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Betrayed Luna

Destiny weaves a complex Fabric as Lisa, the daughter of the pack's strongest beta, finds herself unexpectedly bound to Vernon, the brooding son of the Alpha. Their connection is anything but smooth sailing. Vernon, consumed by grief and resentment, holds Lisa responsible for his sister's tragic loss. When Vernon had discovered the truth, he made a cruel decision. Instead of severing their bond outright, he chose to slowly unravel it, day by day, tearing apart each thread that bound them together. His sole aim was to make her suffer, to make her wish she never existed. On the day of her trial, Vernon planned to mock Lisa and select another mate, pledging his life to someone else. But what happens when he learns that his sister, the very source of his anger, never actually died? Will Vernon' realize his mistakes? And how will Lisa react to this shocking revelation?

Chapter 1 Unfamiliar memory

The past days had been dreadful for Lisa, She really wished they'd just turn into a nightmare she'd wake up from, but no, that wasn't possible because it was real, everything in that happened was so real.

Standing beside her Father the Beta, she was overcome with fear of seeing him, the man that loathed and despised her with everything in him, Vernon, but avoiding him would be inevitable as this was his father and mother's anniversary party.

She took in her surroundings, everything was decorated elegantly and beautifully. It was all top-notch and perfect, nothing but the best for their Alpha and Luna.

Vernon stood there with a feeling of resentment, he didn't want to lay his eyes on her because he might just kill her there and then, suddenly, he was hit with a tingling scent of vanilla that took over his senses. It was so intoxicating that he wanted to know where it was coming from.

He followed the scent only to discover that his mate was the one who may have caused the death of his beloved sister, Lisa.

Both of their eyes locked, they felt a strong pull towards each other and their wolves simultaneously said, 'Mate'

They both stood there frozen and in incredulity, how was this possible? Vernon's face morphed into a more irritated and cold one as he walked away from her. A wave of pain and disappointment enveloped Lisa, there was this longing feeling deep inside her as her wolf whimpered.

Moments passed and the party was in full swing, everyone seemed happy but something was missing, rather someone, her death left a gap in many hearts.

Vernon's father stood up getting everyone's attention, he lifted his glass in the air and spoke up, "Attention everyone, today as we celebrate my beautiful wife and my anniversary, but we also remember our beloved daughter, Vivian" As he said that everyone's eyes went to Lisa and they started murmuring, some looking at her with contempt and hate, others with disappointment.

She felt uncomfortable and wished for the ground to open up and swallow her right there.

"We remember her bravery and the joy she brought us, she was an amazing person to sum it all up. " he halted his voice laced with so much emotion and teary-eyed, then continued, "To Vivian" He toasted and everyone chorused the same.

Lisa's POV:

After the party ended, I was glad I could finally sit in the comfort of my room where no one would falsely accuse me of a crime I hadn't committed, even tho I would have a lot of trials to attend, I wanted to keep the peace I had at this moment.

I sat by my window glancing at the woods where Vivian and I loved to go for runs. unknowingly, I drifted back to that moment when I lost her.


"Lisa! Lisa! " Iris called out interrupting my concentration, I looked up from the novel I was reading and saw her figure approaching.

"Yes." I made a reply, putting the book onto my lap.

"I'm bored." She whined slumping next to me pouting.

I shot her an incredulous look, "Don't look at me like that, " She pouted, "Let's go for a run, Lily and I need it." Lily was the name of her wolf and boy was she demanding, she mostly wanted to be let out.

Knowing she'd persuade me anyway, I got up holding out my hand, "Let's go then. "

Her eyes lit up but she wasn't the only one happy, Priscilla my wolf was elated too because I hadn't let her out for a couple of days.

We both went to the woods and shifted into our wolves, Vivian's wolf had light brown fur like the Luna's, her mom, and had brown doe eyes, she was large and the same height as mine, while mine had white fur like my Dad's but her eyes where piercing violet.

We both chased each other, as we always did, then had a running competition to see who was the fastest and chased butterflies too, it was pleasant and rejuvenating.

We finally decided on going back but on our way, I suddenly had an ominous feeling, the hairs on my back suddenly stood up and my senses heightened.

"Let's quickly get out of here. " I mind-linked Vivian who was a bit behind me.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asked halting in her steps.

"I don't know, I've got an ominous feeling, let's hurry back. " I told her, then suddenly, I sensed the presence of an unfamiliar wolf and before I knew, a black wolf launched at Vivian, I jumped at it and we got into a heated fight, Vivian and I fought the wolf, biting and kicking but the wolf was stronger and larger, he threw me away and my back collided with a tree. I groaned in pain, as my sight obscured. We had no chance of winning and the black wolf had Iris in his possession, I had to save her somehow, I needed to save her.

I picked myself up and ran to the pack house, I kept on going till I heard a howl followed by the cracking of bones, he killed Vivian. A howl left my lips, I returned to where I left them, and both the unfamiliar wolf and Iris where no were to be seen, only a puddle of blood that scented like Iris' remained. "Could he have eaten her? " I thought.

I immediately changed back grabbing some clothes and putting them on, tears started streaming down my face as I realized that the wolf had killed her.

When everyone reached me, they pointed their fingers at me accusingly, "What have you done to Vivian?"

"It wasn't me, there was a rogue, he's the one who did this," I tried defending myself but they wouldn't listen.

"You're lying, they haven't been rogue in years and our protection is tight no outsider can breach it. " They made their final verdict that I was the culprit.

I felt Vernon's strong arms around my neck choking me, I struggled gasping for air until my vision started blurring and I blacked out.

End of Recap:

I shuddered at the horrible memory of losing my best friend. Maybe if I stayed I would have saved her, maybe this wouldn't be happening now.

A lone tear escaped my eyes, why was all this happening to me, who was that black wolf and why did he attack Vivian? Many questions swarmed through my brain but I couldn't find any answers to those questions. Sleeping was as scary as being awake because everywhere I was haunted by either the people around me or my nightmares.

I gazed at a brightly lit sky filled with multiple stars, feeling exhausted but not ready to close my eyes.

Alas, I ended up falling asleep and the nightmares haunted me just like every night since she died.

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