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Chapter 3 WHO ARE YOU

Word Count: 1716    |    Released on: 21/12/2023


e guy with him stare in shock at hi

just said?" I heard

not a possession, so you can't own me, man. P

he heck? Just seeing someone for the fir

. His expression changed to that of confusion at first, which disappeared quickly just as it came. His f

u?" He aske

my breath. I am not that used to talking, so I couldn't say it out loud. I was just

s and asked if I felt any kind of connection. Truly, I kind of felt a spark when he touched me, and it

he did was pull me toward him and the

re are you taking m

owed. I looked around, but everyone was minding their busi

hard, and it made him kind of tense, but it didn't help. I didn't stop wiggling; I was also screaming for help, but it wasn't heard. Not long after I saw a b

ld my hands and smirk. "You are slow," he said, snickering. "Get into the car," he said again. "Never, I won't," I mumbled, folding my hands

seat. I tried to open the other side

e but resting his head. I didn't reply. Then h

I won't tolerate any disrespect from you.

g way. This man makes me scared. "My name is Selena. " What

nt back to his position,

single human since we left that city. Yeah, we left my new city because I don't think we would still be in that city after three hours of driving wi

frightened. After a few more hours, I

eyes. "Leave me alone; I can walk myself," I said, s

owling? He carried me up in bride style and walked towards a castle. Wow, I was stunned. It is extrao

nt they saw him, every single person halted what they were doing with frighte

He didn't even acknowledge them; he just climbed up the stairs. We got t

u want anything, and again, you should go to bed early because we have a lot to talk about tomorrow." He said. Oh

ve never slept in this kind of beautiful room in my life

er to come in since it wasn't locked. She came in. Hmm, she is also pretty, j

smiling a little too much, or maybe I am the issue since I haven't seen anyone smil


She said she was stretching it for me. I quickly collected it from her,

standing there. I wanted her to leave before taking off my dress. I couldn't allow her to see

n the bathroom because I am here." She asked, stunned. I nodded

y neck, and my pop-socks, leaving my bra and pants on. I looked i

y, while others are still healing up. I saw a red spot close to my ribcage; touc

my face so others won't be suspicious of them and get their reputation ruined

wrong, Sophia; I am fine," I replied. I quickly had my bath, p

e, right?" I asked Sophia. "Yup, it's yours. Any problem with that?" "

f food because he thinks you are skinny, w

eirdly and asking, "Is anything wrong?" I asked

carf and socks? We are still in the summer pe

ng to make her know the conversation was o

eating the whole food brought by the maids. Sophia kep

e called the maid to

o my brother doesn't get mad at m

mien guy was. Why did he think I was his? Why is Sophia taking care of me? And what ex

r, I traveled

rrow to solv

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1 Chapter 1 THEIR NORMAL ROUTINE2 Chapter 2 NEW LIFE3 Chapter 3 WHO ARE YOU 4 Chapter 4 I AM AN ALPHA5 Chapter 5 LIVING WITH THEM6 Chapter 6 EPI 67 Chapter 7 THE PUNISHMENT 8 Chapter 8 CHOOSE YOUR ROAD9 Chapter 9 WHY DON’T WE FIGHT TOMORROW 10 Chapter 10 REJECT ME11 Chapter 11 DAMIEN12 Chapter 12 DAMIEN 213 Chapter 13 QUESTIONS AND ANSWER14 Chapter 14 THE PARTY 215 Chapter 15 ROGUES ESCAPE16 Chapter 16 I HAVE A LOT OF QUESTIONS FOR YOU17 Chapter 17 THE PAINS18 Chapter 18 STAY AWAY FROM ME ASSHOLE!19 Chapter 19 YOU ARE NOT SAFE20 Chapter 20 THE TORTURE21 Chapter 21 STRANGE VOICE22 Chapter 22 WHO ARE YOU 23 Chapter 23 WHO THE HELL IS SHE 24 Chapter 24 STRANGE SCENT25 Chapter 25 A DAY WITH SMITH26 Chapter 26 HAVING DINNER WITH THE PACK MEMBERS27 Chapter 27 THE TRIP28 Chapter 28 THE FIGHT29 Chapter 29 I AM A HUMAN30 Chapter 30 I AM A HUMAN 231 Chapter 31 I AM A HUMAN 332 Chapter 32 DIALOGUE33 Chapter 33 THE VAMPIRES34 Chapter 34 THE VAMPIRE 235 Chapter 35 MELISSA36 Chapter 36 HER DISAPPEARANCE37 Chapter 37 DAMIEN & SELENA38 Chapter 38 HER  ARRIVAL39 Chapter 39 HER ARRIVAL 240 Chapter 40 GUARDIAN ANGEL41 Chapter 41 THE DINING TROUBLE42 Chapter 42 BIZARRE SITUATION43 Chapter 43 HIS ARRIVAL44 Chapter 44 VANESSA45 Chapter 45 MEETING WITH HER PARENT46 Chapter 46 DON'T TRUST, DON'T DEPEND47 Chapter 47 THE BETRAYAL48 Chapter 48 ARGUMENT49 Chapter 49 THE LETTER50 Chapter 50 JARED51 Chapter 51 MAKE ME YOURS.52 Chapter 52 HE IS SCREWED53 Chapter 53 THE SPELL54 Chapter 54 UNWANTED GUEST55 Chapter 55 HER DISAPPEARANCE56 Chapter 56 SERENA57 Chapter 57 ULTIMA WOLF58 Chapter 58 FIRST KILL59 Chapter 59 ENDING THE SANTIAGO'S60 Chapter 60 HER FIRST SHIFT61 Chapter 61 SHE IS BACK62 Chapter 62 HEAT63 Chapter 63 HEAT 264 Chapter 64 THE ANNOUNCEMENT65 Chapter 65 CONFESSION66 Chapter 66 TRUTH REVEALED67 Chapter 67 DEREK AND SERENA68 Chapter 68 HER FIRST ADDRESS69 Chapter 69 BANISHMENT70 Chapter 70 THE ATTACK71 Chapter 71 THE BATTLE72 Chapter 72 EPILOGUE