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After marriage (Wife of the billionaire playboy)

After marriage (Wife of the billionaire playboy)

Queen Nienie


“ I don't see the reason why you won't sign the fucking divorce papers!” He said after taking a deep breath, he placed the papers on the table. She only shrugged her shoulders in response. His mind was everything but stable. “ Oh I will” She said with a cheeky smile and he sighed in relief. “ Really?” His eyes lit up. “ One one condition” She raised a finger at him with a shit eating grin. “ I'll do anything to go back to being a bachelor” He said almost desperately. “ Sleep with me” Marriage has always being a bad news to the number one playboy billionaire, Daniel Smith He hated the idea of commitment, what will happen when his father signs a deal to get a bride for him? A crazy one at that.

Chapter 1 Prologue



“ Yes, Daniel! Fuck me”

the loud shrill of pleasure rang out again. Fransisca rolled on her bed gritting her teeth to the point of breaking them.

“ Lord fuck me!” She groaned kicking a pillow away from her. Anger wasn't enough to justify how she was feeling, she was enraged. How could he? They had only gotten married a week ago and he was already bringing his sluts home to fuck them wildly knowing she was just in the opposite room. She wasn't bothered about his open cheating, she was just enraged that his actions were robbing her of her beauty sleep.

“ Yes! Daniel! Give it to me!” The female voice moaned out again, this time louder than before. Fransisca threw another pillow at the wall angrily. She has only managed to count sheep to sleep early only for them to keep her awake like this?

“ God help me, if that bitch screams again. I'm going to pull my hair out one by one” She muttered as she placed another pillow on her head but another moan just went through the soft material again. She sat up and yanked her sleeping mask off her face.

She stood up from the bed with a scowl on her face. She wore her fluffy slipper and tied her sleeping robe properly. Locking the door behind her she walked towards the master's bedroom with a grumpy expression.


“ Oh yes Danny” The girl moaned again, Fransisca hissed loudly as she banged the door harder, venting out all her anger and frustration on the poor piece of an oak tree. She banged the door so hard she could hear the hinges shaking but her sleep-deprived self doesn't give a fuck about the door. The door can fucking break down for all she cares.

“ For the love of God! Can you just keep it down? Some of us want to sleep for crying out loud!” She shouted when she saw that nobody would answer her knocks. The lady continued moaning and she banged the door harder.

“ For Christ's sake. I will tear this down if you don't fucking tone it down. It's a dick you are taking not a whole fucking baby! Stop moaning like you want to fucking explode the whole world and LET! ME! FUCKING! SLEEP!!” She shouted almost sounding like a deranged witch but what is the difference between a sleep-deprived woman and a deranged witch? Well her deranged acts worked like a pro, the noises went down. Whether they had lost their arousal due to embarrassment or they decided to listen to her and keep it was none of her business but she was glad they were toning it down.

“ It is something to be fucking my husband in my matrimonial home and it is another to be extremely loud about it. So rude” She muttered bitterly as she raised the pantry for a snack, at least that should help her already ruined mood. She grabbed a glass of water and went back to her room but immediately she locked the door, another loud shrill stopped her in her tracks.

“ Someone will die before morning and it's not going to be me,” She said with a sigh, she took a sip of water and tried to calm herself down.

“ Fransisca?” She called herself.

“ Yes,” and she answered.

“Lillian” She called again responded like the first time.

“ Do you want to go to jail?”

“ No?”

“ Is Daniel Smith and his little bony fish worthy enough for you to be behind bars”

“ Of course not but I can still reconsider that” Plopping a dried date in her mouth she sighed again as she heard another moan.

“ I'll look good in a prison uniform and I won't hesitate to wear one if they don't let me sleep,” She said to herself thankfully the house died down and she started counting sheep backward again to lull herself to sleep.


“ What is the meaning of what you did yesterday?” He said the moment he laid his eyes on her early in the morning. He was already dressed for his office and she was sitting in front of the coffee with the darkest of the dark circles cradling a mug of coffee like her life depended on it. She glared at him icily and watched him swallow his saliva. It was her father's fault, she could have been enjoying her life while thinking about her brighter future but there she was married to a playboy.

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