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Reborn as their wife

Reborn as their wife

isheya lyore


A female CEO died in a unexpected way but life give her second chance. She woke up in a strange magical world and the most strangest thing is that she is their wife. Yup.'their'! She have 4 husbands and they all hate her. Will she find love? Will she survive in a world where almost everyone hates her and want her dead?

Chapter 1 death

Cunnilingus after I'm burned to death?

Is it heaven or hell?


"Sign it and you can live." Leonardo yelled and flung the papers on my desk. I smile at him

" So, you want me to take all the charges away and give you 50% shares of Miller World?"

" Yeah. Don't worry, I will donate 1% of the shares to charity. After all, I need to rebuild my reputation"

He flicked a pen in his hands and tossed it to me.

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh at his pathetic attempt to scare me.

" I! Am! Never! Going! To! Sign! This! Shitty! Papers!"

I fling the papers back on the table and look into Leo’s eyes

" The guards will be here at any second and you will be behind the bars again! Take your empty threats somewhere else"

" That red button? Oh, baby, I'm your favorite uncle. I know about all these little things, Ceslee"

" What...are...you-

My tongue felt heavy with dread when his words registered. Fuck, He disconnected it.

" Ah! You forget one more thing, baby girl."

He takes out a lighter from his pocket and burn the papers on the desk.

The fire alarm went off.

"You have one minute left. I have another copy of the papers if you want to live"

I took a step back. I don't know what he is planning, but one thing I know for sure is that I will never let Miller World go into the wrong hands.

" I will never sign that"

I took one more step back, slowly carrying myself toward safety without making it obvious. There is no advantage in arguing with greedy wolves.

" Ah! Remember, you forced me to do this."

He leaped towards me. I dodge him by the gap of a second and shut the door tightly. I need to inform the police and guards.

I run towards the elevator, it won't take him much time to unlock the door. I have to escape before he can catch up with me.

I am not a coward but I know there is a slight difference between being brave and being stupid.

I can’t win against him in a physical fight. As soon as I enter the elevator, I hear a loud malicious laugh from behind me. I hurriedly press the buttons.

I turn around, only to see his smirking face from the slit between closing doors.

He was just one foot away from the elevator, but he didn't even try to catch me. He leaned against the sidewall in a relaxing cross-legged posture with a disgusting smirk on his face.

" I am sorry, little girl. Uncle has to do what he has to do. Oh, and as you’re going, I should tell you the secret. I am the one who sent your parents into eternal bliss."

My eyes turned into angry slits and I lunged at him but the elevator doors closed, parting us with a metal wall.

" I will kill you"

I shout and he lets out a cynical laugh.

" Don't worry, I will make it up by sending them a precious gift, and what can be more precious than their lovely daughter"

His voice hit me with the realization like freezing cold water. My body felt numb and my mind went completely blank as I comprehended the meaning behind his words

" This is a trap "

He planned this. He wanted me to use the elevator to escape. A loud mechanical sound and a sudden jerk confirmed my assumption. The elevator starts falling at an uncontrolled fast speed.

I tried to press the buttons to stop it but it was all in vain. The temperature inside the elevator skyrocketed, and dark black smoke surrounded me strangling me to death until tiny sparks of flame enveloped my body.

I thrashed around and screamed at the top of my lungs but in the end, I could only accept my end

I leaned on the wall behind me, welcoming its burning heat on my skin. I looked at the camera and smile as if I can feel his gaze on me through the camera.

" You will never Never have Miller world-"

A shrill scream cuts my words off. It's my scream. I let out another loudest and probably my last scream as I felt the fire burning the last trace of my skin and devouring my flesh.

I can't speak any longer but before I close my eyes forever, I give a last glare to the camera, showing him that even if I am the one dying, he is still the one who lost.

The lullaby of death forced me to close my eyes and drift into pure calmness.

I don't know if I am already dead or if I am hanging between life and death. The one thing, I am sure of is that I feel contented.

I don't feel a burning passion for revenge surfacing inside me nor I feel regret crawling up my spine.

Maybe the dead cannot feel emotions, or maybe it is the fact that even after my death, Miller World won't be in the wrong hands.

I had already made my will. After my death, my all assets will belong to Vincent, and if anything happens to him all my assets will be donated to charity.

Leonardo will never want that. I hope the police and Vincent can find out the truth about my death.

A sudden wish knocked my heart when the memories of my life flooded through me.

I wanted to find a boyfriend. I wanted to know how it feels when you are cherished by someone like you are their treasure. I wanted to find someone who would accept me for what I am.

I want to be special to someone even if it lasts for a few moments I want to experience it.

' If there is such a thing as the next life then please allow me to feel love'. I prayed to the high power unconsciously.

Suddenly, I felt a splash of something cold on me. Wind as violent as a tornado carrying me somewhere unknown to the human world.

Strange whispers and incoherent words touch my ears but in all these whispers I can hear only one particular alluring voice clearly

" let me be the strongest of all Who deserves to desire pure love in this rainy nightfall.

Light the path of my soul in the sky and give me the power of the purest soul at this moment in exchange for my blood to bind them with me for eternity"

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