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CEO's Vengeful Heart

CEO's Vengeful Heart



Trevor Adams is a newbie CEO who was almost sentenced to death penalty, due to the Parricide case. But, Zara did her best and sacrificed everything just to save him. Zara Clemente, a brave and intelligent woman who can sacrifice everything, just for the sake of her loved ones. But what if all the sacrifices that she made was replaced by an intense anger and revenge from the person that she really loved? Let's read and join their journey of revenge, hatred, secrets, pain and happiness.

Chapter 1 1. Chapter One: Masquerade Party

I'M currently dressed in my formal black V-neck evening gown, which suits well with my smooth but brown skin. I allowed my lightly-ironed hair to hang loosely around my shoulders to ensure that its natural color would show through and it would become straight.

While I was putting on my earrings, my cellphone rang. I glanced at it and when I saw that it was Trevor who was calling, I immediately picked it up and answered it.

"Hey baby!"

"Zara, where are you?" he said on the other line.

"Still at home. Why?"

"See you later."

"Huh? Why are you so weird? The party starts at seven, right?"

I never got an answer from Trevor. So, I felt annoyed causing me to end his call. Meanwhile, I received a message from him.

"I will wait for you at the venue of the event. I have something important to say."

I stared at his message while raising my left eyebrow and quickly typed an answer.

"Okay. I'm on my way."

I picked up the mask that I am going to use at the party as well as my car key.

The theme of the party was masquerade so I actually bought what I thought was the best mask.

Tonight, Uncle Harry scheduled to announce that Trevor will be the new Chief Executive Officer of their company. That's why I really prepared for this night.

Our parents are good friends, which is why Trevor and I have been together since we were young. We both took the same course in college and finished the Business Administration degree together. That's why we are currently appointed as CEO of the company that our parents built.

I arrived late at the venue, so I didn't even catch up with Uncle Trevor's speech. I went inside the hall and looked for Trevor right away. It was dark inside, which made things harder for me to seen.

Someone abruptly tugged my left arm after a while. So, I nearly gasped. Fortunately, even I'm wearing a mask, I still can be able to smell Trevor's Clive Christian perfume, which made me feel instantly reassured that it was really him.

"I've been waiting for you." As I heard that baritone voice it makes me feel even more relieved.

"I'm sorry, there's a heavy traffic, and I'm really sorry coz I didn't watch Uncle Harry as he deliver his speech and I didn't even hear it."

"Nah, it's okay. Don't mind my dad. Just focus on me."

"Tss, how about your message earlier. May I know if what's that important thing that you wanted to tell me?"

He immediately let out a deep breathe before speaking again.

"Let's dance first before I tell you that."

"You're annoying, huh! Tell me so I don't overthink." But instead of answering me, he just kept silent.

He put both of my hands on his shoulders and then he gently held my waist. We started dancing to the melodious music sung by a famous singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran that soared across the dance floor.

"Baby, kindly take off your mask. I wanted to see your beautiful face." he whispered at the back of my ears. I slowly removed it and he did the same with his mask.

We both surprised as we stared intently to each other. I believe that he is getting more attractive every day. Particularly if I look into his gray eyes, which seem to be speaking to me constantly.

"You're so beautiful, baby!" he said that he was also the first who get back to his senses.

"Thank you. You're so-"

He didn't let me finish what I had to say because he immediately kissed me on the lips. "Happy monthsary, baby." He whispered.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry. I forgot, baby." I said in a very sad tone.

"It's okay. I know that you're so busy these past few days." He stated causing me to secretly smile.

"Hmm...you're not sulking?" I asked.

"Of course not! I love you so much that-"

"I love you too, baby." I also gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I miss you." I added as I firmly combed his hair with my fingers.

But I was a little surprised when he suddenly hugged me so tightly that I could barely breathe.

"Hey, what's going on with you? I can't breathe!" I complained.

"Sorry. I just want to make the most of this opportunity to be with you, baby."

"Huh?" I stared at him confused.

"Take care of yourself, huh." Suddenly his voice became sad yet so serious.

"Don't forget to visit the cafe where we often eat so that you can avail their discount and so you won't be hungry especially when you have a lot of paper works to do in the office. And one more thing... don't forget to buy our favorite New York Cheese Cake for your snack." I blinked at what he said.

"What are you talking about, Trevor?" My voice was raspy at that moment.

He gave me a weak smile and said, "Also reduce drinking coffee so you don't vomit and burp sour," which only added to the confusion in my head.

"Trevor, don't make fun of me like that. You asshole! Fix what's coming out of your mouth." My voice was full of menace.

He look straight in my eyes and seriously spoke again. "Farewell, to the most beautiful woman that I loved." he said. "Till we meet again..." he added as he slowly loosened his arms that had been tightly hugging me earlier.

My tears fell on my cheeks as he bid goodbye to me. "Trevor!" I shouted when I realized that he had slowly turning his back on me and was slowly walking away from me.

He didn't even look at me. So I shouted again, causing the people on the hall to remove their masks and focused on Trevor that caught everyone's attention.

I started to cry so hard that even my sight got so blurry. I also intended to run to where he was but I couldn't do that because the police mobile cars arrived and all the policemen got out. Even though my vision is blurry, I can still barely see the guns pointed at Trevor.

"Put your hands up in the air!" shouted the policeman.

"Mr. Trevor Adams, you are under arrest!" the other police said.

"What the hell is going on?" even though I was in tears, I still couldn't help but to scream while running outside the hall.

I wiped my unceasing tears using the back of my fingers. And then I tried again to run towards where they are. That was so fast but it was too late for me to get there.

Trevor was already caught up and pushed towards the car as they tried to handicuffed him with his hands on his back.

"You have the right to remain silent!" said the police that handicuffed him.

"Anything you say can be used against you in the court. You have the right to have a lawyer present during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided to you if you wish. Do you understand?"

I was stunned from where I was. Until I saw that he had completely entered the car. When the police started to start their car engine, I ran again and tried to chase the moving car. But I was immediately stopped by a policeman who was left and was just getting into the other car.

"Do you know that handsome guy, miss?" the police asked.

Instead of answering him a yes or no. I asked him another question.

"Why did you arrest him?"

My world collapsed with the police' answer.

"He killed his father."

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