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Living With The Billionaire

Living With The Billionaire



The life of the provincial girl Althea, or simply Althea for cuteness, changed when she went to a city. She thought she was heading there for work, but it turned out otherwise. Why didn't she inform her soon-to-be husband that she was already married? And not just to any man but to a super saiyan – Goku. Just kidding. Your sister is marrying the grandson of a multi-millionaire businessman. Impressive, right? How will she get along with the grumpy, always moody Elton, who treats scowling as a hobby? Especially when Elton finds even Althea's breathing irritating?

Chapter 1 1

I couldn't help but be emotional as I left our small house here in the province. Perhaps this is the last time I'll see this home that witnessed my growth and development of thoughts. If only my grandfather, my only family, hadn't passed away, I would never leave this province. But that's life. There are things you need to forget even if you don't want to. It's just sad because remembering them continues to make you sad.

Wow, Althea, you're quite expressive!

My grandfather passed away just last week. Everything happened so suddenly. He didn't even tell me, "Grandchild, I'm about to die. I'll leave you. Kthnxbye." So I could have prepared. But my grandfather didn't give me any warning. He just collapsed while lifting firewood. The doctor said it was due to fatigue and old age. If only I knew it would be like that, I wouldn't have let him do heavy lifting at home. Sometimes, my grandfather can be stubborn.

I spent a lot on my grandfather's burial. We only had a small amount of savings, and it wasn't enough. We don't have other family or relatives. If there are any, maybe they forgot about us. It's just the two of us, me and my grandfather. My parents died when I was young. Luckily, the caretaker of my grandfather's wealthy friend from Manila came. He brought money that I used for my grandfather's burial. I talked to him on the phone – Mr. Andres, my grandfather's friend. I told him I'd pay him back once I get a job.

But I thought that would be the end of his help. He also offered me a job in Manila. I told him I would think about it. First, I don't want to leave this province. My life is here. I know this place well. Unlike in Manila, where it's rumored to be a nice place but with rampant crimes and killings. I'm scared of such news.

Second, I wonder if I can handle life in Manila. I don't know anyone there. Unlike here in the province, where I have friends, even if some of them are fake. I have no one to turn to there if I have a problem. I can't always ask for help from Mr. Andres. Besides, it's embarrassing, and we're not that close. It's too much if I keep relying on him, right?

But I also thought about wasting this opportunity. I thought that if I stay in the province, I'll keep remembering my grandfather. My beloved grandfather who left me. I'll continue to cry and be sad. Also, maybe my luck is in Manila. Many people from our place travel to Manila because they say life is better there. Some are lucky, but others are not.

My grandfather raised me to be resourceful, so I agreed to Mr. Andres' offer. I called him yesterday and told him I would go to Manila today. He was delighted and immediately asked when I would arrive. I just said today, and he asked when. Mr. Andres is quite impatient. He even wanted to send someone to fetch me, but I told him not to, and I'll just go on my own. I asked for his address in Manila and said I'd arrive in the afternoon if I make it alive.

I took a deep breath and glanced at our small home with my grandfather for the last time. I'm trying to hold back my tears again. It's really heavy in the heart when you leave the house that has been your home for such a long time. I picked up my two suitcases and a woven bag and continued walking. Even though it's a bit heavy, I'll manage. My heart is still heavier because I'm leaving my home because my grandfather left me. Echos.

I met some friends who told me to take care in Manila. They said I should come back when I'm rich and not forget them. I just laughed at what they said. I hope getting rich in Manila is that easy as they think. I won't sell my body there, you know.

I know that someone like me, from the province with insufficient education, is just lucky if I make it in Manila. Even some educated people struggle, so what about me, who only finished high school? Where will I find my luck? Can you buy luck in Manila? Maybe for five pesos, three if I'm lucky to get a discount.

I arrived at the bus terminal in town and bought a ticket. After buying, I immediately boarded the bus bound for Manila. Luckily, I left early, so there's still a bus. If I travel in the afternoon, there won't be any buses even if there are still many passengers. Our province is too far, and only a few buses make it here. They're neglecting our province.

I have seat number 24. It means I'm seated towards the back. I struggled to pass through because of the many bags in the aisle. My two suitcases are heavy. When I reached my seat, I noticed a man wearing glasses and a hat.

