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shoma maxwell


He was a ruthless entrepreneur, and so was she. A high-stakes business battle turns them into rivals, until their story takes on a twist and a new competitor turns them into partners. Will they withstand the brewing animosity that keeps them at arms length to defeat the new player in the game? Or will they end up losing all they have built... even the sudden attraction between them?Main characters

Chapter 1 Ashley pov

"I really do hate his guts," I say, admitting to my colleague, Daisy, my opinion on Terry Palmer."Terry of Dutton?""Who else?" I say, as we walk through the revolving doors. "Didn't you hear his speech at the last Entrepreneurship Seminar in Houston?""Oh, I did hear him making claims about the success of his bank and the probability of him delving into politics in the future.""Good morning, ladies," says a uniformed James at the counter.Daisy mumbles a reply while I simply nod. A reply to him might take the next words out of my head. I turn back to Daisy.

"How egotistical.""And prospective.""Oh, please," I rebuff, and press the elevator button. "I've been following his operations, Daisy. And I can say for sure that he is ruthless at what he does. Like a dog at a bone."Daisy gives me a smile. "Reminds me of someone that I know very well." "Who?""You, of course," says Daisy as the elevator doors slide close. "What are you talking about, Daisy?"The smile remains on her face as she replies. "I've watched you in this bank for the past years, Ashley. And you've done a good job so far, no doubt about that. If you ask me, you deserve more. Just as Terry Palmer obviously thinks he deserves more at this point."I say nothing to this. I see what Daisy is doing. Complimenting me for someone else. Nice. I wonder whose side she's on anyway. The elevator doors slide open again and we walk onto a plush lobby. It is quite strange because there is no one else here apart from us."Where is everybody?" asks Daisy."Beats me.""Seems like we're the only ones here yet," says Daisy, as she consults her watch. "Eight oh two."We walk through the quiet lobby, turn a right and head for the conference room. Just as we open the door, we see the whole staff of Peacecholds on their feet, all around the table, looking expectantly at us standing at the door.Mr. Raymond comes froward with a wide smile on his face just as Daisy closes the door behind us. "Miss Ashley, it is my honor to offer you the position of Chairman Executive."Everyone starts applauding. That's when my eyes scan the faces in the room. It's not just the staff and my colleagues that I'm used to seeing everyday. I see strange faces in black suits and I'm in awe that the board of directors of Trustees and right here. In this room. Hands put together for me.I feel exhilarated as I sted forward. In no time, Daisy does the same as well. I mumble at her, "CEO?"She mouths back, "Wow."She's right. I deserve more.**********The conference room clears out leaving just me and the man I'll be taking over from in a couple of hours. Obviously. He stands by the floor-to-ceiling windows on one side of the conference room, hands in his pockets, staring down at the miniature flow of traffic below."How do you feel, Ashley?" asks Mr. Pierce Hognan.I look at the skies. "Exhilarated, sir.""Can I say that you never expected this?""No, sir. I did not.""But everyone here expects to be where you are now. Even I. When they start at the bottom, pushing papers and cartons in the basement, they wish to climb up the hierarchical ladder and attain the best of their ambitions.""But, sir.."Mr. Pierce holds out a hand. "I am not trying to make you admit to being part of the stereotype, Ashley," he says, and smiles. "So, what are your prospects for Peacecholds?" adds Mr. Pierce as he walks to the far end of the room. I follow behind him. He takes out a bottle of Moet from the refrigerator, grabs two wine glasses and takes a seat at the head of the table. I take the one next to him."I must say that Peacecholds is in good hands at the moment, sir. And anyone coming in wouldn't make a mess of it even if he or she wanted to. I don't think I shall be needing to do any different operation in my first year, sir. You've done a good job here.""And it is in our interests that you do a better job, Ashley," says Mr. Pierce as he fills the two wine glasses. "I won't let you nor the bank down, sir," I say, feeling special. "However, there is something you must know. Before your promotion, we had a deliberation. The board. And quite a number of them were averse to having a lady as bank Chairman.""Misogyny," I comment. "No offense meant.""Is that the word?" "It is the only one I can think of, sir.""Call it whatever you will," Mr. Pierce says and smiles again. "Buy you can never take that away from politics."At the mention of that word, I remember Terry Palmer and his egotistical claims. So, we are not too different after all. One is trying to take control of it. The other becomes a subject of it. It is beginning to seem like I am the the one who should be pitied. However, I hate every form of weakness."Then why did you choose me?" I demand. "Because you are qualified. That's why.""And did the other members of the board see it the same way you did?""They certainly did. But clearly not your gender becoming Chairman.""So how did it happen? How did I win?" I ask, now interested."It always comes down to the votes, even with all the argument flying about. As Chairman, I held sway. Won fifty two percent. And that was enough to give you the win.""But why?""Why?" repeats the former Chairman. "Why me? I'm sure there were some choices. How come you've put me in this position?""I've seen your tenacity, Ashley. Make a change. There were some things I couldn't do during my time. I'll send you a document. Read it and commit to memory if you can, you will need it.""Does this mean I will always have a divided board?" I ask."You cannot take Division away from business, Ashley. When it comes, and it definitely will, prove something," says Mr. Pierce and he winks. "Sounds like you're asking me to perform some kind of a miracle here, sir.""Your job isn't going to be different from mine, Ashley. I didn't perform miracles. Just did business, is all." He leans forward in the chair. "I just want you to be careful, Ashley. I know you can do this. I trust your guts. They'll try to plough through you, and if they can't, they'll go over you, as long as the plan is to leave you behind. It is your job to keep everyone of them in place. If you need my counsel, you have it. Anytime.""Anything else I need to know, sir?" "Yes, get ready for the press conference by ten."**********Outside, I find Daisy waiting for me on the lobby. "You look terrified. What's the worry?" "I'm a female Chairman, that's the worry.""Oh," is all she says. We walk to my office. Daisy makes some coffee while I head over to my desk. "Seems like someone stuck his neck out for you?" "Seems so.""Well, don't let him down.""I don't plan on doing so," I say. "I'm glad Pierce Hognan gave me some heads up about the upcoming conference, because I don't think one else would have.""There's a conference?" she asks, sounding surprised. "Yes. At ten.""That's a first.""It is." "They want to know your prospects," suggests Daisy, as she pours two cups and brings them over to my table. "Obviously," I agree. "But isn't it a little too early. Like, you can't just make someone Chairman of a bank and expect her to give a speech in the next thirty minutes. This isn't politics I did not campaign.""Look at you, Ashley. You should be elated about this. After all, I told you earlier that you deserved more, putting your efforts into consideration. You've been here for years. You know how this back works like the back of your palm. Give a speech like this one shouldn't be a big deal.""After listening to what Pierce had to say, I don't know. I've heard about planned questions. Have you heard about it too?" "Yes, I have. Only in books.""Something MI have to worry about," I state. Daisy and I spend the next thirty minutes going through some of the possible questions we think might pop up. I think of ten, while she brings up thirty. It is two minutes to ten when I realize that I only know that answers to half of them. There's a knock on the door, and when I answer, a woman whom I've never seen before walks in with a smile. She's holding a book under the crook of her arm. Leaves the door open and this is when I notice that the hallway is crowded. "Miss Ashley Swift, you have a press conference in the next five minutes. My name is Sarah Gibbons. I'll be your handler for today, and probably for a long time."I exchange a look with Daisy. Suddenly, my stomach is full, and my eyes alert. The coffee was a total waste of her time. "Where are we going?" "The Value Hall.""Is there anything I need to take with me?" Sarah Gibbons looks over my table and gives a wan smile. "A lot of composure."

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