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Azono's Little Wife

Azono's Little Wife

Christabel Miebai


Azono Romano is the top man on earth, a dangerous and mysterious figure feared by many. But when he meets Fiona, the daughter of his father's friend, something changes. He finds himself drawn to her In a way he never felt before. Can he overcome his dark past and become the man she needs him to be? Or will his badboy ways lead him down a path of destruction.

Chapter 1 Argument

Azono pov:

"I don't accept this father!" I said,my hands covering my face.

I am sick and tired of all this arguments that we have about me getting married.

I'm honestly not fit for this, but my father and mother keeps talking about it, because I'm their only child.

"I will not be pressed into a marriage I do not want," I continued, my voice rising in frustration.

"I do not care what society expects of me, or what you think is best for me. I am my own man, and I will make my own decisions."

My father sighed heavily. " You are headstrong and stubborn, my son," he said, his tone heavy with disappointment.

"But I have faith that you will come around eventually. Perhaps you simple need more time to find the right woman."

I shook my head.

"Time will not change my mind, Father," Azono said, his voice firm.

"I do not wish to marry, and no woman will change that. I am content with my life as it is, and I don't need a wife to make me happy."

His father's expression darkened, and he stood up from his chair.

"You are being foolish, Azono. Marriage is an important part of life,and you would be fool to deny yourself such an opportunity. I only want what is best for you."

My frustration was beginning to boil over. I clenched my fists.

"Father ,please listen to me," I said.

"I do not want to marry. I do not want children. I do not want any of it. I am happy the way I am, I don't need anything else."

My father stepped closer to my face only inches from him.

"You may think you are happy now, but you will regret it in the future.you will be old and alone, with no one to care for you. Id that the life you want?"

I felt a lump forming In my throat,but I refused to back.

"You do not understand, father," I said, my voice quivering.

"I am not like other men. I do not want the same things they do. I do not need a wife or children to feel complete. I am content with my own company. I have my work, my studies, and my own pursuits. I do not need anything else."

His father's eyes narrowed.

"You are being selfish, Azono. You are thinking only of yourself, and not of the legacy you could leave behind. Do you not care about the family name? Do you not want to leave something of value to.

I took a deep breath, gathering my courage.

"Father, I do not care about the family name. I care only about my own happiness and fulfilment. I am not being selfish - I am being true to myself. I do not want to live a life dictated by your expectations or anyone else's. I want to live a life that is meaningful to me."

There was a long silence as my father stared at me, his expression unreadable.

Finally, Father spoke,his voice quiet and solemn."I see that I cannot change your mind. I can only hope that one day you will see things differently."

"But until then, I will respect your wishes," My Father continued.

I nod my head before standing up from the chair, and made my way to the door.

"Oh and son, one of my friend is coming to the house fr dinner, could you please come too, I'll like to introduce you to someone." Father said.

I paused, my hand on the door handle." Of course,Father," I said.

Turning my face to him once more." I will be there. Who is this friend of yours?"

My father smiled." You will see. Now, go and enjoy the rest of your day. I will see you at dinner."

I nod and opened the door, stepping out into the hallway. As I closed the door behind me, I wondered who my father's mysterious friend could be.

But I pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on my own plans for the day.

The maids greeted me as I walked downstairs.

Maybe if I finished up quick, I can get some sleep.

I have no idea why I haven't slept in a while, it feels like my mind has a plans on its own, and it just doesn't sleep.

Letting out a breath, I drove out of my father's house, the wind blowing through the window.

I just hope, my stupid workers won't behave stupid today.

Pulling up into my company, I could see my workers all rushing around when they noticed my car.

Stupid people, I thought before coming out of my car.

I made my way towards the door, my securitys Opened the door for me, and mumble greetings to me but I paid no mind to them.

As I walked, I could see people looking away from me, some tensed up, while some with glares.

Alot of people hates me here, even though they work for me, they don't like me at all.

Maybe I'm always rude to them, or maybe I call them stupid alot, I just can't keep the truth, they needed to know.

"Sir, uhm you don't have anything to do today, your father said you are going to be busy, so we cleared everything today, no meetings or anything." My assistant said, her voice shaking.

"Oh, are you sure?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Positive sir" she said, her head facing the ground.

"Well fuck, " I mumbled before letting out a breath.

"I guess, I'll be back by tommorow" I said

She nods her head before walking away.

With that , I turned around and made my way back to the door.

Guess this dinner is really important for father, because that man loves work more than anyone.

Letting out a breath, I opened the car and drove away, my mind going through the outfit I will wear for the dinner.

I didn't want to over dress for this, because I still have no idea who this people are.

Guess , I just have to pick anything I see, I thought.

Let's just hope this dinner, won't be a waste of my Time and work.

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