I didn't see his face well because it's somewhat covered by the large glasses he's wearing. But his straight nose and slightly red lips that were slightly open were very noticeable. Yes, the guy is gaping. It looks like he's asleep. He's the one I'll be sitting next to. I immediately thought about how I could sit when he's already occupying my seat.

I even thought about hitting him with my suitcase to wake him up and be annoyed. But, of course, I won't do that. Even if he looks around my age or maybe a bit older, if he wakes up suddenly, he might confront me.

"I'm going to wake him up? But he seems sound asleep. It's bad to disturb someone sleeping. My grandpa told me it's not good; I don't want to be rude. But he's sitting on my seat. What should I do? Why is he sitting there?

I gently nudged his shoulder, 'Brother.'

No reaction. Fast asleep.

I repeated, 'Brother. Wake up. That's my seat.'

Still no response. Oh well, let him be.

I lifted one of my suitcases and placed it in the overhead compartment, the one with random useless stuff. I followed with the other suitcase, containing my clothes and belongings, and also the only large picture frame of my grandpa. It was challenging to lift because it was heavier. My hand cramped from the weight, causing it to slip and fall on the sleeping guy's face. I froze. It felt like my own face got hurt.

I looked at the sleeping guy, 'Brother, sorry. It wasn't intentional-'

I paused as I saw he didn't wake up. Still sound asleep. His head tilted, arms crossed, and his mouth remained open. Raised eyebrows. What's with this guy? Numb? No feelings? Not even a flinch?

I let it go. No one seemed to notice, and others were busy, so I proceeded. I carefully placed the fallen suitcase back in the overhead compartment. Before sitting next to him, I moved his head.

I thought he'd wake up when he scratched his nose, but he didn't. He was still deeply asleep. Fine. I sat beside him and looked out the window. I silently prayed for a good life in Manila.

While sitting, I wondered about Grandpa Andres. Is he kind like the stories my grandpa told me? I haven't seen him yet, only knew him through stories. All I knew was he was very wealthy, and my grandpa worked for him before starting his own family and moving to the province."


"Several hours have passed since the bus started moving, but my seatmate is still asleep. Sometimes, he even snores. That's good because I don't know how to apologize for what happened. I also noticed a cut on his cheek, a small scratch clearly from the suitcase hitting his face. I feel guilty for hurting his smooth face. But it's partly his fault. Why didn't he move?

I see nothing interesting along the bus route, just trees. My eyes turn to my sleeping companion again. I observe his appearance. He's clearly well-dressed, and even his watch is fancy. Is he also from the province? He looks wealthy, so why is he taking the bus?

Why do I care? Why am I bothering about him? Well, I'm just really hungry, so I'm messing around with this guy who's asleep.

I take out the suman from my bag and quietly start eating. While eating, I focus on the flat-screen TV in the bus, playing a wedding scene from a movie. I stop eating and watch the scene. Before I know it, I find myself crying at the wedding vows of the lead guy. Whenever I watch wedding scenes, I can't help but get emotional. I also dream of getting married, and instead of me crying, it should be my future husband.

I thoroughly restrained myself from crying because I didn't have a handkerchief, but my tears were stubborn, do they even have heads? Anyway, they just started flowing. I couldn't help but sniffle while watching.

"Miss, oh. Looks like you don't have a handkerchief."

I looked at the speaker and saw that the guy who was asleep is now awake. He had removed his sunglasses. He was staring at me with brown eyes filled with concern. Wait, why is he concerned? Are we close? As far as I remember, we just met. We don't even know each other.

I stared at him for a moment and realized he looks like a celebrity. Oh my. I almost fangirled, but thankfully, I restrained myself. I remembered we're not close. lol

"I don't need that, brother. I can handle myself," I declined his handkerchief.

"Ah, okay. Chill. Don't be grumpy," he said and adjusted his seat. "I just hope you know how to apologize for dropping the suitcase on my face. It really hurts." He touched his face, wincing in pain.

I was surprised, "You were awake when the suitcase fell on your face?"

I covered my mouth in shock.

