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Unbother King


"Wait! Where are you taking me?" I anxiously asked. I already have an idea of where he's taking me, but my mind is still hopeful for a positive answer. It seems unlikely now as he takes large strides towards the Police Station. "Just a moment, Mister! Please don't take me there! I haven't done anything wrong to you," I plead, on the verge of tears. "You trespassed," he replies, pulling me along. I almost stumble due to the force of his grip on my wrist. "I was just hiding!" I shout, but all I can see is his broad back. Handsome? The hell, Adriana? You still have time to compliment this guy despite what he's doing to you? Blood rushes to my face as we finally enter the station. Cubicles and policemen fill every corner. People are complaining, and some are even arguing, with a police officer trying to intervene. Good heavens, Adriana. What have you gotten yourself into? "Good evening. What's the matter?" A police officer greets us and quickly approaches. I force a laugh and shake my head. "Nothing, sir! Just passing by—" "I saw her hiding inside my car. I don't know her. What charges can I file against her?" he interrupts. My lips part in horror. I look at the man beside me, briefly seeing how handsome he is. But fear and anxiety prevent me from admiring him further. "Quit it! I'm just avoiding my debtor!" "Did she steal anything, Sir?" I shift my gaze to the police officer. He looks at me for a moment. I sniff, holding back tears. "None. I don't have important things in my car. But I don't like the idea of a stranger hiding inside it while I'm out. Don't you think it's dangerous? What if she has malicious intentions?" My forehead wrinkles at his words. With one hand, I slap his arm. How pretentious! "And what harm could I do to you? Look at your huge physique! Do you think I can do anything to you? And even if you have important stuff inside your car, I don't care!" I yell in frustration. People are now looking at us, but I ignore them. Damn! I feel so frustrated and messed up right now. What does he think of me? Committing a crime? Being a thief? If only I could reveal my true life situation, I would. But I can't. I gulp as the man's dark eyes settle on me. He raises an eyebrow, as if finding my words unbelievable. "This woman seems to be telling the truth, Sir. She looks decent and doesn't seem like she'd do anything mischievous," the police officer says, looking at me. I smile at him, relieved that he sees me as a decent person. The policeman smiles back, but his gaze travels down my body. I frown at the kind of look he's giving me. "Looks can be deceiving. Send her to jail and let her stay there until tomorrow. If you won't do it, I have no choice but to file a complaint against you," he says, releasing his grip on my arm.

Chapter 1 1

My thick hair exploded onto my face as I leaped from our gate at a moderate height. The only sound, besides my feet hitting the concrete, was the rustling of leaves in the harsh wind. The tall wall of our house became my shield as I glanced at our enormous home.

Seeing no one around, I cautiously stepped forward, then swiftly ran past our house. However, my heart pounded when, in the midst of my sprint, one of Daddy's men noticed me just as he emerged from the main door.

"Ma'am Adriana!" he shouted, and that's when I summoned all my strength to run even faster. The cool night wind embraced my face as I ran relentlessly. My clothes clung to my body from the speed, like I was a runner on a track, aiming to win.

Despite the chilly evening, salty beads of sweat rolled down my skin. I felt my heart throbbing; I couldn't afford to be caught. I'd planned this escape meticulously and couldn't afford to fail. Gripping my backpack straps, I glanced back to see four men chasing me – undoubtedly my father's bodyguards.

Panic set in. I quickened my pace, my ankles now slightly sore. Running wasn't my forte, and the pain was evident. Approaching our village gate, I looked back, spotting the relentless pursuers. "Miss Adriana!" they called out in unison.

Ignoring their calls, I reached the gate, hearing the guard's greeting but paying no attention. Once outside, various vehicles passed on the highway, and people walked along the roadside. I discreetly blended in to avoid being easily spotted.

Swearing under my breath as I accidentally bumped into a woman, I apologized and hurried on, resisting the urge to engage, fearing it might attract Daddy's men.

