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Twist of Fate : A tale of Fated love

Twist of Fate : A tale of Fated love



" Tonight you’re looking mine……The way you’ve draped the saree around your waist….for me to admire every inch of of it on your skin…..The way you’ve wore the minimal jewelries to make to easy for me later…….when i take them off……The way you’ve stayed your hair and left those front hair strands free only for me to touch them more occasionally and admire you more through out this night…..the way you’ve dragged the perfect lines of eyeliner in your eyes….only to make my heart go crazy everytime you blink………and last but not least……they way you’ve painted your lips in colour that i would eventually make it fade……..with all the admirable things you did to look in a certain way only for my eyes…..proving my earlier statement that you’re looking mine ” he finished the sentence after enjoying the reaction of my face for a while. “ You can’t consider me as a property that you can own “ i said lifting my gaze up on him. “ definitely Not, you’re human with a beautiful heart and smile……with a soul that only i can see, touch and feel…..…because…..i’m yours and you’re mine “ I couldn’t hide the smile that his encouragement gave me. “ Anu “ “ hmmm “ “ Can I lose my control now ? please....please.....let me fuck you ...... “ He was still holding my right hand, close to his chest, making me feel his rapid heart beat. **** Love is unpredictable, so is Fate. Rishi couldn’t figure out his life between moving on and stuck with the past until Anbu came into his life proffering his hope for a soulful life that he craved for the last five years after his only-love-Anu left him broken beyond repair:according to him. Anbu, a woman who wants nothing but a simple and stable life with her Fiance-Rishi. During the courtship time, Rishi and Anbu decide to take a step forward to get to know each other well before their marriage-which is soon to happen. With every passing day Rishi had started to feel alive again, with Anbu. Nevertheless his past never stopped hunting him and as a result of that, life threw him at the doorstep of Anu in the middle of the night. Anu hated Rishi all her life for some solid reasons. And to keep him away from her life and her daughter Ria, Anu did something that made him loath his own existence. Three different persons, living in different phases of life but eventually they’re connected by their Fated Love. How ? Fated Love is all about Hate-love-Fate, with a pinch of reality and the emotional roller coaster life of Rishi-Anbu-Anu.

Chapter 1 Twist of Fate

Author's POV

He pinned her to the wall making her gasp in shock, her breath hitched seeing her dark black hooded eyes.

She knows he's not in the mood to listen to her. It was one of those moments, where he only talks through his actions. As much as the thought of him made her jump out of excitement it also filled her with fear, fear of not being able to deny him this time.

Caging her between the wall and his strong arms, he slowly leaned in making his hot breaths fall on her face.

She gulped her saliva to hydrate her dry throat, gathering herself and she spoke “ Rishi….” but it came out as a bare whisper.

No matter how she pulls herself strong in front of him, but his one single look can make her weak on her knees.

“ hmm “ he hummed as a response, but his eyes were stuck to her lips.

“ I'm getting late, let me go “ this time she said in one go, averting her daze from him.

Rishi, placed his both hands either sides of her protectively and said “ Go, who’s stopping you”

She looked either side of her indicating his arms, it was getting hard for her to stay in that position, he was so close to her. Their chests were just inches apart from touching each other.

“ your hands “ she pointed at his arms, looking down. Because the more she looks into his eyes, the more weak she feels.

Rishi smirked, and leaned towards her left side ear “ do you really want to go ?” he husked those words in her ear making goosebumps arrive on her skin.

Her heartbeats raised rapidly, looking up at him she gave a nervous smile “ i'm ... .get ... .getting…late “ she stammered on her words as he began to trace his thumb on her cheeks lovingly while looking into her eyes intensely.

The smirk got wide as he saw how his little actions affected her on a big level, “ you know how hard it is for me to stop myself from sucking those pink petals like your lips . “ he said each word with passion and slow pace that she wanted to hide herself from him.

But what awestruck her was, the way he got away from her leaving a safe distance between them, leaving her from his cage. “ go, before I lose my control and take your lips into mine” he spoke with a smile playing around the corner of his lips.

She stood there blinking her eyes, not knowing what to do.of course she was anticipating a kiss, their first kiss right now. Even though she was hell shy to show that, she wanted him to kiss her. After all these days of lurking at his lips, she wanted to test how his lips felt against her. But his sudden withdrawal made her cry mentally.

She took a deep breath as she gathered her self confidence and “ kiss me” she herself couldn;t believe she actually said that.

But the next seconds he latched his lips on her, following a long moan.

And, that’s it.

Rishi opened his eyes, swearing the whole world along with himself.

“ fuck “ he breathed hard, gulping the whole jug of water in one go.

“ Stay away from me” he kept chanting, gazing in the darkness.

It wasn’t a nightmare, it was a piece of his past that’s not less than a nightmare for him. The girl he saw in his dream, is the girl he would never like to see in his life.

She was the girl that made his life miserable once.

Not wanting to go on a guilt trip, Rishi laid down again to complete his sleep. As it is the only way to divert his mind and heart from recalling-HER.

And he slept, deep and peaceful sleep that kept him away from her, for a short time.

Rishi's peaceful sleep got disturbed by his phone ringtone.

Peaking out his head from the white silk blanket his one arm searched for his phone, while another was busy rubbing his eyes to get rid of sleepy eyes.

Grabbing the phone which was continuously ringing, he attended it without looking at the caller ID as he was still trying to be in his senses where his eyes were automatically closing to get back to sleep. Again.

" Hmmhello " he casually spoke in a sleepy husky voice.

Hearing the other side's voice Rishi's eyes opened with a jerk, sitting straight on bed Rishi roamed his palms over his face and looked at the phone screen.