He glanced at me and gave a faint smile, "Yeah. I was just too sleepy to pay attention to you."

"Oh, brother, I'm really sorry. It wasn't intentional. But, come on, you were sound asleep, and I was trying to wake you up."

He laughed, "Wait. Are you apologizing or blaming me?"

"I'm apologizing."

"You sound more like blaming."

I playfully slapped his arm, "Hey, brother! Don't be a tease. We're not close, but you keep teasing me. Wow, huh."

"You're the one causing harm. Are we close?"

I laughed, "You're kidding."

He teased, "You're the one who's hurting. Are we close?"

I adjusted my sitting position, realizing I've been quite loud inside the bus. I focused on the TV again, and the waterworks resumed.

"Oh, why are you crying again? Did you break up with your boyfriend?" he asked again. Why does he keep talking to me? Are we close?

"Why does it have to be about a boyfriend? Can't it be because the show is emotional?"

He glanced at the TV, "What's emotional about it? It's just a mistake?"

"You won't understand; you're a guy," I replied and sniffed. "One of a girl's greatest dreams is to get married. So, don't be noisy. Let me enjoy this moment."

He laughed again, "Okay, crybaby." he whispered and fell silent.

The show ended, and I went back to eating my suman. While eating, I noticed the guy next to me glancing at me as if he feels close.

I looked at him, "Do you want some?" I offered him some suman.

"What's that? Is it delicious? You seem to be enjoying it," he remarked.

"Of course, it is. Here," I gave him three suman. "For—"

"For I love you?"

"No, brother, joker. Three suman mean 'I'm sorry.' I love you? Oh, no, we're not that close." We both laughed at what I said.

He took the suman and sniffed it, "It doesn't have poison, right? You're acting like I might get poisoned."

"I'm just smelling if it's fragrant."

"Oh, wait. I have cologne here. If you like it fragrant, let's make it smell good."

"You're too much. Everything I say, you block. Haha."

He opened the suman and took a bite. He chewed slowly, "Hmm, delicious. I should have bought some earlier."

"Well, what did you do in the province?"

"Work," he swallowed and continued, "I didn't bring a car because traveling is tiring."

"I didn't ask," I replied, taking a bite of my suman.

He just laughed, "I'm just saying. Haha. You, where are you heading?"

"To Manila. Work as well."

"I didn't ask," he imitated me, making me glance at him. "Just kidding. Hehe."

"Cute, brother," I said, smiling.

Talking to this guy is enjoyable. I didn't get bored during the long journey to Manila. Aside from enjoying our conversation, I also enjoyed teasing him. Even though we just met, he seems nice. Because if he wasn't, he could have scolded me earlier for repeatedly teasing him. lol

We chatted with Jonas while eating suman. He took advantage of my storytelling, so he ended up eating more. It's fine with me because I brought a lot of suman as a gift for Grandpa Andres. I even told Jonas I'd give him extra suman before we reach Manila.

"What's your name? You've been calling me 'brother' for a while. I'm only 22," I asked.

"I'm 20, sister."

"You're calling yourself 'brother' again."

"Oh, why? Do you want me to call you 'sister'? Didn't know you were into that."

He burst into laughter, and other passengers looked at us. "You're too funny. That's why we're being looked at."

"Oh! It's just you they're looking at. You dragged me into this."

"But seriously, what's your name? I'm Jonas, by the way."

"I don't want to tell you my name."

"Why not?" he asked, puzzled.

"We're not that close yet. Is this how people from Manila are? Too fast? Once you know my name, what's the next question? My address? Then my number? And you'll text me? Deceive me, give me false hope, and hurt me? No, thanks, brother. I won't tell you my name."

He stared at me for a moment and burst into laughter again. He even held his stomach, clearly finding my words amusing.

What's so funny about that?

Seems like Jonas is clueless.

In the end, the two of us reached Manila without me revealing my name to him. It's difficult, you know. It's difficult to get hurt. Where does that pain come from anyway? Isn't it when you're asked for your name? Lols. I'm just avoiding pain. I'm not ready to get hurt, even if Jonas is a bit of a cutie with the name Jonas.

Sorry, Grandpa. I won't go chasing after guys in Manila. I came here for work, not for romance. Hehe.

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