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His Lustful Hate

"Aliana never think about leaving me. You are mine only mine. I own u. Where ever u go whichever man holds you, only my cock can satisfy you and I know it". He kissed me passionately as if he will eat me up. I know its wrong but I am helpless infront of him as always. Aliana got a huge crush on a boy who later turns out to be her step brother and her biggest bully. What will happen when she meets him after many years but stronger and better. What will be his reaction

Chapter 1 Sudden Meet

Aliana Pov

"Help!Help me ! Please someone help me",

I woke up suddenly with a heart race by hearing my alarm clock ringing . Looks like it has been my daily routine to wake up at 5:30 am in morning with those traumatizing experience I have in my memory. ' He' is still in my memory.

Those days were so horrible..

I quickly woke up, completed my morning routine..and got ready for work..

I went down to hail a cab..The cab driver looked at me in a "not-so-good" look and I know why I got that look..

Being an Asian in European country is hard. Some people are good but some are really mean and annoying. I'm half Asian..My mother is white but my dad is Asian so I have got mixed features. Even some of my co workers hate me for my mixed race...

Just like he did...His family did

I entered office quickly and punched the Id card to mark attendance..I quickly took my seat and started my work.. I'm really good in my work which is budget management . That's why I got a higher position earlier than others but all people think that I used some unspokable means to reach my position. All this just because of my race .

I was lost in thoughts when Liam one of my co workers called me out.

" Ana come fast we are getting late for the meeting" he said

"You go first Li" I said.

Liam and I are close friends so we call each other in nickname. Many even think we are dating but that's all wrong. He's just a brother to me and I'm a sis to him..

I entered the meeting room and saw someone I never expected to see.

Max was sitting there talking with our CEO and other others I don't know. His eyes fall on me and a sweet smile came on his lips. He is always this handsome and sweet.

I took my seat quietly and the meeting started. Last time I saw Max was four years ago.

Then how many years it has been that I haven't seen HIM

Max is one of 'His' close friend. They used to be the famous five boys of our school.

Max presence made me think if He also came but I cannot ask. I don't have the guts to ask anything about that person. As the time passed I was getting more uncomfortable. Finally the meeting came to an end but there was not a single word in the meeting that I actually heard.

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