I glanced back, still seeing the gate of our village. The four pursuers were closing in. I increased my pace, running with no specific destination, just desperate to distance myself from them and the life my family wanted to impose on me.

Under the bright moon, I ran aimlessly for my freedom. I paused at a large post, relieved to find no one chasing me. Had they given up? Exhausted, I walked to the post, leaning against it to catch my breath. Wiping sweat from my face, I glanced at the road, ensuring they weren't still following.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. With ragged breaths, I checked the message from my sister. She revealed that Daddy knew I left, and his men had seen me. Tears welled up as I questioned my parents' love. Despite my deep love for them, doubts lingered.

I can sense the immense hardship you've endured during those times. Graduating from dentistry alone on stage, without their knowledge, contrasts sharply with the support they showed when I finished my business management course – the only path they approved. The pursuit of their pride led me unknowingly to a place where they wielded power over my life, gradually taking away my freedom.

This manipulation extended beyond me to Ate Chesca. They controlled her life first, dictating her choices. Eventually, she succumbed to marrying a random businessman for the sake of our company. She may wear a smile, but I know deep down she's hurting.

Now, I'm their target. They want me to follow their wishes and treat the child of another business tycoon with respect, despite my clear objections. Wiping away tears, I reassured my sister through a message, vowing to be fine for the sake of the baby.

As I hid behind a post, their voices grew nearer. I pressed against the post, uncertain if it could conceal me. Their words indicated a determined search, and fear gripped me as they planned to separate and scour the area.

I dared to peek after a few minutes, spotting them not far away. Seizing the moment, I left my hiding spot, moving swiftly along the gutter. My heart raced when one of them glanced back. Panicking, I approached a black car with an open trunk.

Without hesitation, I climbed into the trunk, carefully closing it without making a sound. I prayed the owner wouldn't return until I escaped. In that confined space, minutes passed, sweat dripping down my face and neck. The air freshener suffocated me, and I yearned for fresh air but feared the presence of my father's men.

I stayed in the darkness, contemplating my unusual predicament. Chuckling sarcastically, tears rolled down my cheek. This was a drastic step, a consequence of my parents' actions. As I wiped away tears, I reminded myself it wasn't the time for drama – I needed to get away.

Just as I was about to rise, I heard the door open, and the car began to move. Panic set in; the owner had arrived. Before I could free myself, the car started moving, leaving me trapped in the luggage compartment.

The thumping of my heart intensified in my chest. I quickly rose and sat facing the driver. My lips hung open as I realized it was a man behind the wheel, but beyond his rippled muscles and large yet slender hands gripping the steering wheel, I couldn't make out more details.

What should I do? Should I speak up? Tell him about my presence? What if he gets angry? He might think I have malicious intentions. But what if I explain my true reasons?

The interior was dark, making it hard for him to see me even though I was now seated at the back. However, this didn't last long. As the car stopped at a red light, the light from a lamppost pierced through, illuminating me. I scowled at the lamppost and glanced at the rearview mirror.

Five seconds later, a pair of stormy eyes met mine. My eyes widened as our gazes locked. I saw him raise an eyebrow and shift his attention to the back. One hand remained on the wheel, while the other investigated the passenger seat. He seemed to be confirming what he saw in the rearview mirror.

I grinned and attempted a hesitant wave. "Uh, hi!" I awkwardly greeted.

He turned on the interior roof light, revealing my presence. His lips parted in shock, quickly replaced by anger. "Who the fuck are you?" his deep voice reverberated through the car.

I straightened up, struggling to find the right words. "Are you a thief?" he added, intensifying the sternness.

My eyes widened. "No, I'm not! Do I look like a thief? I just happened to—oh!"

My face crumpled as I accidentally hit my forehead on the front seat's headrest. I massaged it gently before refocusing on the road, realizing the vehicles were already moving again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude into your car without permission. I just have people I need to hide from—"

"So, I'm right, huh? You're a thief, hiding from those people chasing you," he interrupted.

