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A Billionaire for Virgin Girl

A Billionaire for Virgin Girl

Thea Queen


Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Chapter 1 Like a Nightmare

The footsteps of a young girl who looked beautiful with make-up that was starting to fade as tears streamed down her cheeks The woman named Kirana Maheswari immediately rushed into the elevator.

"All men are just the same. Damn it!" Kirana cursed. Then she forced her hand off of the man's grip.

In the elevator, Kirana could only cry and contemplate her pathetic life. She really didn't think she had gotten that bad luck. Even the person she hoped to be her husband betrayed her. The worst was that the woman who took her lover was her own best friend.

Then she wiped away the tears, but they continued to stream down like a melting glacier. Her hands trembled and clenched into fists, trying to hold back her aching heart as she remembered what had just happened.

The elevator opened, and she rushed to the taxi waiting in front of the apartment. She immediately got into a taxi and left.

In the middle of her contemplation, she headed home. Suddenly her phone rang-a call from her aunt. She directly accepted the call. Her feelings were uncertain at the moment, and she hid her sadness. She didn't want her aunt to notice that.

"Hello, aunt. What is it?"

"Ana, come to the hospital now. Your grandma is in the Intensive Care Unit.

"Oh my god, I am on my way there, Auntie."

"Yes, Ana. Hurry up. The doctor wants to talk to you."

"Yes, Auntie."

Shortly after, she arrived at the hospital. She immediately stepped into her grandmother's room after getting a call from her aunt. Her auntie hugged Kirana with tears that had not stopped.

"Auntie, what happened to Grandmother?" asked Kirana curiously

"The doctor will tell you everything. "Is the doctor in his office now?" asked Auntie.

Kirana walked away from the room after looking at her grandmother, who was still unconscious. She arrived at the doctor's office. She looked curious and couldn't wait for the explanation.

"Sorry, Doc, I'm Mrs. Indira's family. What happened to my grandmother?" asked Kirana curiously. She looked at the doctor seriously, as if she couldn't wait to hear the information from him.

"Mrs. Indira has stage 4 lymphoma."

"Oh my God", Kirana said wide-eyed, still unable to believe what she was just hearing right now. "Can she still survive?"

"Yes. We have to operate on the surgery as soon as possible. But..." The doctor stopped explaining.

"What's wrong, Doc?" Kirana asked

The doctor looked back. From that look, it was obvious that the doctor was really hard on her about telling her that.

"The cost for the surgery is around $50 million. You have to sign this letter so that we can do the surgery on Mrs. Indira," the doctor asked.

Kirana read what was in the statement. The contents made her contemplate how to get that much money. While she had no savings at all, not even her salary at the restaurant would be enough to pay the bill.

"What should I do?" she mumbled to herself.

She seemed to be in a dilemma, and for a while she thought about the problem she was facing and how to solve it. She continued to stare at the letter.

"Is there any problem, ma'am?"

"It's all right," she replied. "Give me some time to get 50 million."

"Okay, be fast. Don't take it too long; it's very dangerous for Mrs. Indira's safety," said the doctor.

Kirana could only nod. She really couldn't promise the doctor anything. She's still thinking about how to get a loan for that.

Kirana then rushed out of the room. She approached his grandmother again in the room. She could not hold back the tears that fell again as she looked at her grandmother, who was still unconscious.

"Grandma, I will try to find money for Grandma's surgery. I promise," said Kirana.

"There's no way I could ask that bastard for help. Instead, he will take advantage of my weakness. No, you can't," she countered as she thought of her ex-boyfriend.

A few moments later, she had to leave for work. She couldn't bear to leave his grandmother alone, but she had no other choice. She will be fired if she does not come to work today. She intended to cross the road to wait for public transportation on the other side of the road.

Suddenly, the sports car was speeding toward her. Kirana was desperate for whatever happened.


The sound of the car's brakes made Kirana's heart feel like it was about to fall out. She was really scared. She could just die if she was hit by a very fast car. Her breath was blowing very fast and irregularly.

"I'm still alive, yes, still," she said as she caught his breath.

Pip PipPip!

