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I'll Be Gone

"GOOD morning," I greeted the woman at the information desk. "Good morning, ma'am," she greeted back and smiled. "On which floor is Dr. de Cervantes?" I politely asked him and frowned at him. "5th floor, ma'am. Who are they?" If before there was a smile on his lips, now he is frowning and looks ... angry? "I'm Arthea Primero-de Cervantes. I'm his wife," I replied smiling and seemed proud to tell her that I was Dr. Cervantes' wife. of Cervantes. "I'm not kidding you," he said without emotion and I frowned. "Me either, I'm not joking around, miss. I just want to know where my husband's office is," I said and there was no emotion in my voice. Do I look like I'm joking with him? Not really, ah? I just want to know which floor my husband's office is on. Ay! It's on the 5th floor! He says. I was about to leave the girl when she stopped me. "Dr. de Cervantes went out earlier with his wife, miss," he said and really emphasized the word 'wife'. And at what he said it was as if a needle had sunk into my chest. Did I hear something wrong? Si ano? Is my husband with his wife? Seriously? E, I'm still here. Who is that wife? "W-who?" I asked stunned. "Jillian de Cervantes," she replied smiling. Huh? Jillian? Jillian de Cervantes? When else did de Cervantes change his surname? And what? J-jillian? Oh, yeah! Jillian, Jillian is his first love. I was holding onto my chest as I felt its pain more. None of my own walked back and I didn’t even notice the tears I had falling from my eyes. I was at the exit of the hospital when I saw my wife ... and she was with that woman. "Thank you for the treat, babe," I heard Jillian say and I stopped walking. "No problem, babe," my wife said with a smile. He was really different when he was with Jillian. With this woman Lervin rejoices. They were walking in my direction and I felt like I was stuck where I was. I can't move and I'm having a hard time. Lervin stopped walking when he saw me and I was confused. I started to walk and I did. But I also lost my balance and stumbled. I could feel the pain in my chin and I definitely had a wound from it. Funny, I can’t stand it. I could not move my body. "Miss, are you okay?" the man in front of me asked. Do I look okay in this situation? That was what I would have said to that man, but even my voice I could not get out. This is not the first time this has happened to me. Often, I lose my balance and often I can’t speak. Why is it? Is something wrong with me? Am I not normal? "Stand up, stupi-d." Tears welled up in my cheeks as I heard her cold voice. My husband ...

Chapter 1 1

Arthea Primero-de Cervantes POV

"I DON'T WANT to be like Reolla," Shin said without emotion and to my surprise I turned to her.

"Ha? What are you saying there, Shin? Who's Reolla?" confused I asked him.

We are here now in SM and my friend Marshin Escalante and I were just hanging out.

My bestfriend since second year college. Beautiful but quiet. She is brunette and tall. Miss Universe looks like my sister and once our Miss University winner.

He is also a model type, many people have plans to invite him to model. But she rejected it, not because she didn't want to and she didn't have the talent for rapping. But, she's married and very strict with sugar daddy-this is her husband.

"Reolla Moon, Poirier's Unwanted Family," was not in his own words and someone grabbed a book from the bookshelves.

"Who is Poirier?" I asked her.

"Poirier who already has a wife and another family," he replied and handed me the book he had taken.

"Read on. For someone like me The Proxy Wife and you like Unwanted Wife you must know something about such things."

My friend really likes novels as long as the genre is romance. I don’t know to this one why she doesn’t want to be like the actresses who are ignored by their husbands.

"I don't. I prefer fantasy," I replied and grabbed another book titled, Uncrown Princess, Lazaro's Princess.

I don't feel romance because I don't want to be sad reading.

Shin and I were the same situations. She is just a proxy wife and she uses a different name now. Cashren Jhed Vesalius. But I called her Shin.

And I got married two years ago as if I didn't have a husband either because Lervin often doesn't come home. Lervin de Cervantes, neurologist doctor. So we really relate to each other.

“Art, you must have an idea of ​​such novels,” he insisted to me.

"You're romance and I'm fantasy, period," I said and turned my back on him.

I was about to walk to the counter to pay for the book I bought when my eyes were fixed on the figure of the man who had just entered the book area.

"It killed me, Shin!" I almost shouted and pulled Shin by the arm to hide on the other shelves.

Shin TURNED what I was referring to him and his eyebrows met as he looked at me.

"What is your husband doing here, Art?" he asked as if he also had no idea why my husband was here in SM.

I haven't seen my pogi husband for two weeks. I don't know where he is going and I don't care about him either. Tsk.

"Eh, you, Shin. What is your husband doing here too, Shin?" I asked him again.

Here we are, hiding and have fallen to the floor so that the two men we are hiding cannot see.

"I didn't know they were best friends, Art," Shin said in amazement and I nodded.

"Shin, we're dead here. Lervin babe shouldn't know we're here!" nervous I said and tightened my grip on his right arm.

