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Unbother King

Unbother King 's Books(11)



"Wait! Where are you taking me?" I anxiously asked. I already have an idea of where he's taking me, but my mind is still hopeful for a positive answer. It seems unlikely now as he takes large strides towards the Police Station. "Just a moment, Mister! Please don't take me there! I haven't done anything wrong to you," I plead, on the verge of tears. "You trespassed," he replies, pulling me along. I almost stumble due to the force of his grip on my wrist. "I was just hiding!" I shout, but all I can see is his broad back. Handsome? The hell, Adriana? You still have time to compliment this guy despite what he's doing to you? Blood rushes to my face as we finally enter the station. Cubicles and policemen fill every corner. People are complaining, and some are even arguing, with a police officer trying to intervene. Good heavens, Adriana. What have you gotten yourself into? "Good evening. What's the matter?" A police officer greets us and quickly approaches. I force a laugh and shake my head. "Nothing, sir! Just passing by—" "I saw her hiding inside my car. I don't know her. What charges can I file against her?" he interrupts. My lips part in horror. I look at the man beside me, briefly seeing how handsome he is. But fear and anxiety prevent me from admiring him further. "Quit it! I'm just avoiding my debtor!" "Did she steal anything, Sir?" I shift my gaze to the police officer. He looks at me for a moment. I sniff, holding back tears. "None. I don't have important things in my car. But I don't like the idea of a stranger hiding inside it while I'm out. Don't you think it's dangerous? What if she has malicious intentions?" My forehead wrinkles at his words. With one hand, I slap his arm. How pretentious! "And what harm could I do to you? Look at your huge physique! Do you think I can do anything to you? And even if you have important stuff inside your car, I don't care!" I yell in frustration. People are now looking at us, but I ignore them. Damn! I feel so frustrated and messed up right now. What does he think of me? Committing a crime? Being a thief? If only I could reveal my true life situation, I would. But I can't. I gulp as the man's dark eyes settle on me. He raises an eyebrow, as if finding my words unbelievable. "This woman seems to be telling the truth, Sir. She looks decent and doesn't seem like she'd do anything mischievous," the police officer says, looking at me. I smile at him, relieved that he sees me as a decent person. The policeman smiles back, but his gaze travels down my body. I frown at the kind of look he's giving me. "Looks can be deceiving. Send her to jail and let her stay there until tomorrow. If you won't do it, I have no choice but to file a complaint against you," he says, releasing his grip on my arm.


We Can't Have The Best of Both Worlds At The Same Time. He is bad, he is ruthless, he makes life hard for me but I keep on coming back. Maybe because I find the warmest touch in the coldest man that I know. And that warmth, consumed me, forever. prologue "F*ck Pey.. You are driving me crazy.." I turned my body around to face him. He is huge and long, no matter what I do, his masculinity doesn't just leave my body. I swung a few more times. His leg muscles stiffened. I can see how it stiffens with every movement I make on top of him. I heard him groaned, he balled his fists even. I know he is close but he is holding it back, he is really that stubborn. even his own happiness has to be canceled even though it's going to be there. "Hey.. I'm coming." He said breathlessly. I immediately moved my body away from him. I faced him on my knees. Chest to chest. I am panting while his eyes were closed. however, I still heard his chest beating. I caressed his handsome face. I only do this whenever he reaches the peak of happiness. The only moment that he wouldn't notice that I am watching him. Adoring his perfect structure. his defined jaw, chiseled nose and his long eyelashes. It's like an angel who came down from heaven. He opened his mouth as he gasped for air. His brown eyes sparkled a little. Yes, the eyes of this stupid are blue. I tweaked his thick hair to get revenge on this animal without him realizing it. I felt the gush of hot thick liquid in my back. I closed my eyes at the amount he released. If one isn't really good, I won't give it to you. but since he introduced me to this game, I couldn't say no. My body betrayed me badly. "Peyton.." He whispered while kissing the side of my ear. "One more." It's still a language. You are really shit Alec Xerxes Valdemar.