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Bound to the Alpha king

Bound to the Alpha king

Zanda may


Faelina is a great white witch with chaotic powers, however she hate the Alpha king of their divisional pack. Sylvester, the Alpha king of the white mountain pack carries a curse and for him to lift it, he had to marry his worst enemy, the witch. When Faelina hears this, she refuses to marry him but he threats to kill her entire family if she disobeyed the royal order of marriage. In other to save her family, she surrenders and marries the Alpha king. However, her marriage to him would only bring choas as she had promised so. They live together with knives at each others neck. But fate has a way of playing it's pranks on the lives of it targets. Will the hate between the two bloom into the impossible or will they forever to stab each other at their backs?. We will get to know as the hitched story of the two unfolds.

Chapter 1 Forced marriage

Faelina POV

"I will not marry that man!," I vehemently disagreed growling at the very thought of seeing that man everyday in my life. He might be the king but that was none of my concern.

"You have to Lina it's a royal order and failure to comply will cause us our heads. Please have mercy and follow the king's soldiers to the palace," my father begged.

A royal order my ass!, that bastard of a king dare threaten my family again after what he had done years ago.

Before now, my family used to be a house of nobles with so much respect. But after the king had pointed his blasphemous finger at my grandfather for treason which I knew nothing of till now, The lockshire family had been at disdain. Mocked by even commoners and families lower than our status.

"You have...",

"Silence, I say when to leave and when not," I flared surging out my powers in rage. The soldiers knew well not to provoke me any further because I'm curse, itself.

Not every werewolf had the ability to possess such power. According to my grandmother, I was a reincarnation of her grandmother. But I didn't believe it even though the pictures shown to me clearly proved our resemblance.

The stories told about her were ones of her terrorizing people who offended her. She was a witch who possessed great powers and was able to control the oracle that communicated with the moon goddess. However, I had no such ability, although I had the blood of a half witch running through my veins.

Turning back my attention to the people around me, I finally made my decision. " Tell the king that I will be at his place first thing tomorrow morning leave before I lose my temper," I stormed out of the meeting room.

"Young miss, we were ordered to bring you back at all cost. If you resist, we will have to use force," head soldier blabbed arrogantly forgetting what I could possibly do to him for his rudeness.

"You have decided to die then, I told you to leave..."

"What an audacity," a cold ramped through the hallway and my guts told me who the belonged to.

"You dare refuse a royal order?," my very nemesis, the king spoke with so much darkness in his voice but none of it weavered me.

I had faced much more domineering men who would slit anyone's throat without hesitation. And even he were to do so then I would gladly accept because there was no way I was going to marry him.

"My king please forgive my daughter's impeccable behavior. Lately, she has been mentally unstable and does rash things because of it,"

"Father!," I called out shocked by his imperious lie. He had just called me a mad person without wavering about the consequences.

"Mental?, I see. Guards take her away and lock her up in the dungeon till she is sane. The wedding must hold this week no matter what," he declared viciously gazing into my soul with a smirk imprinted on his face.

How evil of him to force me into being his bride. "I curse you king Drakon," I spat out rising gasps from every angle of the hallway. Yes, I had just cursed the king for oppressing me to do his bidding.

"Curse?, I have been cursed since the day I was born. Your little words of anger won't be a burden to me in the slightest," He laughed terrifying everyone in the room.

"Then you shall remain cursed till the day you die," I muttered and everywhere went silent, the king's face drastically changed into an expression I had never seen him hold.

"Slaughter her entire family," he ordered ruthlessly and his soldiers unsheathed their swords ready to carry out his order. His come back hit me hard this time, making me realize that he was the king after all and he could do whatever he liked. Defeated I fell on my knees humiliating myself before him.

"I— I do it, I will marry you and bear your curse with you. In exchange withdraw you order," I bargained hoping he would accept because there was no way I was going to reverse the curse I had laid. Never.

"Cut her brother's hands and I will accept the barging," he said wanting to punish me for my utterance at all cost.

"Please my king forgive me daughter please she isn't in her right mind. Please spare my son," my mother crawled on her knees profusely begging the king to have mercy on what I had done.

"You can take my own hands, I cursed you and not my brother. If you wish to spill blood then spill mine not my brother's," I pushed further hating that I had to stoop so low to please him.

"I will only accept your apology if your son's hands are taken away. Your daughter showed pay for her crime of disobedience and abuse upon me. I will not let this slide as she is the one who brought this upon you all,"

"Fine, do as you wish but know that the moment your soldier's sword slashes the skin of my brother, you world would become an eternity of hell", I cursed him again and my mother slapped me trembling in fear for the fuel I had added to the fire.

"And curse be to the soldier who carries out the king's command," I added relentless of the tension I had caused.

"You really know how to get on my nerves but I will see to it that you are gravely punished for what you have done. Take her away," he voiced in a dark malicious tone disappearing the very way he had come.

I bowed my head to my family as I was dragged away from our downgraded home. They were all in tears and it hurt me to see them this way. In my heart, I promised to visit them the very day I kill the king. But little did I know that I would never see them again.

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