"Hey, no! I'm not like that! It just so happens that—ow!"

My face contorted as I accidentally bumped my nose on the headrest again. I chuckled sarcastically, wiping away a tear. "Look what you've done to me, Mom and Dad. See what I've resorted to just to escape your clutches."

Taking a deep breath, I quickly wiped away the tear on my cheek. "This isn't the time for drama, Adriana. I need to get away from this place."

Just as I was about to ask him where he was taking me, I noticed a police station nearby. Before I could inquire, he abruptly stopped the car, got out, and opened the trunk. "Move," he ordered authoritatively.

I nervously asked, "Can you tell me where you're taking me? I could probably get off here."

He didn't answer, continuing to drive as if he hadn't heard me. I sighed and leaned against the car door, feeling exhausted from the recent events. I had no idea where I was going, but Ate Chesca suggested Batanes, where her friend could shelter me.

"P-Can you tell me where you're heading? I-I think I can get off here," I cautiously said during the silence.

He didn't respond, driving on like he hadn't heard me speak. I gazed outside, realizing we were still in Taguig but had moved far from my home. I had no clue where I was headed, but considering the situation, maybe Batanes was indeed my destination.

"Can you tell me where you're going? I think I can get off here," I repeated in the midst of the silence.

No response. I looked outside, recognizing a police station nearby. Moments later, he halted the car. I straightened up, observing him pull down the trunk. "Good evening. What's the matter?" a police officer greeted, quickly approaching us.

Suppressing a laugh, I shook my head. "N-Nothing, sir! I just passed—"

"I saw her hiding inside my car. I don't know her. What charges can I file against her?" he interjected.

My horror was evident as my lips parted. I glanced at him, and for a moment, I saw how handsome he was. But fear and anxiety clouded my mind, preventing me from truly seeing him.

"None. I don't have important things in my car. But I don't like the idea of a stranger hiding inside it while I'm out. Don't you think it's dangerous? What if she has ill intentions?" he explained.

I clenched my fists, accidentally hitting his arm. How pretentious!

"What harm could I possibly do to you? Look at your size! Do you think I can do anything to you? And even if you have important belongings inside your car, I don't care!" I exclaimed in frustration. Some people were staring at us, but I ignored them. Damn! I feel so frustrated and messed up right now. What does he think of me? Planning a crime? A thief? If only I could reveal my true status in life, being a doctor and the daughter of business tycoon Lucas Monteverde, maybe they'd let me go peacefully.

However, I can't do that. They might ask for proof, and if that happens, they might contact my dad. He'll find out I'm here, and all the sacrifices I've made will be in vain. And in the end, I'll have no choice but to marry whoever my parents want for me.

"Come on, Ma'am, let's discuss your case," said the policeman, gripping my arm. I looked at him with teary eyes.

Just one night in jail, right? I can probably handle that. I nodded and followed him, trying to appear brave. I told myself everything would be fine.

I felt a hand on my arm from behind. I turned to see an arrogant man with narrow-minded eyes holding me. The policeman in front of me also stopped, holding my other arm. Irritation crossed his face.

He looked at me before turning to the policeman. "Change my mind. I'll take care of her," he said coldly, releasing me. Confusion filled me at his sudden change of mind.

He led me out of the crowded place. We stood on the side of the road, his car a bit far. He faced me, and our eyes locked. His eyes, deep and black, captivated me. I sighed, tired of explaining myself.

"Why did you change your mind?" I asked hesitantly. His brow furrowed in coldness. "Just be thankful that I saved your ass from that pervert despite what you did to me."

I ran after him and stopped a few meters away. "Wait!" I said. He looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Where are you going?" I asked nervously. "Home," he replied. My hands and feet started to get cold due to the nervousness. I didn't know what to say to him or why I stopped him from leaving. Before I could think of what to say, my mouth spoke on its own.

"I-I'll come with you..."

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