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Future Space Adventures

Future Space Adventures

Trinity Rose Carson


Future sci Fi fantasy adventure

Chapter 1 One

Alma Joanna Pressman,

Personal log entry 32,459 ; live recording :

"Circling the tiny garden world of Oasis 5 sleeping deeply in my hibernation bed for a long time. Nearly comatose but still conscious through my mind link device I realized how much I need to rest, how tired I truly am deep to the bone tired, but also so sick of living in a dream world. I want to travel again,see uncharted parts of the universe,live at the speed of light. Make new friends and make an important contribution to humanity."

I yawned and realized that I was being awakened from my hibernation rest. "The process to awaken is slow but I Won't feel any of it" I whispered in a yawn. "It takes two days to awaken and the aftercare drink has a strong pain killer. The process isn't really painful but it can be very uncomfortable for a couple of days afterwards."

" I started this log to chronicle The next part of my life. The past is far behind me. I don't deal with loss well. I'm going to get lost in space for a long time." I mused for awhile wondering how long it will be until I m back on my feet.

"I have 30 days on Oasis 5 to repair my soul and then I'm off alone in deep space for 25 years. I can't wait to go. I need to be alone but I also need purpose, I am mocked by my grief everywhere I look. I can find no comfort. I will go to the blackest depths of knowhere to rest from my sadness."

" But there is a lot to do in knowhere. Space exploration is booming. So I will go Because I m running from my pain like a little girl." I mocked myself and laughed. " I know it's not that simple but I hate the idea of disappearing. But I feel I have to do it. I can't live like this. I got a brand new ship and I will be a very rich woman working with Spacexplor. The biggest and the best. My advance bonus for a long contract is huge. I have been given a large luxurious space craft that is mine free and clear. I went shopping for things I will miss and now I can't wait to go.I moved into the ship and have been in Hibernation for I can't remember how long actually. I know I left a long time ago but it feels like only a day to me. I think I'm a little Confused." I relaxed and let the feeling of time completely melt away. I was floating in eternity and hugging myself.

"This bed is heaven" I whispered slowly and fell back into a deep sleep. Eventually I opened my eyes.

"This room is so beautiful, I feel better already." I giggled loudly All alone in a craft that was built for business and comfort. My own personal space mansion on top of the working and utility areas below. " I took a deep breath and smiled.

"With every thing I could ever want in my wildest dreams." My smile got bigger and my eyes opened wide. " This room is perfect. You only get this kind of ship if you sign a long contract in deep uncharted space." " I got the longest contract available and all perks and incentives that come along with it. "

I realized I was talking out loud slowly and laughed slowly. The drink I need to wake up in front of me in the beds control panel . " I have to get the straw".A long straw was placed in my mouth by the automatic system.

I drank from a straw that filled my mouth a little at a time. I drank slowly and constantly. " I drank nearly a gallon" I sat straight up quickly and became very alert. I was reading the control panel constantly I realized. Looking away finally I rose from the bed slowly and sat down in my transport chair. " This room is the medical room" I coughed a little and sipped from a water bottle.

" I Love that this place is self cleaning " Everything could be but growing up we livEd a naturalistic lifestyle. It's not as bad as it sounds, Had everything everyone else had and we got to play in the grass and cook our food on the grill. I never had to scrub anything in my life but I also know what it is to get dirty and tired." I laughed at myself again and said" me in my golden palace " aloud grinning from ear to ear."I deserve it", I said resolutely. I calmed as I entered my private Rooms. The beautiful design and cutting edge technology mesmerized Me for a few minutes. I continued until I reached my spa bath. There were clothes and bottles of the drink ready. I Transferred to the spa bed " the works" .

I felt my back relax as the massage began. Rolling and vibrating and stimulating regeneration.i felt as my skin was polished and pampered and dressed. My cosmetics and accessories applied. My hair had gotten very long it was styled into a half up half down braided ponytail.My bright red hair glittered in the soft light, it hung down To my thighs. "Because I will be alone so much my clothing choices are very self indulgent". I looked at myself now standing in the mirror screen." If I get too lonely I can hire a holographic companion ". A flash of worry disappeared quickly. " I'm sure I will like the solitude for a long time before that happens."

"I wonder how long it will take before I get lonely. I will keep a log about the isolation I experience. The data is valuable." I rubbed my hands together As I moved into the kitchen. Plates of food already on the table I smiled and sampled all of my favorites.

The butler robot prepared a plate and placed it on the table near the sofa. I sat and stared for a long time at the stars and Oasis 5. " I'm scheduled to go down to Oasis tomorrow, i have entertainment and religious meditation planned for the first week. I will cleanse my mind body

and soul."

I rose from the sofa and slowly walked through each room. "This place is filled with entertainments because the isolation gets very difficult." "A I holograms can be projected everywhere inside and outside of the ship. There is also a special room for more physically interactive types of holograms " I yawned a little even though I felt very alert.

I sat down on my largest sofa and activated the giant screen in front of me. I had some mail and entertainment recommendations,my itinerary and checklist. I pressed a holographic button to activate my assistant." The assistant is a real person and an AI interface run from the company main hub,most of it runs itself and the operating person is who I can connect with as much as I need to. For work" I laughed a little. I knew my assistant to be a very easy to talk to woman but her role doesn't include companionship. Her job is to keep me on task and in excellent health for work. A companion would be hired when I decide I want one. During training I learned most people started needing a companion after only a few weeks. Some companions worked with the same people for decades. The company tries to also socialize long term explorers with one another.

They intentionally will have us zig zag around so that we meet as often as possible on these long exploration journeys., I thought." I hope we'll all get along well but most of the time I will be alone" I mumbled to myself quietly,out of context to my personal log. "I'm glad I won't be totally alone out there, I imagine a kind of culture will develop but it's hard to imagine what it will be like with such great distances between us ".

" I have been keeping this journal all my life in great detail " I stopped talking to muse about my habit of constantly talking to my journal. All my life I saved my point of view of everything I did and saw and experienced, this ritual always felt meaningful to me. It sometimes frustrated people close to me, as I was so often engaged in recording it. But it felt important to me to have a true version of my life that could also be meaningful to others someday. Anyone who may someday listen to all or parts of it must have reasons for wanting to hear my personal account of my experiences, I thought. It's a feeling of having something of value for others in the story telling and for my own rememberance and meditation firstly. My first instinct had always been to save everything for the future. I had been doing it so long it simply became a part of me. Eat, work, play, sleep ,record, breathe. Share when it felt appropriate.

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Future Space Adventures

Chapter 1 One
