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Billionaire's Lover

Billionaire's Lover



Betty was in desperate need of help to save her sister so she accepted the offer to marry a stranger, not knowing he was her enemy. After their marriage, she found out that he was impotent. To calm her worries, her husband, Liam decided to pay a poor and hopeless young man to impregnate Betty so that she could at least have a child. In the process, Betty fell in love with the supposed stranger. The bubbles got busted and the tide turned around unexpectedly!

Chapter 1 First Meeting

Pushing open the door to Lisa's ward, Betty's eyes fell upon her sister's frail form lying motionless in the hospital bed. Tubes and wires connected to various machines were a stark reminder of the battle Lisa was fighting. Betty's eyes welled up with tears as she approached her sister's bedside.

"Lisa, I'm here. It's me, Betty," she whispered, taking her sister's cold, pale hand in her own.

Lisa's eyelids fluttered weakly, and she managed a faint smile. "Betty," she whispered hoarsely, her voice barely audible. "I'm so glad you're here."

Tears streamed down Betty's cheeks as she tried to be strong for her sister. "I missed you, Lisa. We're going to get through this together."

Lisa had been admitted to the hospital two months ago after the fire accident that happened at their house. Betty had taken on the role of a caregiver since their parents passed away two months ago from the same fire accident that made Lisa end up in the hospital. Betty was exempted from the accident because she no longer lived with her parents at the time the accident occurred.

Since the time Lisa was admitted to the hospital, Betty had been working tirelessly to support both of them and ensure that Lisa received the best medical care possible. The hospital bills had been mounting, and Betty's savings had been depleted. She had even borrowed money from friends and sold personal belongings to cover the expenses, but it was still not enough.

As Betty settled into the chair beside Lisa's bed, the door to the room swung open, and a doctor entered, his face grave and solemn. It was Dr. Anderson, a middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair.

"Miss Betty," he began, his voice gentle but filled with a weight that made Betty's heart sink further, "I need to talk to you about Lisa's treatment."

Betty nodded, her anxiety deepening. "What's going on, Doctor?"

Dr. Anderson sighed and took a deep breath before delivering the news. "Betty, as you know, Lisa's condition is critical, and she requires ongoing treatment and care. However, the hospital bills have reached a substantial amount, and we can't continue her treatment until a certain percentage of these bills is covered."

"What?" Betty's eyes widened in shock. "Doctor, you can't do this. She needs the treatment to survive! I've been doing everything I can to pay the bills."

The doctor's expression remained sombre. "I understand, Betty, but we have policies in place to ensure that we can continue to provide care for all our patients. Without a significant payment, we won't be able to proceed."

Betty's world seemed to crumble around her. She glanced at her sister, who was struggling to stay awake, her breathing laboured. The desperation in Betty's voice was palpable as she pleaded with the doctor, "Please, Doctor, I'll find a way to pay, but Lisa can't stop treatment. She's all I have left."

Dr. Anderson's gaze softened, and he placed a hand on Betty's shoulder. "I know this is incredibly difficult for you, Betty, but the hospital's hands are tied. We can't continue without a substantial payment."

Betty's tears flowed freely now, her voice breaking as she begged but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

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