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The Beautiful Imperfections

The Beautiful Imperfections



"KIERSON ..." I stopped walking when I heard Maria's voice. "Hmm? What is it, Maria?" I heard my husband asked her. I closed my eyes as I gritted my teeth with so much irritation. I took a deep breath and I tried to calm myself. "I-I want ... I want to m-monitor our baby growth," she said sofly, she made sure that, there's a sadness on her voice. I raised my eyebrow and shook my head, repeatedly. What does he want to release? "Maria." "Please ... Eson, I want to be with this baby for longer ... please ..." I clenched my fist because I was so angry. "Maria ..." And why the h*ll her voice is so fre*king soft?! With feelings! D*mn you! And how dare her called my husband 'Eson'? That's my only nickname for him! The amount she already claims! Not because she is the mother of my husband’s eldest child is she entitled to that! I am still a legal! I am his wife. I calm myself again. "B-but ..." "You don't want to? You don't want your baby to grow up with his real mother?! Kierson ... please ..." I'm her biological mother, b*tch! "Your son will be angry, when he finds out that Xena is not his real mother! K-kierson ... please. I'm begging ... I want my son to grow up with me... please ..." she pleaded and I know, she's crying now. I could hear her sobs. Well, b*tch my husband and I talked about it. So there is nothing more you can do. Just accept the fact that you will be lost in our path, soon. "W-what do you want, Maria, hmm?" No! Don't listen to her, Kierson! "Separate your wife. Divorce her and marry me, m-marry me, Kierson and we can give our children a happy and complete life ..." "M-Maria ..." "Please! Divorce her or else! I will abort your child!" she said. And it was as if a bomb had exploded in my head by hearing those words. W-what? Until now? are they still doing something while I'm turning around? I thought ... has he changed? I felt the pain inside my chest ... I was caught there and a tear came down my cheek. Kierson ... how did you do this to me? Do I think you already love me? I thought you would accept ... "Yes ... yes, I'll divorce her. J-just stop crying. that will be with our child." That's it. I lose, I lose him. I'm Xena Carter-Mojeh, known as ruthless attorney, I'm a secret Mafia Queen and married with a f*cking playboy Dr. Kierson Mojeh. And this is my story ... Complicated.

Chapter 1 1


I'm on my way home when suddenly the block van blocking my way. I stopped my car but I made it sure not to get too close to them.

I glanced at my wrist expensive watch. It's already 3pm in the afternoon. I had my hearing one hour ago and I won.

I took a deep breath and I pinched the tip of my nose. I feel stressed at this moment.

I roamed my eyes around the area, we are still on the highway and I'm thankful, there are no civilians to be affected by this little disturbance.

I’m used to it, as long as after I win my clients ’cases. I’m just lucky if nothing like this happens.

I checked my pistol, it was on the side of my thigh and the one I hid behind me on the right.

"Another st*pid people," I murmured to myself and adjusted my sunglasses.

I wore my blue suit, mini-skirt and a pair of blach heels. My hair is in a ponytail that is only shoulder length.

"Lay," I called my reaper.

"Queen," I heard him calling me too.

“Highway 107,” I said.

"Copy, queen."

I opened the door of my car so I could get out. I acted that I am innocent and scared of something.

Yikes, if you only knew. Earlier I wanted to knock you out but of course I train myself, I mean I studied Martial Arts and such.

I mentally rolled my eyes as one by one they aimed their weapons at me. They also can't see the rotation of my eyes.

They walked over to me and there I raised both my hands.

"W-what's going on?" I asked them pretending that I was really afraid of them.

"Atty. Carter, right? Xena Carter?" the man asked me. Again, I rolled my eyes.

As if I am not famous for them that they will not face my beautiful face. That doesn't sound like bragging.

Are you sure to be trending that the ruthless attorney who after winning a case will immediately risk life.

Here in Switzerland I am really well known. There are fears in me and others are just amazed. Then they said, I am lucky that I am still able to survive the danger. If they know ...

"Y-yes, I-I am. I a-am Atty. Xena Carter. Is there anything wrong s-sir?" I still stutter in response. I'm good with this.

"This can talk," he said, coldly as he pointed his guns at my head.

What a b*bo, does anyone with a gun speak? Or maybe noisy? Tsk.

"But you are lucky Atty. Our boss wants to see you after that ... you may rest in peace," he added and I rolled my eyes again.

"Tell your boss, 'see you there, babe," I coldly said and that's my cue to attack him.

He immediately received a blow to his jaw from me. And that was hard, he fell asleep right away.

I saw Lay, he was the only one to attack the rest of the group when it was weak. Only five of them had the courage to block me.

"You can go, queen," my reaper said and I just nodded.

In the blink of an eye, all our opponents were defeated. The weakness of those who blocked me. I thought I was a gangster from Japan. Tsk.

