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"This is going to be based on contract, nothing more, nothing less and once the baby is born everything ends". °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°   Raelynn is a 21year old college student who doesn't want to be involved in anything, apart from her education but unfortunately drama found her in disguise of a Billionaire CEO Lucio Lozano.   After a one night stand with Lucio, they both found themselves in scandal making the headline news, unfortunately the scandal wasn't the only issue after successfully covering it up as they found themselves in a much bigger issue which they try to navigate. Will a contract marriage help solve this as none of them are ready to let go of the issue or could it be that none of them are ready to let go of each other. 

Chapter 1 ONE

'Where am i'. I thought within me as i tried getting up but it seemed like my legs had a mind of their own as they refused to move. Realizing i was covered with only a bedsheet, memories of last night came flooding in as i remembered how my roommate Claire forced me to go out with her last night so we could celebrate our after exams.

"Common Rae, we just finished our exam we deserve a night out to ourselves". Claire whined as she followed me around our apartment.

"I know but you know how i feel about clubs". I replied

"Yes i do but this one is different, it's more secured and it's pretty high class". She replied trying to convince me.

"Fine, but drinks are on you". I said which made her jump in excitement.

"I don't mind. So any outfit on your mind". She said already going through my closet.

"This looks pretty, try it on". She said tossing me a beautiful black sequin dress which had a pretty slit on the left side not giving me any room for objections.

After dressing up, we were ready to go. We got to the club, had a couple of shots and decided to go on the dance floor and dance a little.

"Rae that guys keeps staring at you". She whispered in my ears as we were dancing.

"He's kinda hot".

I smiled towards his direction to which he returned with a smirk.

"He's definitely coming our way". Claire said.

"Hey, i saw you dancing hope you don't mind me joining you". The mysterious hot guy said the moment he walked up to us.

"Of course she doesn't, i'm just going to grab a drink i'll be back". Claire said winking at me as she left me with the hot guy. He looked really good and smelt nice as well, it seemed like he came here to cool off after a hectic day at work cause he was still in his office wear. There's something about him that just doesn't make sense.

"You look pretty". He whispered in my ears making my spine shiver.

"Thanks". I whispered back grazing his chin. "You don't look bad yourself".

"So do you come here often". He asked as he held onto my hips swaying me.

"Nope, just my first time here". I replied wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I guess we were destined to meet today then". He chuckled and man did that chuckle do a lot of things inside me.

After dancing for some time, we decided to get drinks. We had a lot of fun chatting and let's not forget the sexual tension. We both decided to take the fun back to his house and that was how it lead to all these.

Thank goodness i was the only one in the room because i don't think i can bear the embarrassment.

Gathering myself i stood up and made way to the first door i saw hoping it was the bathroom and thank goodness it was. After making sure i looked presentable i decided it was time to make my escape before the stranger i went home with returns back.

The house looked huge, did i just hookup with a billionaire or what. Going down the flight of stairs, the house seemed deserted as though no one lived here, on getting to the living room area a man dressed in suit was making his way towards me.

"Good day ma'm. Mr Lozano said to give this to you". The man said, it seemed like he was his butler. Who has a butler in this time, he must be very rich then i mean the house already said it all. Tearing open the envelope i saw a cheque of about 500 thousand dollar which was already signed.

"I'm sorry but i can't accept this". I said returning the envelope to him, i mean i still had some respect in me this wasn't a hookup sort of thing, in which we both had an agreement that he was to pay me but a mistake between us both. Maybe he was used to this sort of thing, I guess it's something he does and this was his way of paying off.

"Then i'll inform the driver that you're ready to leave". The man replied.

"I think i can find my way from here. There's no need to bother you Mr..."

"Mr Arlo". He completed. "Are you sure Miss?".

"Yes and thanks". I smiled leaving the house.


"Honey i'm home". I called out as I entered my apartment.

"Where the hell have you been Rae?, Your phone has been switched off. I was worried sick". My roommate's voice flooded the room.

"I'm sorry Claire, my phone went off last night". I smiled, happy that i had someone who cared about me.

"So who did you go home with that good looking dude last night and how was it?". She asked me wiggling her brows as i settled down on the couch with her doing the same still waiting for my answers.

"Comm'on youve got to spill the tea babe".

"Fine, i went home with him and he was okay, although it seems like he's super rich i mean who the hell has butler these days".

"Woww, did you just bag a millionaire". She laughed.

"I don't know Claire, i didn't get a chance to see him in the morning and thank goodness i didn't, imagine how akward it would be. Although he gave his butler an envelope to give me". I explained.

"And what was in it?".

"A cheque of 500 thousand dollar". I replied.

"And where is it?".

"You can't expect me to accept that Claire, it was just a one night stand nothing more".

"I know, i'm just kidding". She laughed. "So how was he, was he hottt".

"Shut up". I laughed getting up to go into my room and prepare for my class, Yh i'm still a college student.

"I'm sure he rocked your world". She shouted.

"Who still says that". I laughed throwing a throw pillow towards her direction.

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