*Anbu* was the caller ID.

His eyes searched for the clock, 11:55 AM.

" Ohh shit " Rishi mumbled in a loud voice and cursed himself mentally for the sleepi- log.

It slipped from his mind that he had promised Anbu for a coffee date at 9:30 in the morning, all credits go to his manager who pressured him to submit the new art project data last night itself.

It was 3:10 AM when he wrapped up his work and went back to sleep.

Running his fingers on his morning messy hair Rishi spoke " hmm....hello, Anbu actually......i..." He was shuddering badly realising that he made her wait more than two hours.

He was a little bit tense expecting her reaction, of course, she will be angry at him. Who won't be? She took a day off just to have a coffee and a little heartfelt conversation with him.

It's been one month since their engagement. Yup, it's gonna be an arranged marriage for both of them. Both liked each other at first sight itself, yet only liking each other isn't enough to get married right?

So they decide to spend some time with each other before marriage, to know each other, to understand each other

" Rishi, can you please come and open the main door of your apartment? " Hearing the outside voice, Rishi quizzed, his eyebrows being completely baffled.

" Rishi, open the doorman. I'm standing outside your apartment. " Listing to her Rishi woke up from bed and ran to the main door without caring about anything.

Opening the door with a thud, Rishi's eyes met with Anbu's doe-like eyes.

Anbu smiled seeing his face, he looked adorable with his messy hair and sleepy face. But her smile fades when her eyes travel Below his neck.

He was shirtless, the boxer on his waist was barely covering his 'v' line.

Partly naked too.

" What are you doing here? Rishi asked out of blue. She was looking gorgeous in a red velvet mid-dress.

But instead of answering him, Anbu was startled by his morning charm, she couldn't help herself from checking him out. Those body hairs on his bare torso were looking so damn tempting.

Seeing her eyes travelling downwards on him, Rishi looked down in puzzlement then only realised that he forgot to wear his t-shirt. He usually prefers to sleep with minimal clothes most of the time

" Shit..." With the word left from his mouth, Anbu giggled at his adoration and said " won't you invite me inside? " Anbu didn't say anything about him being bare cause she didn't want him to be more embarrassed.

" Ohh sorry, come inside," Rishi said, moving aside and giving her space to come inside. Locking the main door after her he pulled his boxers upwards to hide his modesty.

" Just a minute I'll be back " saying this without waiting for her reply he ran into his bedroom.

Anbu smiled at his antics and did a quick analysis surrounding her. This is the first time she has come here. The grey and white interior work took over her all attention.

Everything is clean and perfect at its respective place, being a Bachelor he kept his apartment clean and neat. Impressive. Anbu thought and sat on the couch keeping a pillow on her lap.

Rishi is working in one of the leading firms of Chennai. His job is to analyse and report the data. How a family is well settled in Bangalore. His dad owns a company too, but Rishi wished to work outside and learn the skills rather than just taking over his dad's business. And he personally, preferred living in Chennai than Bangalore.

Chennai has his soul.

In a few seconds, Rishi comes out slipping into a dark green loose t-shirt, pairing up with black coloured track pants.

" I'm sorry Anbu, I was tired and exhausted due to last-minute work. Sorry for making you wait. We can go out now, wait for five more minutes. I'll take a bath and we can....." Before he could finish, Anbu spoke.

" Relex Rishi," she said with a genuine smile and continued " it's ok..... I'm not angry with you nor I'm upset....so chill "

Listening to her Rishi left a sign in relief. He thought she might be here to fight with him for making her wait, instead of yelling at him her patient-filled words made him relax. At last, she understood he didn't do it intentionally.

" I called on your phone three to four times but you didn't pick up, and it was so unusual of you to ignore my calls. That's why I decided to visit you to make sure you are fine, " Anbu finished saying with a surety smile.

Her positive aura around him was something he wanted all the time.

Her calm and reserved nature was the first thing he noticed in her when they first met, and it is the main thing to like her too.

" Thank you for understanding me, " mumbled Rishi, still standing at the corner of the couch.

" Leave that and go take a bath, I'll prepare coffee for both of us. I guess it's gonna be a date as you promised earlier, a cosy simple coffee date at your apartment isn't it cool ?" Anbu said, gazing at his face.

Rishi opened his mouth to say something but seeing her excitement-filled eyes he chose to go with her wish.

" Okay " that's all he said.

It's not like he doesn't like to spend time with her, but staying under the same roof with her makes the situation difficult for him.

" Okay then go and take a shower I'll be preparing coffee " getting up from the couch she ordered him with a wife tone and walked inside then leaving a startled Rishi behind.

These rights she shows on him in every moment they're together, make him feel special. The

Time changes, priority, and people.

Not wanting to recall his past life Rishi went to take a bath as his fiance told him, he is clear about one thing, for now, his priority should be Anbu.

Anbu walks inside the kitchen casually, as if she is well known for his appointment, thus it's her first time to visit his apartment.

Her mind was still occupied by the image of shirtless Rishi.

Biting her lips out of shyness Anbu smacked her head for being silly.

She likes him a lot, she has never experienced this kind of feeling for anyone till now. It's all about Rishi.

Perhaps she thinks it might be an attraction too, whatever it is for now she wants to enjoy the crazy feelings. She wants to live the present fully without questioning it.

Thinking about her fiance's morning stunt Anbu prepared coffee for both of them.

Pouring the hot coffee into the mug Anbu was about to take both of the mugs in her hand when she flinched due to Rishi's throat tearing scream.

Without wasting any other seconds Anbu ran to see what would have happened to him that he's screamed like his life was in danger.

What would have happened?

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