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My Slave is a Billionaire Heir

My Slave is a Billionaire Heir

P.P. Jing


Livia Ashleyan is notorious for being dominating and overly obsessed with her fiancé. There are rumors circulating that he's breaking off their engagement because he feels controlled by her. However, for Livia, that's just her way of showing love to her fiancé. Dominance is her love language, and she's willing to do anything to keep and marry the man she has loved for five years. However, things took a turn when he challenged her to sleep with a beggar in order to test her sincerity in doing anything for him. He knew she wouldn't be able to do it and was ready to break up with her for good. Panicking, she agreed. But little did she know that the beggar she took in that day would leave a lasting impact on her dominant nature. Elias, who is now her slave fulfilling her desires, has become so submissive that she has forgotten about the deal her fiancé made with her. And who knew that he turned out to be someone she never expected, and the tables turn all of a sudden?

Chapter 1 Sleep with a beggar

"You can't do this to me! You can't leave me like this, Anthon!"

How dare he?! I loved you with all I got, and you're just going to leave me like this?! I gave you everything I have! I even take all the blame and suffering just for you!

"Livia, you're embarrassing." He said full of disgust.

I gritted my teeth and grabbed his wrist. "Anthon--"

"We're in the middle of the street, people are staring at us. Have some shame." He added.

My hands trembled as I held onto him. I knew that if I let go, he would leave me for good. I won't let that happen!

"So what?! They're nothing but lowly insignificant freaks not minding their fucking business!!!"

"Tsk! If words spread like this, I won't let you get away with it." He threatened, pulling his hand away.

"Yes, please! Don't let me get away. That's what I'm asking you! If this is the only way to get your attention, then so be it!"

He forcefully pulled his hand away. "Your obsession with me is getting way out of hand, Livia!"

My face contorted with a mix of emotions. "And whose fault is this?! You seduced me! You promised to be with me for the rest of your life! You know me very well, and you took advantage of me!"

Surprise flickered across his face. My tears flowed uncontrollably in frustration.

"So you knew and still turned a blind eye?" His expression quickly turned to disgust. "How little respect do you have for yourself?"

"It's all because I loved you!"

He stared at me for a long moment, his sweet gaze before was replaced by coldness now. My heart felt like it was being squeezed repeatedly. The rise and fall of my chest seemed never-ending, making it hard to breathe!

What if he really leaves me this time? I can still pretend with him after all this. Just please don't leave me, Anthon!

"Haah..." He seemed tired as he ran his hand through his black hair. "You really pissed me off!"

I stood my ground, unyielding. I reached for his hand once more.

"Anthon, tell me... what else do I need to do for you not to leave me?"

I saw him tighten his jaw. He wiped his face and seemed to contemplate deeply. His simple action gave me a glimmer of hope.

I swallowed hard, watching him scan the surroundings. It was only then that I realized many people had gathered around us. Last I remembered, we were at the back of the mall, but due to our chase, we ended up in a crowded area.

"Okay, I got it." His face relaxed, and he smirked at me.

My face brightened, and he placed his hand on my right cheek. "Tell me, Anthon, what can I do for you?"

He caressed my cheek, providing a momentary sense of calm. This is why I won't let him leave me. He's the only one capable of soothing my heart.

Yes, I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed with him. He's my only obsession.

"Look at the beggar over there." He pointed to someone not far away.

I followed his gaze like an obedient dog. A beggar lay on a dirty piece of cardboard beside a pile of trash.

"Can you see him?"

"Yes." I nodded twice. But why? Does he want me to help him? He knows I despised beggars and lowly people. But if he wants me to, then I'll do it--

"Sleep with him."

My breath caught at his words. I froze on the spot, feeling dizzy.


"You heard me, Livia. Sleep. With. Him." He emphasized slowly.

My throat went dry. Does he really want me to sleep with a beggar?

"What's wrong? You look pale. Does that mean you can't do it?" He taunted.

"I couldn't respond. I remained frozen, unable to move. He withdrew his hand and ran it through his hair.

"Then I guess you're off without me. I'll break our engagement contract and tell Tito--"

"I-I... I'll do it..." I dug my long nails into my palms. "I-I... I will... do everything... you say."

My eyes blurred with tears again. I lowered my head, unable to look into his eyes.

"Tsk!" He scoffed, and I heard a slight laugh. "I know you couldn't do it, Livia. Just give me up and fix yourself. See a psychologist or something to fix your head! Once our engagement is broken--"

"I SAID I'LL DO IT!" I shouted with all my strength, kneeling on the pavement in utter weakness.

I felt his seriousness and sharp gaze. "Then leave proof for me to see that you actually did it."


"I will leave the country for months. Get ready once I come back. I'll then decide whether I'll marry you or not."

He turned away from me, and I watched his shoes walking away until he boarded his expensive car.

"Miss Ashleyan." Mylene, my maid who had been silently observing, helped me get up. "P-Please, calm down... I'm sure Sir Anthon won't leave you!"

She's against him, yet she knows the right words to comfort me at times like this.

I gathered my courage and stood up, burning with anger. Once again, I looked at the beggar marching toward him with resentment.

"Miss Ashleyan!"

It stinks! The garbage smells awful like he is! And what is the other smell?---Smells like rotten blood.

I kicked his head. "Lowly thing, get up."

He groaned in pain, and I clenched my teeth.

"I said get up!!" I kicked him repeatedly.

"Miss Ashleyan, don't! You might kill him!" Mylene knelt in front of him. I pushed her aside and yanked the sticky hair of the man to force his head up to face me.

With a black and dirty face, his eyes slowly opened.

Brown eyes? It's...

"F-Food..." He mumbled, hugging his stomach as if enduring pain.

"You lowly thing, I'll feed you from now on. You shall receive everything you desire. In return, you'll have to attend to me and serve your purpose. Do you understand?"

It didn't seem like he understood or even heard me. He continued mumbling, asking for food.

At this point, it's as if the man will die if he doesn't eat. His lips are parched, and all that's left on his body are skin and bones.

"Miss Ashleyan, maybe he doesn't understand English at all," Mylene suggested when we didn't hear a response.

"Hmm..." He's a beggar, after all.

Mylene laughed and giggled.

"Your way of speaking is amusing, Miss Ashleyan!"

I sighed. "This matter is not laughable. Come on, help him get up. I must bring him to the mansion."

"Yes, miss!"

Do you really think I'll back down, Anthon? You don't know me at all.

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