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Leon Hart


Reiner River. A young man not even 17 years old. Lives in a metropolitan city and works as a pizza delivery boy at a famous fast food outlet. Reiner has a girlfriend named Liza. They have been in a relationship for less than a year. The relationship is between different schools, where Reiner attends one of the elite schools in the city because he passed an achievement scholarship as a martial arts athlete. Liza is willing to be Reiner's girlfriend because she was saved during an accident when she was learning to drive and Reiner, who fell in love with her, happened to be not far from the scene after delivering a pizza order to a customer. However, Liza's character is increasingly visible when she is also approached by the son of the owner of the elite school foundation where Reiner attends, named Brandon. Finally, Liza broke up with Reiner when Brandon declared his love for her. Brandon even bullied Reiner at school. The figure of Reiner, who was initially unknown, became known because he was often bullied by Brandon and his genk with the title 'weird kid.' Not without reason, because Reiner deliberately hides his true status and identity as the only son of a wealthy businessman known as 'Mr. Rich.' Mr. Rich or Richard River deliberately let Reiner live independently because of the disappointment his son was inflicting on him. A rumored affair with one of his business competitor's daughters that made his own wife leave home, trying to disappear. Reiner's disappointment is realized by living independently without the support of his father and his wealth. But Richard did not remain silent. Through his confidants, Richard continued to monitor life, until finally he decided to return Reiner to his true identity as the son of the heir to the River Emporium, as well as bring his wife back home as requested by Reiner as a condition. On his way to avenge the actions of his family's business competitor, Reiner finds true love again, namely in a girl named Tania, who is none other than the daughter of the family secretary Brandon Casiraghi. Through Tania, it all began. Reiner comes face-to-face with each member of the Casiraghi family and gets into a feud with them after Reiner's true identity is revealed. Reiner is not alone in carrying out every action. His best friend and gang leader Louis is his partner in the ups and downs of his teenage life. .

Chapter 1 LOSER


A punch flew towards the face of a teenager with black-handled glasses and large frames covering almost half of his upper face.

There was no significant resistance from him. Instead, he just surrendered as the tug on his school uniform shirt was lifted, until he stood back up, even though he was still not ready to accept the next bullying.

"Come on, fight back! You loser!"

These words kept repeating because his friends wanted him to fight back. "Get up, Rein!" his friend said again.

Not because he didn't want to fight, but there is something had happened to this young man whose real name was Reiner.

An event had happened to him a few months ago, and resulted in him having to be exiled in this city of Annecy.

Reiner was pushed again until he had to fall to a sitting position on his side, avoiding hitting his head on the ground.

Just as Reiner was about to stand up, a prisoner on his left shoulder Reiner felt.

When he turned his head, a black women's loafer that was one of the attributes of the elite school's uniform.

When Reiner looked up to see who was holding him back from standing up, his eyes immediately bulged.

That beautiful face with those exotic eyes made Reiner have to swallow his saliva roughly in disbelief.

"Don't stand up yet. I want to talk to you."

The beautiful girl named Liza. Her words made Reiner follow where her steps were now.

"Hi, Reiner," called Liza, from her long name Elizabeth Bernardy.

"Hi Liz," Reiner replied softly. Enduring some pain from the kicks to his stomach.

Liza. Reiner's classmate. One of the most wanted girls in school, as well as the first girl Reiner had a crush on.

Liza's cheerful nature and obsession when the male friends in her class are also trying to get attention from Liza, makes Reiner become interested in her, too.

At first, Liza did respond to this interest from Reiner. Liza's reason is just because Reiner is a good student in terms of academics.

Even in one semester, Reiner managed to take over the class champion from the previous one, even though he was only a new student, and entered because he passed the scholarship test.

"Maybe we were very close, and many people even thought we were lovers. But--"

Liza's statement was interrupted by a dejection from one of the male students who was behind her, and than Liza also turned to him.

"Sorry. I'm already with Brandon. You know, he's more...than you."

