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Forbidden Love: Life of a heartless human

Forbidden Love: Life of a heartless human



Does a human being exist in this world that doesn't have a heart? Well, that's the fate of a girl, she's poor and innocent, and she hasn't even hurt a single fly before but what could the gods give in return for that? She's heartless, she lives on an artificial heart because she doesn't have enough money to get a transplant. But when a billionaire suddenly comes into the picture, a cold and dangerous Billionaire who is only warm and friendly to those he loves He offers her a one-time job his only rule is not to fall in love with him under any circumstances. Why will he tell her not to fall for him? And what were his reasons? And what does fate have in store for them? Find out!

Chapter 1 Out of the living hell

A girl could be seen seated by a stream as she ate peacefully while people walked past her, she looked very beautiful while doing so.

Like a damsel with no worries but only if they knew?

This is Aphrodite Gold, a girl of 24, her parents are late and she lives with her aunty whose children and her Aunt maltreated her.

She was innocent, had a calm voice, stayed away from trouble, and was a beauty to behold.

Aphrodite stood up and breathed softly, as the wind blew her black long hair over her face, she had black long hair that shone brightly under the sun, big hazel eyes, small red lips, chubby Rosy cheeks, and a thin but sexy figure.

She quickly checked the time before hurrying up packing her stuff into a sling bag and rushing out.

She got to her aunt's house and she met her Aunt seated there with a smirk as she saw Aphrodite enter the house, her aunt Maria had two children particularly boys Max and Zack who always molested her but she couldn't do anything.

On seeing her aunt Aphrodite blinked cutely fear written all over her face, she closed the door and stepped it fully.

"Good evening Aunt," Aphrodite said as she sulked in her lower lips.

"And what is good about this evening?" Her aunt asked.

"Um...I" Aphrodite was speechless as she just played with her fingers.

"Where have you been, it's past 7 pm and you are just coming back, huh?, Who do you expect to the the chores, cook dinner, and go to the market" Aunt Maria said as she stood up and walked to Aphrodite who cowered away in fear.

"Aunt I retired from work late, I... it wasn't my fault," Aphrodite said but regretted it immediately when her Aunt gave her a bone-crushing slap.

"I won't tell you again, your parents abandoned you and I took you in this is the best I can do and you don't appreciate it" Her aunt yelled picking up her whip which lay in a corner as she struck it on Aphrodite's body.

"Ahhhhh" Aphrodite screamed as her Aunt continuously flogged her with the whip not minding where she hit.

After a while, the screams died down, and Aphrodite's skin was filled with bruises and blood seeping out of the wounds.

"That's just a lesson, go clean up and go prepare dinner," her Aunt said.

"Y...yes Aunt". Aphrodite tucked a piece of her hair behind her hair as tears flowed down her eyes before walking upstairs as she sobbed quietly.

Aphrodite locked her door as she fell to the floor sobbing, she threw her bag on the bed tugging on her hair as she screamed.

'All her life she has been living a good life till that wretched accident, then her heart accident kicked in and to make it worse she moved in with her aunt, can there be anything more broken' she thought.

After a while of sobbing, she dragged her tired body to the bathroom, she washed herself clean before putting on a blue dress that stopped right above her ankle, which was one of the long dresses she owned.

Walking downstairs, she met her Aunt seated there as she talked with someone on the phone while laughing, Aphrodite just sighed heading to the kitchen.


"Shut the fuck up! You are fired"

"B...but sir I did nothing wrong," the lady said in fear.

"I didn't ask just get out" he yelled at her, she couldn't say anything but to walk out.

That was the fifth assistant this week, the man sighed running his hand through his hair.

This is Atlas Roy, a billionaire CEO of Roy Corp, he's 26, has anger issues, and doesn't do relationships because of it, so he just remains single but he fucks around no doubt.

He's been looking for the perfect assistant one who can tolerate his anger issues and one who wouldn't fall in love with him.

He sighed as he picked up his phone dialing the HR manager.

"Get me a new assistant ASAP," Atlas said before hanging up.

The next day, Aphrodite woke up early, had a quick shower did her chores, prepared breakfast, and left the house, she walked around the streets looking for a job when she saw one outside a large building complex and it read.

"Personal assistant needed should have anger tolerance and an efficient brain"

Shrugging she walked into the building, it was neat and everything was made of glass, walking to the receptionist.

"Hi, is the job still available" she asked and the receptionist was wowed by her beauty.

"Y...yes it is, you are really pretty" the receptionist commented and Aphrodite blushed.