"Aray! Art, your hand will work!" he spoke threateningly and I just retaliated with a dog smile.

"Me too, Art. Cervin shouldn't see me here. For God's sake, Art! We're in the middle of class! They might find out we're cutting class," he said with apprehension in his voice.

“That’s really why we’re cutting,” I said with a smile.

We turned again in Lervin's direction and saw that they were no longer there.

"Cervin is also your husband's name, Shin?" I asked crookedly.

"Right. Lervin is your husband's name, Art."

Shin and I looked at each other for a while and later we laughed and sighed.

"They're both destiny," I laughed and we both seemed to forget that we were hiding here so that Lervin wouldn't see and they would know that we were cutting in class which is true.

It's just nothing. We didn't feel like entering our last subject. Also, it's not a major subject and it's just keri.

"No pakels, my Lervin babe. It's as if I don't exist in our house because he doesn't pay attention to me and this isn't the first time we've met outside," I said at length and the expression on his face changed. Shin.

"But not Cervin. I was dead when he caught me here, Art. You know he's strict, right? I have a curfew. He's scary when he's angry," he said and he looked scared.


"Ladies, what are you doing, there?"

Shin and I were shocked to see the speaker and there. The two poging men we were hiding were already standing!

I was devastated when Lervin and I met eyes. As usual, no expression.

I felt Shin's long nail on my arm and I was overcome with pain.

"Shin, maybe you can cut your long nails?" raised eyebrows I said and I could clearly see his pallor.

It was as if a lot of vinegar was being poured on his face. Is he that scared of his wife? And hey! She's shaking, dude!

Before I could speak Lervin came to me. He grabbed me by the left arm and pulled me upright.

Cervin did the same to Shin. And he possessively encircled his arms on his wife's waist. Nice.

And there! I also felt Lervin babe's hand on my waist and he pulled me closer to him and our bodies stuck together.

I could feel the heat of his body and here was the familiar throbbing in my chest again.

I was so bent over that I couldn't look directly at my wife. After Shin and I hid and also saw we were here and we were at Starbucks.

Shin and I sat side by side and when I peeked earlier at my friend's appearance there was also no emotion.

Lervin and Cervin were sitting opposite us.

He is like that when he faces his wife. Better don't show your real expression, he said.

The aura of Cervin Raeson Vesalius is also scary. You seem to have black around him? And it just needs to have black wings and horns on the head. There was really no expression on his face.

He is handsome and has a good posture. He was wearing an orange polo shirt and black slacks. Lervin wore sky blue long sleeves and white pans. Oh, isn't it? Their pogi faces are fighting and I know they both win.

A lot of women are also looking at the two of them and they don't care about that.

Their eyes are focused on us. So that’s weird.

"You still have class, right?" said Cervin and even his voice was very cold. I looked away when he stared at me. Lervin, my husband, I can't stand his gaze. Eh, is Cervin still Shin's wife whose aura is really scary?

"Yeah. What are you doing here?" This time, it was my wife who asked.

"We just bought materials for our project." My heart secretly rejoiced when Shin answered Lervin. Shin is a good liar.

Because it seems, he said. Proxy wife she must be best actress she. Knows how to lie. That friend of mine is pathetic, eh.

Just to hell he would land on the amount of lies he told.

"That's book? Is that what you called materials?" Lervin asked doubtfully and I swallowed again.

"And why are you hiding from us?" Cervin, on the other hand.

Dead. It's like we're criminals and lies can't really buy these two.

"Fine. We were cutting and we were so bored at University. It was exhausting," I muttered and I ate the spaghetti they had ordered from us.

I stopped chewing when Cervin suddenly laughed and frowned. Earlier his face could not be read. And even a stingy smile is nothing. Now he is laughing.

Very good.

I looked inside Starbucks and he got the full attention of the customers.

It's like an angel is singing because the voice is beautiful.

"That's what I want from your husband, Lervin, eh. He's very honest," she and the sisters said. His killer smile is already peeking out. That's why my friend went to the sink. Eh, there are two deep dimples on both his cheeks. Looks like Lervin is my babe too. But Shin also has dimples, ah? Two more! I was the only one left. Unfair.

None of my own looked at Shin. He was already bent over and he looked embarrassed. Do something, Art!

I sneezed before speaking, "that's true. We are too bored. We have a project and we need materials so we cut the last subject. This afternoon it will be passed and we don't have time. So we cut." I looked at the two books on our table.

"And about the books. We bought bookworms," ​​I said with a smile and Shin's wife nodded. My excuse was answered. That's good.

Shin seemed to be breathing well and started eating again.

"Oh, okay. And maybe, this is destiny. Let's have a lunch date too. What do you think, dude?"

"Yeah. Since, I haven't seen my husband in a long time. So, this is our lunch date, right baby?" smiling he said and I choked suddenly.

I feel like my face is so red now!

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