The sound of the car honking in front of her sounded very disturbing. Kirana was surprised and turned toward the car.

"Crazy girl, get out of there. You're tired of living, aren't you?" shouted a man who drove the car.

Kirana didn't even pay attention to it; she remained in her original position. She didn't seem to care about the screams of the man in the car.

"Wow, go!" cursed the man.

The man put on an unpleasant face in front of her. Then the man approached Kirana, who was still frozen. He was very annoyed at Kirana, who had not left in front of his car.

"I wonder why there are humans like you roaming the streets like this. If you want to kill yourself, don't involve other people. Maybe you just got out of a mental hospital, huh?" the man cursed.

"Watch your words. Just because you are a rich person, you can blame people as much as you want. Most of the rich people have no morals," said Kirana, annoyed.

"How dare you say it to me?" Do you want me to report it to the police for your insults?"

"I'm not afraid. After all, you were the one who called me crazy, right?" Kirana protested.

"You're the one who's crazy, driving a car at a high speed. Or maybe you don't have a driver's license. Isn't it?"

"You really have a problem with me, don't you? Luckily, I'm still kind. If not, I'll put you in jail," said the man.

"I don't care!"

The man looked frustrated while facing Kirana. He also decided to leave in front of Kirana. But before getting into his car, he stopped and looked at Kirana.

"Next time, if you are looking for money, don't do it that way. Just say it, and I'll give you a donation, you tacky!" insulted the man, then got into his car.

Before the car left, Kirana took her shoes and threw them into the car. Unfortunately, the car continued to drive, leaving Kirana, who was upset. "What a snob. I wish bad things would happen to you," Kirana grumbled, then she walked across the street, waiting for public transportation.

When she arrived at work, she rushed to the restroom to change his work uniform. She saw a woman at the sink and looked at her face in the mirror. The two of them were shocked as they stared at each other.

The woman directly approached Kirana. She was surprised to see Kirana's face was very similar to hers. Kirana was also surprised to know this.

"How could this happen?" Who are you?" the woman asked.

"Ki-Kirana," Kirana replied, stuttering.

"I'm Keysa," said the woman. "I have plans for us," he continued.

"What plan?"


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A Billionaire for Virgin Girl

Chapter 1 Like a Nightmare



Chapter 2 A Hard Choice



Chapter 3 Pathetic Contract



Chapter 4 We Are Over



Chapter 5 The Other Side of Kirana



Chapter 6 Kirana's Drama Is Almost Unraveled



Chapter 7 Sleep with Rafael



Chapter 8 Reports Rafael's Attitude



Chapter 9 Cover up her identity.



Chapter 10 Never-Ending



Chapter 11 Kirana Being Dropped Off



Chapter 12 Punishment for Insulting Kirana



Chapter 13 The Grandest Forced Marriage



Chapter 14 Failed on the First Night



Chapter 15 Rafael can't resist anymore.



Chapter 16 Wedding Day



Chapter 17 First Night



Chapter 18 Starting to Desire



Chapter 19 Ready to give up chastity



Chapter 20 Peak Pleasure



Chapter 21 Still Ignorant, But Caring



Chapter 22 Claims Rights as Husband



Chapter 23 Rafael Starts Suspecting Kirana



Chapter 24 Gold Bracelet for Kirana



Chapter 25 Secret Piece From Kirana



Chapter 26 Rafael Protects Kirana



Chapter 27 Trying Again to Seduce Wife



Chapter 28 Rafael Keeps Jealousy



Chapter 29 Still Being Cold



Chapter 30 Kirana Caught Calling With Keys



Chapter 31 Rafael's Jealousy Grows



Chapter 32 Rafael Accuses His Wife of Cheating



Chapter 33 A Secret About Kirana



Chapter 34 Signs of Falling in Love



Chapter 35 Honeymoon Ticket To Switzerland



Chapter 36 Who is the Mysterious Caller



Chapter 37 Kirana's Sincere Attitude



Chapter 38 Should I Give Up My Virgin



Chapter 39 Getting carried away by desire in the morning



Chapter 40 Keysa Replaces Kirana