"Thank you" Aphrodite answered.

"Right this way," the receptionist said as she walked into an elevator with Aphrodite following behind.

They got to an office, it was quite spacious, and had only black and white furniture in it, "the CEO will be here shortly," the receptionist said walking away while Aphrodite rubbed her sweaty palm on her dress, her heart was beating so fast indicating she was nervous.

Soon the sound of leather shoes could be heard, Aphrodite stood up and met a pair of dark black eyes.

The man in front of her looked like a Greek god, he had black hair that was slightly ruffled, a muscular body, a clean-shaven jaw, and a well-structured face.

He was dressed in a suit leaving the first two buttons open as he stared at her.

Atlas was surprised, he was hoping to find a rich and sassy girl here, only to see a poor and innocent girl here and she looked breathtaking.

"G...good day Sir" Aphrodite greeted as fumbled with her dress.

Atlas noticed she wasn't expecting an interview but normally you can't just be picked the same day you applied but he's desperate for one and this is the only way for that to happen.

"Good day, please take your seat," Atlas said sitting down same as Aphrodite as he faced her.

"Can I know your full name?" Atlas asked as he stared at her.

"Aphrodite Gold winter," she said straight forward he liked that Atlas thought.

"Have you ever worked as an assistant before?" Atlas asked.

"No, I haven't" Aphrodite answered.

"Can you tolerate any anger issues?" He asked.

"Yes, I have faced a lot of things in this life but anger is no longer a problem" she answered.

"Okay, please leave we'll contact you when we have decided," Atlas said and Aphrodite nodded before walking out.

Aphrodite boarded a cab to her best friend's house, which was located on the outskirts of the City, her Best friend was from a rich family, and she was quite a fun and amazing friend.

"Bestie" Bianca screamed as she saw Aphrodite walk in.

"Hey bestie," Aphrodite said slumping beside on the couch.

"Still searching for a job I believe?" Bianca said.

"Yes, I want to leave my Aunt's house as soon as possible," Aphrodite said.

"Why don't you come to leave with me, mom and Dad have agreed to send you an allowance every month," Bianca said.

"I don't want to leave off your parents, it's not fair," Aphrodite said.

The Maxwells (aka Bianca's family) were very good to her ever since she lost her parents, her family had been close to them and since they died, the Maxwells offered to take Aphrodite in but she refused.

"Just do it, I want to keep seeing you every day," Bianca said giving Aphrodite puppy eyes, which she couldn't resist and groaned.

"Arrgg...fine, I'll move in tomorrow," Aphrodite said.

"Okay, no need to go back just call your aunt and tell her not like you have anything to pick over there," Bianca said rolling her eyes.

"I need to pick something from my room but I'll be back today," Aphrodite said.

"Okay let me drive you," Bianca said.

"Okay" Aphrodite agreed and soon they left for Aphrodite's home.

"Good day Aunt" Bianca greeted while Aunt Maria smiled at her.

"Um Aunt, am moving to stay with Bianca till I can get my own house," Aphrodite said.

"And why would I allow you to do that your parents left you under me," Aunt Maria said.

" I am old enough to make my decision not to other way round," Aphrodite said.

"You are not leaving this house," Aunt Maria said.

"But Aunt, she has the...shut up, do not interfere in this" Aunt Maria rudely cut Bianca off as she grabbed Aphrodite's arm pulling her upstairs.

"Let go of me...let me go" Aphrodite screamed but her aunt pushed her into the room.

"You can never escape this bondage you witch," Aunt Maria said as she locked the door going downstairs.

"N...no let me out!!" Aphrodite screamed as she banged on the door.

"Bianca, Don't leave me... bestie!!" She yelled as she finally gave up falling on the cold floor as she cried.

Soon she heard the door unlock standing up she met Bianca there, and she rushed into her arms crying.

"There...there" Bianca patted Aphrodite's back as she sobbed.

"I...I thought you were going to leave me" Aphrodite said.

"I didn't, I...I actually" Bianca paused breaking the hug.

"You did what?" Aphrodite asked cleaning her tears.

"Never mind, let's leave while your aunt is being nice," Bianca said.

"Okay let me get something," Aphrodite said pulling a special carved wooden box from under her bed and putting it in her bag.

"Okay let's go" Grabbing Aphrodite's hand they walked out of the room, Bianca cast Maria a warning gaze before leaving the house.

"Out of the living hell" Aphrodite thought as she looked back at the house one last time.

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