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The Alpha's Tou

The Alpha's Tou



By the way, I'm giovanni venedict anderson, known by the nickname vanni. im 19 years old and a senior high student, studying at malisamia university...... many will say that I look like a woman which is white and smooth skin and the body is slim and they know me as an Omega .. usually omega is the most sensitive when it comes to the omegaverse because once we heat up we cant control our body especially when in alpha Anyways, I'm currently cleaning the living room because my mom might confront me or should I say my step mom. Well, she's my life partner because my dad has passed away due to cancer, which we both grieved so much and added even to my mother's anger I don't know why my mother is so angry with me. when I was worried when my father was still alive, he was always jealous because my father was closer to me than he was... well, I can't blame him because he mistreated me "Emory, come into our little home" I heard my mother's voice and when she entered the front door, she was accompanied by an elegant man who was quite tall and in his late 40s as far as I could tell. Mama ended up looking rich "Giovanni, what are you looking at? Get moving and prepare something for us to eat" he yelled at me causing me to be surprised and quickly went to the kitchen to prepare them. I wonder who is with mom..

Chapter 1 A toy Obsession

Chapter 1


As soon as the food I served for them was cooked, uncle Emory immediately thanked me, which mom had worked hard for. I immediately went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes, well I heard their conversation because the kitchen and dining room are next to each other

"Emory, let it go, he doesn't have to come to your mansion" said mom in an irritated tone while explaining her attitude to Uncle Emory

"Lorane needs to be taken with her, she can't be left here alone" replied uncle Emory well he knew mom's plan to leave me but he couldn't do it because when I begged him. and more than that, I need the protection of a mother but she can't give it

I didn't listen to their conversation and just finished washing because I was sure that mom would be angry once she saw me slow down

after doing the washing up, I left the kitchen and passed by them, Uncle Emory immediately took my arm and made me sit at the table. wait, what's going on?

"Uncle Emory, why?" I asked her because I don't know why I would be bad in the conversation. This will happen to me with mom

"Get ready, Giovanni.. you're going to the mansion" he said and I smiled with joy because I'll be with mom and I won't be alone.

"emory!" Mama snapped, I could see the disappointment and annoyance in her eyes towards me and Uncle Emory, but Uncle Emory gave a nod.

"Uncle Emory, mom, I'm just going to pack" I said to Uncle Emory and mom, but dad just gave me trouble and stomped on the floor while Uncle Emory just smiled at me.

I was happily folding my clothes and putting away the things I was going to bring when mom came in, I immediately got nervous and swallowed as she approached, then she poked me in the forehead

"You're a kid, you were at Emory's mansion for a while, remember that," he said then held me tightly by the jaw. but tears and begging are what I give to mama

" o-opo mama aw" I moaned to mom as she let go of my jaw and left me in tears in my room, I immediately wiped my tears and arranged the things I was going to bring then put them in the suitcase and got dressed too

before leaving my room, I looked at its entirety. I will miss my room, it's small but it means a lot to me

I immediately went down quietly and didn't look at mom and Emory well, mom gave me a killer look as if I was going blind

I immediately put my suitcase in the back of the car then got into the back seat of the car, uncle Emory immediately started the car and drove off

while we were walking away from the house, I first glanced at the house and burst into tears, I will never forget that house....

but I feel mixed with excitement and nervousness that I don't know so I immediately peeked out the window of the car and looked at the view in the mirror

during the long flight and I was comforted by what I was seeing, I felt anton and the lids of my eyes gradually lowered until my vision became dark

and everything went black

"Giovanni, Giovanni is awake" said a voice that had woken me up. It was only Uncle Emory and it was night when we arrived at the mansion, I immediately thanked him and got out of the car and was amazed at what I saw

"It's very big and beautiful" I complimented the absence and took my suitcase from the back of the car then Uncle Emory followed, there were maids in a hat and there was a man waiting at the main door..

He's wearing all black and it's cold if he looks at us, his aura is scary and he's very handsome, obviously the son of a rich man, well, they're rich.

