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The Stranger's Billion Dollars Deal

The Stranger's Billion Dollars Deal

faith sunday


A thrilling tale of passion, suspense and betrayal. A chance meeting with a mysterious stranger on a night of celebration during her college graduation leads to a one night stand. Little does she know that this stranger…was actually a wealthy and powerful billionaire, Edgar. Years later, they crossed paths again, when she took a job at a company merging with his. Despite her best efforts to keep their past a secret, he soon recognizes her and they begin to grow closer, but there comes an unexpected foe that is determined to ruin everything for them…

Chapter 1 .

“Linda!. Hurry up we haven’t exactly got all night you know.” I heard Celine say from my place in the bathroom where I’m getting ready for the party. We graduated college and I have decided to let loose tonight, you know, do the things girls my age do; go clubbing, drink, maybe finally lose my virginity too. I know what you’re thinking and no, I’m not some geek or something. I’ve just never been in a relationship long enough or had enough interest in a guy to sleep with him. But tonight I will, regardless of the whole interest thing and what not.

“I know, I’m ready.” I said as I came out of the bathroom to the room I share with my best friend Celine.

Celine and I met at The Green Hopes Orphanage, which is where I was sent after my parents died in a car accident and my aunty wanted nothing to do with me. After a few years there, we were sent to the foster system with a drunk and a party freak in charge of us. As soon as we turned eighteen we left them and went our way; having saved enough to pay for our room for the first year, we were lucky to get a scholarship. Me to study biotechnology, Celine to study Music. Since then we’ve been working part-time at a coffee shop to keep food on our table and pay the rent. Let’s just say our lives haven’t been easy but we always had each other.

“Woah. Like just woah Linny” Celine says rushing to where I stood in a deep red short, tight dress with long sleeves that shows every curve I have, my hair falling in loose curls to my waist. Not my usual idea of fashion but as I said, letting loose.

“You look wow..” Celine said, walking around me. Did I forget to mention she’s my number one fan as I am hers.

“Talk about me. Have you seen you?. Damn girl this is a piece of art” I say, turning so I could face her. Personally, I’ve always thought Celine is the prettier one of both of us; with her brunette hair and green eyes and her perfect curves. She was wearing a navy blue short, sleeveless dress that was just as tight as mine

“We did it Linda. We graduated. And we’ve got mails we’re yet to check from our dream companies.” she said, the last part with a scoff, holding my shoulders. There were tears gathering her eyes. “We did make it. And we’ve got so much more to do. So don’t get all emotional on me now.” I said to her with a smile I’ve noticed always puts her at easy. Then she pulled me in for a hug.

We were like that for minutes before I moved to break out of her embrace. “Now like you said, we don’t have all night, so before I opt for my much preferred option and stay home. Let’s get going” I said. We headed out the door of our room and eventually the main doors of the apartment.


So much for letting loose tonight. Well at least Celine was having a good time dancing with some guy whose name I can’t remember. I had downed my third drink when I felt that weird sensation you get when someone was staring at you. And sure enough when I turn to face the other side of the counter I see someone looking my way. Scratch that he was flat out staring at me, a guy perhaps a few years older than I am; dressed in gray suit pants and black button down shirt that had a few buttons undone, exposing a part of his chest. I blush and look away before he would notice me staring at his chest.

I placed the glass on the counter and raised my hand at the bartender to order another drink. “Maybe we should just get the whole bottle and take it somewhere else” The blonde guy who has been standing beside me said. This has to be the first thing I actually heard him say since Celine and his friend left for the dance floor.

I gave him a look that I’m sure gave off my disapproval of his offer and maybe—hopefully his presence too. “Okay.” He started with his hands up in a surrender gesture. “Come on. We could at least dance.” He said getting even closer to me. I ignore him, still feeling the stranger’s gaze on me.

“It‘ll be fun. I’ll make it the best you’ve had.” he whispered in my ear, placing a hand on my thigh.

“Hello darling.” I heard another voice say, sounding like a lover’s purr. I turned to my left to find the stranger from the other side of the counter was now standing beside me, towering over me and the blonde guy. His voice dripped with power. “Hey” I say to him, turning to fully face him. His eyes were beautiful; the kind of beauty that lures you in to destroy you. I know it; feel it, yet I let myself get lured in.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here” he said,looking me over.

“Hey, buzz off buddy. I was here first.” the blonde guy said. The stranger’s gaze finally left me and went dark as he leveled the blonde guy with a look that I wouldn’t want directed at me, as if getting the vibe, the blonde guy walked away without another word.

“I’m not really a regular at places like this” I said, giving a reply to his earlier question. His eyes finally coming back to mine, they were glowing with mischief but who cares, after today I’ll probably never see him again.

“Dance with me.” he commanded, and before my brain could register it, I was already on my feet, heading to the dance floor with his hand on my back.

We danced for a few minutes or maybe hours before he took my hand and led me to the stairs that seemed to lead up to the suits of the club. I turned around slightly in search of Celine, I saw her at the bar with the same guy she was dancing with earlier, she looked at me and gave a nod with a smile that I returned.

We were barely inside the suit when he pulled me to him with my hand he was holding and kissed me. He tasted mint and he smelled nice; really nice. I let myself fall and get lost in his hold and kiss.


I wake up to find my head on someone’s bicep, looking upwards to find the owner was the stranger. I had slept beside the stranger after sex.

Quickly and quietly I got back in my dress, careful not to wake him. I head out the room and out the club.

By noon Celine and I will have a new life. A better one. I can feel it, I know it.

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