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Tangled Intimacy

Tangled Intimacy



Dana Joseker, an independent 24 year old lady who works two jobs strives to make ends meet. She’s an only child who lost her dad years back and is left to cater for herself and her mom. She works tirelessly till she meets Felix Bailey, the most powerful billionaire in the country who has everything in the world except an heir and is rumored to be gay. They have an acquaintance with each other as they’re in need of each other. Will their relationship be one with love and emotions? Will this be the worst mistake of their lives or will it be the best? Will Dana be able to provide an heir for the billionaire?

Chapter 1 WHY ME

As I sat down on my couch, sighing and thinking of my life and how God decided to make things difficult for my twenty four year old self I was brought back to life by my ringing phone

“Where the hell are you” my only friend and coworker, Claire yelled through the phone

“I’m on my way, there’s a lot of traffic” I lied

“Be fast or else you know what” she said almost yelling

I ran through the door as fast as I could knowing I’m putting my job at risk, I hailed a taxi and got in telling the driver the address, looking at how the crowd outside bubbled and the lights as beautiful as ever I only thought one thing


My life was going the wrong way and I knew my ruthless boss at work might either fire me before I entered or yell at me throughout the night. Although quitting would have helped my peace a little, it’ll be the worst decision of my life because there’s nowhere I could run to

I got down from the taxi and took a deep breath

What’s the worst that can happen I thought

Claire who was already waiting at the doorpost looked at me and laughed

“What’s so funny” I asked with a raised brow and a frustrated tone looking at myself to see if something was wrong with my dressing

“You know you don’t always have to look pathetic right” she said laughing hard

And with that we gave each other a ‘you can do this look’

and we strolled in. Luckily, we weren’t caught. I continued my work with a vague smile and self control as working as a server and bartender entailed. I also needed the tips from the customers so I had no choice than to smile desperately.

I did my regulars; listening to annoying jokes and laughing at them, flirt back at the customers that flirts first, listen to drunk men and women telling their problems and giving my opinion if needed all just to get tips and get the employee of the month bonus because my life depended on it.

As I continued with my regulars, I noticed a nicely dressed man with a broad figure in his sweatshirt and sweatpants walking up to me at the bar, his gray eyes confused me and I froze as I looked at them deeply, drowning all my sorrows in them. I forget myself and his deep, firm but weirdly soothing voice called out making me come out of my delusional thoughts

“Do you always look at your customers like this” his deep firm voice called out sending shivers down my bones

“I’m so-rry, wh-what can I ge-t you?” I stuttered

“A glass of bourbon” he said plainly

“Coming right up please excuse me for some seconds” I said

“That’s alright” his tone was nicer

I ran up to Claire to bring her attention to the handsomely dressed gentleman at the bar

“I haven’t seen him here before and he looks rich” she said smiling

“How does he look rich when he’s wearing what almost everyone here is wearing”I hid my opinion that he was nicely dressed and looked luxurious although in sweatpants

And I walked back to the bar giving him his order. After ten minutes of doing my regulars I heard a voice call out to me.

“What else do you do asides from laughing to jokes that don’t make sense” he said plainly his head faced down to his phone

“Excuse me” I squeezed my brows in confusion

“You look like you want to curse everyone out here but you’re keeping your cool” he said still using his phone and not budging

I was so thankful knowing that someone else aside from Claire could see my pain and tiredness. It only made me more tired and angry but there was nothing I could do so I just cleared my thoughts and I said

“You don’t have to speak for everyone here, you can just say how you feel I’m here to listen” I raised my voice to sound annoyed. Although there was nothing to be angry about as it was true

“You don’t have to shout, if you don’t feel same then don’t say anything back” as confident as he has always been since he walked in he said to me

I walked away with pains in my heart and tears in my eyes so I walked almost running to the ladies room.

What’s his problem?, where does he know me from?Does he think I’m suffering? But he was so right and there was nothing I could do about it other than to allow the tears that’s been residing in my eyes to flow out. My mom needs me, she has no one else since my dad died it’s just been me and her against the world and the world was not smiling at us in any way

I could use a miracle I thought as I wiped my tears and walked out of the ladies room. I looked round the bar and all I could hear was ugly laughing, clanging of glass cups and bottles and ladies giggling. I sighed and said “this won’t be the end of me” and I walked to the bar.

As if the handsome man was waiting for me to come out, he immediately said to me on reaching the bar…

“You look tired, why don’t we get something to eat” the handsome rich man said like a command

“Sorry what?” I mumbled

“You look tired and hungry, we can go somewhere to eat and then you can head home” he said firmly but almost comforting

“I’m sorry I can’t, I’m working” I said back irritatedly

“Don’t worry, your manager doesn’t mind” his look piercing into my soul and giving me shivers

I haven’t felt this way by anyone's look before, he has a way of confusing someone with his ever glowing gray eyes,his firm confident voice like he owns the world.

Just as he said that, my ruthless manager strolled down towards us and gave a very genuine smile that I haven’t seen on his face though I’ve worked for him for two years in his bar.

“Go on Dana, you’ve worked so hard it’s only right to let you off early today” he said chuckling

I was shocked and I looked at the handsomely dressed man in sweatpants and back at my manager. Claire was giving me a convincing look and smiling so hard at me. Knowing fully well that I was hungry and most importantly needed to rest, I gave a vague impression and gave in

“Thank you Frank, I hope it doesn’t mean I won’t get my pay though” I asked my manager nervously

“Oh my God of course not” he said chuckling so hard

“Well, shall we?” his deep voice called out as he stood up.

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