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The Dark Secrets

The Dark Secrets



Asuka, a young woman who's experienced more intimate struggles than most. When her father abandoned her in favor of his new family, she had to rely on her own resourcefulness to survive. She has fiercely battled poverty with unwavering determination. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when a chance encounter introduces her to a mysterious and wealthy stranger. Their initial attraction leads to a one-night stand, a temporary escape from her challenging daily life. But Derek, the wealthy man, becomes drawn to Asuka's spirit and strength. As their connection deepens, he's compelled to confront a hidden secret that could either bring them closer together or destroy their growing relationship. Asuka's defining qualities have been her resilience and independence, but will she be willing to trust again when faced with Derek's hidden truth? In this story of love, desire, trust, and concealed secrets, Asuka must decide if she's ready to open her heart to a man who could either fulfill her dreams or lead to her downfall. Will she walk away when she uncovers Derek's concealed truth, or will she choose to stay and fight for a future that defies the odds? Explore the poignant journey of a young woman who discovers that sometimes, love is worth the risk, even when it's veiled in secrets.

Chapter 1 Sizzling in the Chaos

“ Order ten up! ”

I drew in an exhausted breath as I seized the plate from the counterpoise, whisking it out to the assiduous restaurant. It was a little after seven in the evening and it had become extremely assiduous. Not that I did not anticipate this. It happened nearly every night around this time. It was like everybody who got off work had to come by then to get some quick regale.

Sweat scattered my forepart as I kept up my quick pace, my long hair swaying in my ponytail. It smelled heavily like humidity had erected up on the beaches.

The crowd of people was making it hotter there. They were plugged into the cells and tables, their chatter mixing consequently together that it was nearly like static bruit.

Two men who were regulars sat at the cell I brought around the order to. From what they had told me ahead, they worked out as interns at one of the services around the fiscal quarter, and since they did not have families to go home to, they frequently stopped by for a quick edge to eat.

They were not bad-appearing guys, only in their mid-twenties, and were acceptably dressed in business casual vesture, but I also did not know why they appeared as good as they allowed themselves to be. They kind of grated my jitters with how they invariably flirted with me whenever I served their table.

“ Hey Asuka, are you serving anything after you get off? ” one of them asked me as I set their plates down in front of them. He had tenebrous brown hair and eyes and gave me a kittenish smile.

“Precisely heading home and to the pad, ” I answered without hesitation.

“ Aw, come on Asuka! Why don't you come to the bar with us? It’s Friday night and I can show you a good time. ” The other tried to lure me. He had lighter brown hair and tenebrous filthy eyes, and though he was a little better at appearing than the other, I still was not interested in them.

“ You see that I can't do that either. I’m assiduous as Hell right now and I’m gonna be worn out by the time my measure’s over, so perhaps another time. '' I said before whisking off.

My stylish crony Chloe was roaring as I came to the counterpoise to stay for the coming order. Her light-brown posy was a fleck wet from sweat, sticking to the reverse of her region, but her brown eyes were footing with recreation.

“ They’re still into you. ” She roasted.

“ Oh, stop it! ” I effused, trying in vain to strain my ponytail, “ Damn, is it that hot here?! ”

“ It’s all the people, ” Chloe reacted. Her reaction snappily turned angry, “ Plus, Carlos has not gotten the air fixed yet. Damned skinflint. Does he not see that it's nearly summer?! ”

I was surprised by her quick changes in station, especially when it came to the effects that got on her jitters. She had no conclusion in stating her mind, and as far as I’d ever discerned, she’d invariably been that way.

Chloe had been my stylish crony since the launch of the high academy, and she was the one who helped me get this job. It was not much, but at least it was a commodity to pay my bills.

Well, had been.

“ Hey, by the way, where is Carlos ? He was supposed to give me the other half of my stipend tonight. ” I told her.

Chloe shook her head, “ I do not see him. I have not discerned him. But it's Friday night, consequently, he might have loped out to hang out at the bars with his musketeers again. ”

I lumbered a curse under my breath. Of course, my skinflint master would hop out when I told him that I demanded my plutocrat. I swore I was going to quit this damned job, but I still had not set up anything differently, and I demanded a commodity to fall back on, indeed if it was precisely my tips for now.

I appeared through the fragile window at the line Culinarians, feeling intolerant. I've been staying there for close to five minutes now. The coming order should have been ready.

“ Hey, where’s number fifteen?! ” I called.

“ Five twinkles! ” one called ago.

“ Seriously?! ” I swelled as I crossed my arms.

Chloe slipped over beside me, still staying for the rest of her recent order too.

“ Hey, you told me that you were searching for another job that pays better, right? ” she verified.

“ Yeah. Did you hear about an opportunity? ” I reacted, not bothering to hide how auspicious I smelled.

“ Kind of. ”

“ What do you mean by ‘ kind of ’? ”

Chloe beamed at me as she heard her order being called.

“ I’ll explain it to you after our measures. I suppose it might intrigue you. ”

I knew that not everything Chloe alluded was invariably a good eidolon, but I’d be nice and hear her out after we were done. She had helped me out before, consequently I could at least do that.

Besides, I was beginning to suppose anything would be better than this stingy actuality I’d been sculpturing out.

My life had invariably been rough, although I wanted to suppose myself as a survivor. My mama had failed succinctly after I was born, and my father demanded nobody to do anything with me. I was the product of an affair he’d had, and because of that, he incontinently inked me over to child services, warning that he could not take care of me.

Well, it was not that he could not. His woman did not want me around.

But I never allowed that to stop me, even if going to a non-identical foster home throughout Brooklyn was not ideal for any sprat. I am not actually settled into any of them, although I allow that utmost to be decent enough to me, giving away me a tent over my head and food in my belly.

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