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Reborn as their wife

Chapter 2 lilith

Word Count: 1127    |    Released on: 07/11/2023

ing scene in front of them but neither they try

ng to hear his scream. Some people were looking at him w

e accept the qu

won't be able to tol

he will rather die than compromise his self-

s back, sinking in her flash

g profusely. They are t

back, they hoped to hear at least a shar

s. A little jerk of his body after every whip was the o

cally, almost every girl wants this trait in his husba

d in fear but the whip adapters started whipping him with more force

in front of the warrior. A beauti

isgust. His gray eyes meet her emotionless Haz

. Ah, don't misunderstand. I love the tough

e you can

t strong, yet a l

see." Sh

my dead an

wear on your ancestor's names because I am sure

ard those words. How did She g

s trying to

to make his voice void of emotion but

ike My people made

ly. His brother is the only alive member of his

in town is in need of a new face and with his lavender hair,

ney because of him. Y

art. The look she described was exact

ree him instantly or it

or her his word

augh escaped

t accepted my proposal yet so why should I give up

ched hi


your younger brother will enjoy the n

ed away

to stop her. He won't be able to look int

ou. I beg you

smirk sprea

r what you said, Amell," she

nd her words. He kneeled

nd provide me the honor to become your h

u for it

in front of her, sh

prepare him f

d in fron

wish, Her

r and turned into a swirl

eeing figure with deep

stor's blood that is

l death. He will kill her painfully slow. He w

accept her as

, women are always con

turally born with m

was fine until Lilith ascended the throne

ame an orphan suddenly, but soon they came to kno

ng her parents, but it'

funeral, She announced herself Queen of the Vatron and

e her but they were brutally sl

r real face but it was just the star

nnounced New rules that snat

just slave

nsent and there are no restricti

y almost all the righ

at her magic was still not strong enough to

always a legal way to do illegal things. women are al

Night monster and she

s night and She is b

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