"glad your back dad" this is a cold welcome to uncle Emory while mom just smiles and I hide in the back. it's scary

"and who is he?" I looked up and our eyes met. well he is very handsome and then Uncle Emory spoke

"Tyron is Giovanni's son of your aunt Loraine" Uncle Emory explained, immediately Tyron looked at me from head to toe then spoke

"nice to see you giovanni"

My name is Tyron Montevega, 19 years old and currently studying at the University of Manila...

everyone khows me with a dark aura and a dark fashion taste, but hard to get my attention and mostly i hate soft people. it annoys me

I was sitting beside Giovanni, son of Lorane's father's new wife and guess what? Lorane came with an annoying son Giovanni

but i khow hes an omega, the scent of him makes me wanna devour him but i keep controlling my self and he looks struggling cuz im near

im an alpha my scent is strong compare to Giovanni scent, his scent is like cotton candy then mine is manly strong

Giovanni and I are both just quiet while dad and Lorane keep flirting in front of us. so instead of listening to them i just eat while Giovanni keeps chewing the bread with a strawberry jam on it

for me he looks kinda cute and adorable but i hate him cuz hes soft especially hes an omega a very sensitive species in omegaverse

"Is there dirt on my face?" he asks to me while there's a jam on the side of his lips... hmmm what a pinkish lips wants me to claim it aggressively

"i dont care" i coldly said to him that makes him look down while chewing the bread, well i dont care about him i just need to eat fast and get out of this dinning table

after i eat i stood up and said goodbye to them then went upstairs to my room to take a rest. after i enter my room i close it immediately and lay my back at the door thinking about giovanni....

"looks like an alpha wants to own hes toy omega" i said to nowhere and start to take off my clothes then take a quick shower.

I was going up the stairs with my suitcase and a maid here didn't help me because mom ordered them so it was difficult for me to climb

when I got to the top, there were two hallways with many doors, I didn't know where I was going but at the very end of one hallway I saw a dark gray door that looked like it had a gold doorknob and I walked through it

when I got to the opposite side and there was a name engraved on it but I couldn't understand it .. I was sure that this was my room so I went in

As soon as I entered, the light gray theme of the room dawned on me. The color is sad, it seems to take away the mood, but who's not to complain?

I immediately put my suitcase on the side and took off my shoes then put them on the side of the suitcase. I dragged my eyes to the room and I think it's right for me

I stood up to see a painting hanging on the bedroom wall. This is a painting of a beautiful child that is literally beautiful because the painting and painting process are so perfect

while I was comforted by what I saw, I was immediately surprised when someone firmly held my wrist and then slammed me against the wall...

"what are you doing in my room you omega!" he asked me emphatically and coldly while leaning me against the wall

"arayy tyron ahh" I moaned to him but he pushed me to the side because I threw him on the floor, you could see the annoyance in his eyes

"I'm asking you once again... what are you doing in my room!" he shouted at me and I was still scared and scared. Well, I didn't know that it was his room when I was with him

"I-I didn't because this is my room" I explained while sobbing then I slowly stood up to get my things but he pulled my arm again then grabbed me by the waist

"Do you think I believe?" he asked in a charming tone. I can feel her body being wet because she just took a bath and her hair is still dripping wet on me, I can also smell the strong smell. she needs to leave or my pheromones will force their way out

"t-tyron, I'm leaving" I immediately struggled from his hold and easily took my suitcase and shoes then left the room and left him

"h-he can't be alpha" I said in vain as I took any meds I had in my pocket because my little sweet scent came out

I got to my room with the help of manang lordes, he is the mayor doma here in the mansion and he is very kind. He didn't listen to what mom ordered because he memorized the habit. I immediately apologized

I like the theme of my room. It's like an aesthetic light brown bag with a grass map on the side of the study table

It is said that Uncle Emory ordered this before we arrived. So the ending made me happy but thankful

"I'm tired" I said absentmindedly and lay down on the soft bed. I walked so much in the mansion and got lost that my feet were tired. just thank you lords...

My eyelids are getting heavy and my vision is slowly dimming until it becomes dark

To Be Continued...

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