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Reborn as their wife

Chapter 5  handsome devil

Word Count: 1658    |    Released on: 05/04/2024

t’s four not

g voice sounded fr

I gonna

a man with black hair and re

n I saw in this world, m

w artfully styled in a elegant knot at the top of his head while the other half fell straight down his back l

sterday, maybe that's why you are having memory problems” he sai

er trust anybody easily. Trusting Leonardo was the biggest mistake I did and I’ve known him

activities?” his tone of voice is still gentle but with sharp edge. He flashes a smile, his eyes meeting m

ibiscus tea. My head is throbbing because of hangov

ror with a crazed look in his eyes, his red

e by hair, his

ing a body is highes

testing me I can't show

” I snap, my tone cutting

r queen? you don't care ab

a small m

show” h

inks on consummation nights. So, tell me what kind of hangover you're s

ning but never have I thought you're the wrong one. so, tell me how do you want to die?

s red eyes glinted with cruelty “or

eams flooded my mind. I blink my eyes several time and try to focus on the pattern of his clothes, an

my hai

ool” I can't show weaknes

won't be wasting time here talking or threatening me. so come on point. What do yo


erked me by the hair, th

f you follow my words. Isn't that enough for you?”

e to do ??” I glare at th

lave and obey every command of

slave, go eat ass.” I throw a vase

ike place and find some exorcist then I will enjoy afterlife. if it's not possible I w

? ho

s now black, making his red pupils look scarier. His lips pa

step toward me and I recoil back in fear. Wha

her direction, he pull

c attempts” he lowered his head, his li

ome and I feel something wet and cool on my neck. A moan escaped from my

” he spat as h

dy ba

call me maste

or show him middle finger but I felt no cont

aster B

his eyes turns to normal and fangs dis

Did you just hyp

felt like being torn apart. I doubled over, gasping for breath but the pai

u aren't in position to ask quest

erstand what he is saying. The world around me darken, I lie on the floor, coughi

topped leaving me breath

ody vampire kneeling in front of me and inspecting my blood wi

” he looked at me w

his fool of a devil is gentle and considerate. Of course, I

ed, not even a shred of magic

ned you into a crow” I mutter un

d a hand, pulls me up roughly an

l will be here soon.”

t the temple with him today. don't do anyt

rrowing his brow he look at me quizzica

name i

throw a vase at him. I gritted my teeth and

E, it’s

etter.” He shrugged and turn away swiftly. His bl

me what I have to do

nd look at

se then stick to Amell. Be close to him

I” he cut m

e will talk in night. If you manage to come back al

e” I whisper to myself as i li

t the back of my

e are bed

und my pillow hoping to find a bug or a stray hair pin

mutter, pulling

liar watch. It can't be here. I turn it around and s

's wa

ed. it still has some black p

etween this place and my.. home. ” without a

akes to go back, even i

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