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Jada & The Alpha

Jada & The Alpha

Samuel Sampson


Jada Young, a determined journalist haunted by her parents' death at the hands of werewolves, finds herself drawn to her enigmatic boss, Fred Lucian. Despite her initial suspicions, Jada discovers Fred's secret: he is also a werewolf. Conflicted by her feelings and her lifelong quest to expose the truth about werewolves, Jada must confront her fears and prejudices as she navigates a dangerous romance. As their bond deepens, Jada begins to question everything she thought she knew about werewolves, love, and herself, leading to a gripping tale of redemption, acceptance, and forbidden passion.

Chapter 1 Doubts begins to creep in

In a cozy bedroom filled with morning light, a young girl stands before her closet, deliberating over her outfit choice. She selects a crisp blouse and a tailored skirt, aiming for a balance of professionalism and personal style. With a determined expression, she meticulously irons out any wrinkles, ensuring she presents herself with confidence.

Sitting at her desk, she reviews her resume and prepares thoughtful responses to potential interview questions. Nervous energy tingles through her fingertips as she rehearses her answers aloud, striving for clarity and poise. Beside her, a cup of steaming tea offers a comforting presence, soothing her jitters as she mentally prepares for the upcoming challenge.

Finally, she gathers her documents and takes one last look in the mirror, adjusting her posture and offering herself a reassuring smile, she runs out of the room.

As the clock ticks relentlessly, a sense of urgency fills the air in the cozy family home. From her room, the faint sound of hurried footsteps echoes down the hallway as Jada rushes to gather her belongings. Her heart races with the realization that time is slipping away faster than she anticipated.

Just as she reaches the front door, her father emerges from the living room, his gentle voice cutting through the frantic chaos. "Wait a moment, sweetheart," he says, his tone calm yet firm. With a concerned look, he gestures for her to pause, holding out a steaming cup of coffee.

Caught off guard, the young girl halts in her tracks, her breaths coming in short bursts as she tries to explain her haste. But her father simply offers a reassuring smile and places a hand on her shoulder, grounding her with his steady presence.

In that brief moment of connection, the urgency fades into the background as father and daughter share a meaningful exchange. With a grateful nod, the young girl accepts the warm cup of coffee, savoring the brief respite before she resumes her race against the clock, this time with a renewed sense of composure and support from her father.


Jada stands on the bustling city sidewalk, her gaze fixed anxiously on the approaching taxis. With each passing cab, her anticipation grows, her fingers tapping nervously against her purse. As a yellow taxi pulls up to the curb, she exhales a sigh of relief and swiftly steps forward.

With a determined stride, Jada approaches the taxi, her heels clicking against the pavement. She exchanges a quick nod with the driver before sliding into the backseat, the scent of leather and air freshener enveloping her senses. As the taxi pulls away from the curb, Jada's nerves begin to dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of focus.

Peering out the window, she watches the cityscape blur past, buildings rising and falling like waves against the skyline. With each passing moment, Jada mentally rehearses her responses to potential interview questions, her confidence growing with each word.

As the taxi slows to a stop outside the interview venue, Jada's heart quickens with anticipation. With a grateful smile, she thanks the driver and steps out onto the bustling sidewalk once more, her head held high and her determination unwavering. Ready to seize the opportunity that awaits her, Jada strides confidently towards the building, her interview just moments away.

As Jada steps out of the taxi, her focus sharpens on the interview ahead. But in her haste, she collides with a tall, impeccably dressed young man, causing both of them to stagger backward. His piercing gaze meets hers, momentarily locking them in a charged silence.

"I'm so sorry," Jada mutters, her voice tinged with frustration as she hastily adjusts her bag. Without waiting for a response, she attempts to sidestep him, eager to put the encounter behind her.

However, the young man's expression darkens, his features contorting with offense. "Watch where you're going," he snaps, his tone laced with arrogance. "Some of us have places to be."

Jada's cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and indignation. Before she can respond, he brushes past her, his tailored suit swishing with each confident step. The encounter leaves a bitter taste in Jada's mouth, stirring a storm of conflicting emotions within her.

For a brief moment, she considers letting it go and focusing on her interview. But a defiant fire ignites in her chest, compelling her to confront the arrogant stranger. With determined strides, she follows in his wake, her resolve steeling against the looming confrontation.

As Jada catches up to the young man, her frustration boils over, and she confronts him with an icy tone. "Excuse me, but I was just as much at fault as you were. No need to be so rude," she retorts, her words sharp with irritation.

The young man turns to face her, his expression incredulous. "You're the one who bumped into me," he counters, his voice dripping with disdain.

Before Jada can respond, another man suddenly approaches, his demeanor calm yet authoritative. "Is there a problem here?" he asks, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife.

Jada hesitates, her anger momentarily subsiding as she meets the stranger's gaze. Sensing the gravity of the situation, she takes a deep breath, willing herself to regain her composure.

The newcomer addresses both Jada and the young man with a measured tone. "Let's all take a step back and calm down," he suggests, his words carrying a sense of wisdom and diplomacy.

Feeling chastened by the stranger's intervention, Jada nods silently, swallowing her pride in the face of his reasoned approach.

Jada retreats to a nearby chair, her heart still racing from the confrontation. With a sigh, she sinks into the seat, her eyes scanning the room as she observes the ebb and flow of nervous energy. People come and go, their names called one by one as they are ushered into the interview room.

Each passing moment feels like an eternity as Jada waits her turn, her anticipation mounting with each name called. Doubt begins to creep into her mind, whispering the familiar refrain of insecurity and fear of failure.

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