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Meet Selena a naive little human girl who gets abused by her parents occasionally. She knows nothing about the werewolf world but was claimed by an Alpha who holds a lot of grudge against the humans for Killing his former mate and also thinks Selena is too weak to be his mate. Will Selena become strong and prove the Alpha wrong?


You bitch! Where the fuck were you all this time, and why is our food not ready?

"You foolish child, can't you just do things at the right time?

You can see him standing with his wife and son in the living room as he yelled at a small, shaking figure in front of him.

"Can't you speak? you moron! He screamed again.

But the little shaking figure was too scared to say anything; she knew if she said anything, she might make him angrier.

All she had to do was wait to get hit, just like every other day.

He went close to her, and before she knew it, he smacked her across the face and kicked her in the abdomen. The girl screamed, but no one was there to save her. Her mom and brother always ignore it whenever her dad hits her. They all abuse her; it has always been like that. Get beaten for any little thing and also for what is not her fault.

Welcome to the world of the Daniels; they are back to their normal daily routine. A family of four. The father, mother, and their two kids A boy of Twenty-one years old and a girl of nineteen years old.

"Dad, I am so sorry. My boss increased my shift by two more hours because I mistakenly splashed coffee on someone. I will go make it now." She replied painfully, rushing to the kitchen so she wouldn't receive another beating in her life, but she was wrong. This was just the beginning; he continued hitting and kicking her till she began to spit out blood.

She just continues to beg for mercy at the hands of the person she called her father, but he wasn't ready to listen. Well, her name is Selena Daniel.

She is a nineteen-year-old girl. She has always been abused since she was five. What just happened to her a few minutes ago is little compared to what has always happened to her, so she is used to it.

She has promised to continue bearing the pains given to her until she can move out. She has been gathering the money she receives from her part-time jobs. She works in different places, but she didn't allow her family to know that.

She knows that if that happens, she won't be able to do so anymore. She finished high school, which was not quite long. She has always been a quiet girl; she didn't have a friend throughout her high school life, and she never tried to, because if her family knows she talks to anyone in school, she's going to be in big trouble, so to avoid it, she doesn't.

They have a reputation to protect, so they can't let anyone know about what is going on behind their doors.

She was called the school mute throughout her high school life. Some students she ignored when they tried to make friends with her later became her worst nightmare.

They think she is proud; that's why she keeps ignoring them. Her high school life was not an easy one, but she still managed to scrape through.

​Her dad is a well-known medical lab scientist in City X, and her mom is also a well-known model. Despite them being rich, Selena still does a part-time job to fend for herself. They never let the world know they had a daughter, so they turned her into the maid in the house.

They made her do different types of work even though she is just a nineteen-year-old girl.

They didn't want her to go to college or university because they thought it'd be a waste of cash and a disadvantage to them.

But with her being a girl with determination, she promised herself she was going to move out of the hell known as a house and go to the university to study her dream course.

Still holding her tummy and spitting out blood, she ran to the kitchen to quickly make the food asked for by her parents.

She knows there is not much time for her, so she made easy fast food so she wouldn't stay long.

Not long after, the food was ready, and she quickly went to arrange the food for the dinner. She went to her parents and brother to tell them the food was ready and ran back to the kitchen to clean up the little mess she made while cooking. If her mom steps into the kitchen and notices a single stain, she will be dead.

After she was done cleaning the kitchen, she used the opportunity of them being in the dining room to go clean up their rooms, including her brother's.

She took their dirty clothes to the laundry and washed them. Minutes later, she went back to the dining room to pack their dirty dishes up and go wash them. By the time she was done doing all those things, doing those things wasn't easy for her because she was feeling a lot of pain, but she couldn't avoid it because she was going to put herself in more trouble if she didn't do it.

It was already 2 a.m.; she just had three more hours to sleep, so for her not to waste much time, she quickly went to her room to have her sleep.

Her room is behind the mansion, a little room with a bad rooftop, a bad door, and a little mattress; the floor isn't even covered with carpet.

She always prays there shouldn't be rainfall; otherwise, she won't be having a good sleep for a whole week. If care is not taken, she can be attacked in her room. But since it is inside their compound, it's kind of safe for her to live there.

Getting to her room, she took off her blood-stained clothes and took a cold bath to rinse off her blood-stained body. She winced as she took her bath. When she came out of her bathroom, she did some dressing on her wounds, put on new clothes, and slept off.


"Dad! I am sorry; it won't happen ever again. I promise not to do so again." I begged him not to hurt me.

"You bitch, it would be better if you never came into my life. It won't be this messed up." He yelled at me, still pointing a silver gun at me.

His life is a mess. For crying out loud, I haven't once disturbed him to get me the necessary things I need. I have a part-time job to fend for myself.

Apart from paying my fees in high school, he never does anything else for me. Then how the heck did I mess up his life?

"Dad, please, I am sorry," I begged him, still wailing.

"Everything will go back to normal if you are no longer in the picture." He said it again, pulling the trigger. I waited for it to get through me and make me end this useless life I have been living.


I screamed, Thank goodness; it was just a nightmare. I do have it all the time, so I am used to it. I checked the time, and it was already fifteen minutes past five. I don't have much time left.

I quickly rushed to the mansion before they were up; if I don't do so fast, I am going to be in deep trouble. Getting to the mansion, I dashed to the kitchen to make their breakfast.

A few minutes later, I heard someone come down the stairs. I dare not look back. So I continued doing my chores.

"Bitch, where is my blue shirt?" I heard my brother ask me. Oh God, I just washed it yesterday. I am so dead.

"It isn't dried yet," I told him indirectly. I know this isn't going to end here this morning.

"What the fuck does that mean?" He asked me furiously, dashing toward me. Oh my, I am so dead; he is not going to take it likely with me. I tried to run past him, but with the pain I am still feeling from yesterday's beating, I couldn't do so, and he was also close to me already.

Before I knew it, he pushed me against the wall and kicked me. I knew I couldn't escape it anymore, so I just covered my face and continued receiving the hits. I didn't scream or make a sound. I promised myself not to ever cry in front of them anymore. They don't deserve to see my tears.

He continued kicking and punching me till he was stopped by mom.

"It's enough, James. You don't want her to die in our house, do you? She asked, picking on her nails. People do say that no matter what, your mom is going to stand by you and protect you. But my mom is the exact opposite of that.

"She is just a bitch, mom; I can't let her go that way! Imagine she just washed the shirt I planned to wear today." He yelled, still kicking me with every opportunity he got.

"Just let her go, dear; don't waste your time on the tramp. You can go take my credit card and get a new shirt, my prince," Mum said, which made him stop hitting me and go to hug her happily.

"Thanks, mom; you are the best," he said while hugging her. He threw me one more glare before leaving.

"Bitch, where is our food?" Mom asked me, glaring at me with her green eyeballs. Apart from the same eye color I share with her, I look nothing like any of them. She has blonde hair and tanned skin, while Dad has brown hair and fair skin, and James has brown eyes and brown hair.

I have pale skin and ginger-red hair, just like Grandma. I love my grandma so much; she gets me anything I need, as she has pampered me a lot. I remember how I would cause a lot of scenes and throw tantrums if she didn't get me what I wanted.

I have always known my parents don't love me since I was three years old, but my grandma would tell me they love me and that they are going through some things that explain why they behave coldly toward me.

I lived with her till she passed away. She died when I was five, and I could recall vividly that my parents started abusing me the night my grandma passed away. I hate them so much.

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