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A Billionaire's Obsession Unveiled

A Billionaire's Obsession Unveiled

Deborah. Debbie


“I will take it easy baby”, I said to the pretty Lizzy on my bed, kissing her slowly all over her naked body, “I will make you so wet for me”, I added to Lori who was moaning my name, Sliding my finger inside her clit……

Chapter 1 ELIZABETH.



Bzzzz! Bzzzz!! Bzzzz!!!

I gasped into reality at the sound of my phone’s alarm by my bedside. I was startled awake by the sound of my phone’s alarm which was stationed on the stool at my bedside.

I stretched my hand to my phone on the stool to stop the alarm sound. I mistakenly hit the snooze button on my screen instead of the stop button. “Argggggh,” I complained, while I placed my phone back on the stool.

I picked the phone up again to check what the time is, “it’s 6:00 am,” I sighed and continued, “what’s the use of waking up early and don’t have a place to go.” I returned the phone back to where it is and I stood up to stretch my tired bone and walked off to the toilet to wash my face.

I stared deeply at my reflection on the mirror, it reminds me of the day I broke my mum’s mirror she was very angry but didn’t want to show it, she didn’t have the money to buy another at that moment.

Every money my mother earned is to feed my father and I. My mother did every type of job to make sure I at least finished my high school education; my father lost his legs in a fire accident that happen in the oil company he worked for. This event happened two years after I was born to life. My mother was sulky about the mirror, I walked to her and I said, “mum I am sorry, I promise to buy you a very big mirror when I grow up, ten times bigger than this one.”

I sighed, now I am here scouting with my best friend, Susan and I haven’t bought the biggest mirror I promised her yet. I cracked a weird smile at the corner of my lip while I starred at my reflection.

“Jobless but want to get mum the biggest mirror.” I muttered underneath my breath and chuckles. My alarm sounded again, I walked off to the stool and stop the alarm. “It’s 6:10 am,” I said and sauntered out of the room to the kitchen to assist Susan with washing the dishes. I marched down the stairs. Susan was cleaning the living room, I walked up to her and greeted, “Good morning.”

“Good morning, Elizabeth.” She replied with a smile and asked, “how was your night?”

“Great and perfect.” I replied

“Great and perfect, hmmm.” She smiled.

“What about you,” I asked while I sat on the soft sofa and placed my phone on my table.

“Great and perfect,” she said, staring at me and we both chuckled.

I sauntered to the kitchen, and brought out a bottle water inside the freezer. I gulped the water inside the bottle until it was empty. “Refreshing,” I commented staring at the bottle. I threw the bottle at the bin and move to the sink to wash the dish. While I was washing the dish Susan came to the kitchen to prepare breakfast before it’s time to go to her workplace. She works at one of the biggest supermarkets here in New York City.

After I was done washing the dishes, I walked to the living room table, where I placed my phone. I took my phone on the table and sat on the sofa. I checked my mail to know if the company I applied for, have send a mail but unfortunately none of them have. I dropped my phone on the sofa and sighed heavily.

“Elizabeth!, it’s time for breakfast,” Susan holler from the dinning, she calls me. I picked my phone and walked to the table and savour the milk shake and pancake Susan had prepared for breakfast.

The table was silent we could hear the sound of every bite which was very unusual, I do crack jokes and gist while eating but the mail I checked recently had destroyed my morning. I hate being idle, I have been idle for the past six weeks and I need money to go to college. I work as a cleaner in a newspaper factory but it was downsized. Maybe I should apply as a cleaner in any factory until I receive mail from the companies I applied for, I have been applying for the role of personal assistant.

“Lizzy are you okay,” she queried with concern, locking me out my train of thought, she always call me Lizzy whenever she wanna show me concern,

“Hmmm,” I sighed and continued, “is it that hard to find a job that is not dirty like cleaning.”

“Lizzy,” she stood up on her seat and moved close to me, she sat on the arm of the chair I was seating on, pat my back and said, “you will get a better job soon even better than mine.”

“Than yours? You work at the one of the biggest supermarkets in New York, how can I find a better job than that with my level of education.” I said, my voice laced with sadness.

“Okay, I think I have an idea,” Susan said

I faced Susan and asked curiously, “what’s that.”

“I will tell the new manager about you,” she said.

“Really, do you guys have a vacancy?” I queried curiously.

“The new manager told our boss that we need one more stockerin the supermarket.”

“Stocker, not bad,” I said and continued, “so why didn’t you tell me about it?”

“I forgot; I just remember now. Would you come along with me?” Susan inquired.

“To see the manager?” I asked curiously.

“Yes, to see the manager, what do you think?” she inquired.

“What do I think? Are you kidding me? I think it’s a good idea,” I said with a satisfied grin on my face.

“Go and dress up then, I’m running late. Time is not at our side.” She said.

“After I finished my breakfast,” I said.

“Sure,” she said with a smile.

I rushed my breakfast and marched to my room to take my bathe, I dried my hair with my hair dryer and got into some nice orange T-shirt with a fitted denim trouser that show my nice curves. I combed my hair, put on my beautiful bracelet and stepped out of my room.

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