Immediately, Reiner's chest felt tight. His gaze fell on Liza. It was no longer out of fascination, but because half disbelief.

How could it be that in just a moment, thiught Reiner. Liza, who always whined for help, even asked for a ride home, changed drastically.

"I guess, all this time you've just been disguised as an ordinary boy. Riding a rickety motorcycle or just taking the school bus as a camouflage to cover up that you are actually a rich boy, but in fact you are a poor one!" Liza snapped heartlessly.

"I told you from the beginning that I live in a children's dormitory without a home. I had an accident and was found by someone, until I was injured and it turned out to be the head of the orphanage. I'm from there, and I still don't know where I came from." Reiner explained with a panting breath.

"You should have told me from the start!" Liza was annoyed. Liza's tone rose. "I was hoping you were a rich kid who had to disguise yourself to go to school here. It turns out you got in through the scholarship route, that's right. That's all. There's nothing special about it."

Liza then turned towards a boy named Brandon. A handsome guy with a neat and clean-cut appearance. Liza then wrapped her hand around Brandon's arm pamperingly.

"Sorry, Reiner. I'm going to a werkend party with Brandon." Liza said later, as a notification.

Liza clung to the son of one of the biggest shareholders in the school's management foundation.

"So, now you know why I called you here and put that mark on your face?" Brandon responded to Liza's explanation.

Brandon threw a question at Reiner, who was now limping around clutching his stomach.

"Because this is a warning! You, as the kid with no money here, better not mess around, let alone get close to one of the girls in this high school. That's not appropriate! What capital are you, huh? You even use a borrowed motorcycle to go to school! You poor bastard!" Brandon sarcastically said even though it was the truth.

Reiner's hands were clenched into fists. Indeed, he was once amazed and attracted to Liza's figure, but if his pride has been stepped on, as a youngman, of course, his ego will be triggered to immediately retaliate.

Reiner had been an orphanage child since a few months ago, after the head of the orphanage found him lying covered in blood at the edge of a small forest on the city boundary road.

After undergoing suboptimal treatment because Reiner's origins and identity card were unknown, Reiner eventually became part of the outcast children.

Reiner was now completely on his feet. Enduring the pain all over his body. Although he had a memory disorder, but for some things, such as his martial arts skills, and some faces he still remembered even though they were vague.

Reiner often dreams of people with his name on them, but can't be sure who they are.

"We're leaving now." Brandon ordered. He also deliberately hugged Liza tightly while occasionally giving kisses on her forehead, the tip of her head, and even her lips when she looked up to him, with the aim of igniting Reiner's jealousy.

Brandon then pointed an index finger at Reiner; as a warning.

"And you!" he said towards Reiner's bruised face. "Don't try to attract attention in this school with your advantages. I don't like it!" Brandon emphasized. "Because if you do it again, you're finished!" threatened Brandon.

After rumors of Reiner and Liza's closeness circulated, some students immediately found out about Reiner.

Some of them even began to admire Reiner who was smart and actually, from behind his sunglasses, kept a handsome face.

This of course made Brandon, who is the most admired idol in the school, feel rivaled, so he did things like this to Reiner.

After making threats, Brandon took his gang of friends back downstairs with Liza. Only then did Reiner follow after feeling that he had gone far.

On the way back to the orphanage dormitory, two cars suddenly blocked Reiner's motorcycle with several men dressed in black coming out of it.

"What do you want?!" snapped Reiner.

This time he prepared a stance with both hands clenched into fists. Unlike when he was bullied by Brandon's gang, Reiner really didn't want to fight back because he was afraid that if he caused trouble at school, it would affect the survival of the orphanage where he had been living for the past few months.

A middle-aged man in the most distinctive suit from the other men came out and immediately approached Reiner.

Reiner gasped even more, especially since the road he was traveling on was also very quiet.

The location of the orphanage was on the outskirts of the city, making the road to get there rarely traveled by vehicles.

The middle-aged man then took off his sunglasses, then thrust out a hand while giving a greeting with a name.

"Hello. Young master Reiner River."

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