billionaire Father

Hiding My Son From His Billionaire Father



In the glitzy world of showbiz, Eliza's life was a whirlwind of performances and clandestine adventures. When she found herself locking lips with the groom at a gig, little did she know it would set off a chain of events that would redefine her destiny. Months later, consumed by thoughts of Eliza, Mason, the enigmatic groom, tracked her down. Their reunion crackled with tension, igniting a flame neither could deny. In a famous bar, amidst the cheers of her troupe, Eliza felt the weight of Mason's gaze, a magnetic pull that left her breathless. But fate had more in store. A spiked drink, an irresistible allure, and a night of passion that blurred the lines between desire and destiny. The morning after brought a harsh awakening, with Eliza recoiling from the consequences of their tryst, determined to maintain her independence. Yet, fate's hand was not easily evaded. A pregnancy test revealed a new twist in the tale, setting off a chain reaction of familial intervention and unwanted arrangements. Eliza's resolve to defy convention clashed with the looming shadow of a billionaire suitor, whose presence threatened to unravel her carefully crafted escape. In a world where love and ambition collide, Eliza must navigate treacherous waters to reclaim control of her destiny. Will she succumb to the pressures of society, or will she forge her own path, defying expectations at every turn? The stage is set for a drama unlike any other, where passion, power, and fate converge in a battle for the heart and soul of one woman determined to chart her own course.

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Sold To The Cold CEO: The Billionaire's Daughter Maid

Chapter 1 I'll buy her for a million



Chapter 2 Coming home with him



Chapter 3 Let's find



Chapter 4 She's a little witch!



Chapter 5 It's just acting



Chapter 6 Come with me



Chapter 7 Help me talk to her



Chapter 8 Get close to her



Chapter 9 Getting close to her



Chapter 10 Victoria



Chapter 11 She controls everything



Chapter 12 She hit me



Chapter 13 You are fired



Chapter 14 He didn't hurt me



Chapter 15 I'm dating Amelia



Chapter 16 Do I like her



Chapter 17 I'll escape



Chapter 18 Party dress 1



Chapter 19 Party dress 2



Chapter 20 I'm sorry



Chapter 21 First and last kiss



Chapter 22 Humiliated



Chapter 23 And I'm gone



Chapter 24 Fallen too deep



Chapter 25 Protecting her



Chapter 26 She's gone



Chapter 27 Where's Mia



Chapter 28 In love with her



Chapter 29 An empty void



Chapter 30 To get my brother



Chapter 31 Killing two birds with one stone



Chapter 32 Smarter than the witch



Chapter 33 Ruined relationship



Chapter 34 Homeschooled



Chapter 35 Homeschooled 2



Chapter 36 Dying wishes



Chapter 37 I helped her escape



Chapter 38 She was starving!



Chapter 39 I didn't steal from you



Chapter 40 Help me run away
