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Rich Garbage Collector

Rich Garbage Collector

Echo Nufuar


Ever daydreamed about winning the lottery without buying a ticket? You know, that fantasy where money just magically appears whenever you wish for it? Well, that's precisely what happens to our main character in this story. Meet Paul, just your average guy trying to make ends meet and provide for his family. The thought of sudden wealth never crossed his mind until a remarkable opportunity landed on his doorstep. Money starts flowing his way, but there's a catch – if he doesn't spend it, things take a dark turn. Curious to see how Paul handles this unexpected turn of fortune? Is it a blessing or a curse? Join us in a world where the line between everyday reality and magical possibilities blurs. This novel dives into the enchanting genre of magical realism, where fantasy, reality, and ordinary life collide in ways you've never imagined. So, grab a comfy spot and immerse yourself in a tale where the extraordinary meets the mundane.

Chapter 1 Meet Paul

Paul Cruz's story unfolds in the picturesque countryside of Barangay Dawog, a tranquil haven in Miag-ao, Iloilo, Philippines, where time moves at its own gentle pace. Here, the term "barangay" embodies the warmth of a close-knit neighborhood, where everybody knows one another. Paul's early years were touched by tragedy, losing his parents when he was a mere thirteen, leaving his younger brother, just nine, and sister, a fragile three-year-old, in a harrowing predicament. Heartbreakingly, their own relatives turned a blind eye to their plight.

It was the kindness of their guardian angel, Auntie Vianna, their neighbor who, though unrelated by blood, opened her heart to them despite her modest means, that kept them from the precipice of despair.

As the days unfolded, Paul learned to navigate the stormy seas of life and soon discarded the dreams of a carefree childhood. He understood that the luxury of choosing meals was something he could only dream of. Auntie Vianna eked out a modest living by selling vegetables at the market, and Paul, ever diligent, joined hands with her in their daily struggles to make ends meet. Their meager earnings were a lifeline, primarily dedicated to the education of Paul and his younger brother, Leo, the one glimmer of hope in their arduous journey.

At school, lunchtimes were a bitter reminder of what they lacked, as Paul couldn't help but envy his classmates and their sumptuous meals from their lunch boxes—something that was a rare sight at home. With each new school year, his heart ached as his peers flaunted their brand-new bags, shoes, and uniforms. The pangs of jealousy were a constant companion, but Paul kept them buried deep within, knowing that contentment and gratitude for life's simple gifts were his only allies. Still, there were moments when he couldn't suppress a wave of longing, retreating behind the shelter of a tree to shed silent tears and whisper messages to his departed parents.

The march of time brought Paul to the cusp of adulthood at the age of nineteen. Having completed his senior high school education, he embarked on a courageous journey to the bustling city. By day, he took on the role of a jeepney driver, a common mode of public transport in the Philippines, and by night, he served as a diligent waiter at a local bar. His sacrifices allowed Auntie Vianna to relinquish her vegetable stand at the market, while Paul's siblings could now proudly carry lunch boxes to school. The dishes might not have been gourmet, but at least they could revel in a sense of belonging among their peers. Astonishingly, they never voiced discontent, choosing instead to shower Paul with gratitude for being the unwavering anchor in their turbulent sea of life.

Life seemed to be on an upward trajectory until that one fateful night, when adversity reared its head once more. Beyond 11:00 p.m., amidst the chaos of a bar brawl, with his job and livelihood on the line, Paul summoned his courage to intervene. But in a cruel twist of fate, consciousness slipped away, leaving him in a state of uncertainty, lost in the whirlwind of emotions that marked this pivotal chapter in his extraordinary journey.

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