"Ask them who are the boss they are talking about and dispatch them later," I said.

"Copy, queen."

I immediately got in my car and turned it on. Thankfully, we haven't raped them yet, otherwise they might have blood instead of bathing in water.


Chapter 1 (2.3)

"MY QUEEN, Lord Mori is waiting for you," papa's butler greeted me.

My forehead knotted. I thought dad was in China. Just yesterday he called me that he was there for his business meeting.

I just arrived on time, I guess. Dad is a busy person. Dad and I only really see each other occasionally. Often it's just a video call.

"Where is papa?" I asked him.

My dad's age is not far apart, because according to my age, when I was young, he was already with my dad.

And papa said, butler Voga is his younger brother. He already has a family but until now he still serves our family. It is said that papa's parents are very indebted to them. So there, they seem to serve the Carter family forever. Butler Voga is one of papa's trusted person.

"He's in the library, my queen," he answerd and he even bowed to me. What he treated papa was the same to me.

Though, I don't like that kind of treatment because after all, I should have a lot of respect because he's older than me and he's no different from me, eh. He's my second father.

He even used to watch over me when I was a child. He's cold, emotionless and silent. But he was kind to those he knew.

"Thank you, butler Voga," I said.


I knocked three times. "Papa?" I called my father.

"Come in," I heard papa say from inside his library.

I took a deep breath and touched the doorknob then I turned the door.

My father was sitting on his swivel chair, table in front of him with a million papers. Yeah, million. With the amount piled on his table, I'm sure it's a million.

My father is a business tycoon. He is the owner of C. Factory. What exactly is his factory? It's a guns, and materials. I'm not into business. But papa loves me, he didn't force me to handle his business.

He said, I am free and he does not want to imprison me. I am free in the world as long as I am happy there.

"Hi papa," I greeted my papa and I kissed his cheek.

His earlier cold aura and no emotion on his face has been replaced by light and the expression on his face has softened.

"Maria," dad called my first name. Yikes, that name is too old -fashioned. So I prefer Xena, short.

"I thought you were in China, dad?" I will ask. He confiscated all his papers one by one so that it would not block me. I sat across from dad's table.

Depressed and amazed staring at me. To be honest, papa is very different if mama and I are not in front of him. Her aura is intimidating and her stance always seems to be commanding.

Dad is in his mid-50's but until now he is still handsome.

I met his blue eyes that I inherited it from him. Papa's eyes are hypnotizing so maybe mama fell in love with him at first sight.

"You are so beautiful, my daughter Maria. That's how your mama looked when we were only 20 ... but until now, you look like her too. Oh, I miss your mama."

Dad's corner of his mouth rose when he saw one of my eyebrows go up.

I crossed my arms. "Yikes, papa. Not anymore, mama is full of wrinkles. Take back what you said, papa," I told him with a smile and he chuckled.

"Tell that to your mama and when he goes crazy you fight him," he said.

Mama is a childish, honestly speaking. Always hyper, happy-go-lucky. So I wonder why someone like mama fell inlove with papa.

My parents have a very different attitude but maybe the saying, 'opposite do attracts' is correct.


Chapter 1 (3.3)

"HMM, why don't you tell him, papa?" I will ask. I leaned back in my seat and even saw papa swallow.

He's scared of mama. Haha. Poor dad.

"And are you looking for me, papa? Butler Voga said you're waiting for me," I started and his face cleared.

"Yeah, you're going back to the Philippines, darling."

I was surprised, that's good news. I haven't been home to the Philippines for several years and I missed my home land.

My eyes twinkled as I looked at dad who was also smiling.

"When I'm coming home, papa?" I asked him, happily.

"Tomorrow," he replied.

Double surprise! One of my reasons why I don't go home to the Philippines is because of my father. I'm really just waiting for papa when he will let me go home. Our lives are so chaotic.

"You seem happy, my daughter."

"Of course, papa! I missed a lot there! I missed my friends there!" I said enthusiastically and he nodded.

"And I want you to protect the daughter of Ferrara, Maria," he said, papa's tone serious.

"Ferrara? The president's daughter, papa?" kunot-noong tanong ko and he nodded.

"She was running a senator for this year, and we both know. She will follow in her father's footsteps and she's a better candidate for that, darling. The Xancru native is planning to become president of the Philippines and I won't let that to happens. "

Xancru, a Mafia. Are they the protagonist of the Zeus Carter Mafia and are they really planning evil? Will he still affect the Filipinos? Nah, if he is the only one to be president, the Philippines will be miserable.

"Yes, dad."

"And you meet your husband-to-be, just what I promised to you, years ago."

Gosh! Double kill my pleasure!

I am Atty. Xena Carter, Maria Xena Carter is my full name. 25 years old. Soon to be Mrs.Kierson Mojeh.

End of chapter 1.

To be continued...

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