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Love Syndrome

Love Syndrome



Anita finds herself entangled in the clutches of two deviant men and a perilous love. Anita, a paragon of kindness, unknowingly becomes the focal point of Andrew and Franklin Powell's ominous desires. Her innocence stands as a stark contrast to their malevolence, creating a turbulent dynamic in the dark realm they inhabit. An ethereal angel, Anita has lived a life untouched by the darkness that shrouds the Powell brothers. Their hands, stained with the perpetual crimson of transgressions, revel in cruelty as they navigate the sinister path they've chosen. As Anita tries to distance herself from their ominous presence, the brothers, relentless in their pursuit, draw her closer into their web. The clash between her angelic nature and their demonic essence sets the stage for a gripping tale of twisted love. Meet Iris, a 19-year-old girl, an avid reader who seeks solace within the confines of her room, engrossed in her laptop and surrounded by geeky treasures. Andrew and Franklin, the Powell Brothers, aged 28, epitomize the embodiment of cold-blooded ruthlessness and arrogance. They navigate their cutthroat business world with an indifference to everyone but themselves. Driven by the mantra of "they want it, they get it," the Powell brothers set their sights on the unsuspecting Anita, ready to employ any means necessary to claim her as their own. Warning: This narrative delves into mature themes, including foul language, dark undertones, and explicit content with various kinks. Brace yourself for a story that explores the complex interplay of desires and the shadows that lurk within.

Chapter 1 1

Anita's senses reluctantly stirred to the intrusive sound of her alarm, signaling the onset of a new day. Emitting a soft groan, she wrestled with the idea of abandoning the comforting cocoon of her bed, adorned with a weighted blanket and surrounded by plush pillows. Succumbing to the allure of slumber, she defiantly hit the snooze button, seeking solace in the embrace of sleep.

After engaging in a brief battle with the persistent alarm clock, Anita finally succumbed to the inevitability of waking. With a languid stretch and a resonating yawn, she reluctantly extricated herself from the warmth of her bed. Descending from her sleeping sanctuary, she reached for her phone, navigating through a sea of notifications and her meticulously planned schedule. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she muttered, "I need coffee," while rejuvenating her senses with a splash of cold water on her face.

As Anita scrutinized her reflection in the mirror, a self-pep talk ensued. "Be happy; mom and dad would be proud of what you've achieved," she reminded herself, punctuating her thoughts with a light slap to her face. "You have a car, an apartment, a stable income, and you're diligently paying off loans without missing a deadline. How many 19-year-olds can boast such accomplishments?" With a newfound boost of confidence from her mini Ted Talk, she swapped her pajamas for something presentable yet comfortable.

Armed with determination, Anita seized her car keys and gracefully exited her apartment. The city greeted her with the early morning hustle and bustle—people strolling, commuting to offices, and navigating their way to various destinations. The drive to the nearest cafe blurred through the short distance, and Anita's blank expression transformed into a welcoming smile as she parked her car and stepped into the café, ready to embrace the day with renewed spirits.

"What can I get for you?" inquired the barista. Anita responded with a warm smile, "A caramel macchiato with extra sugar and an everything bagel, please." The man swiftly noted down her order and inquired, "For here or to go?" "To go," Anita replied, her anticipation evident. As she awaited her order, she found a seat near the glass wall. The mellow tones of pop music filled the air, accompanied by the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee, creating a soothing ambiance. Anita closed her eyes, immersing herself in the delightful surroundings.

Observing the world outside through the glass wall, she absentmindedly tapped the table, her gaze capturing the nuances of life on the road. A girl dropped her wallet, and a gentleman kindly returned it, sparking a conversation that ended with shared laughter and exchanged numbers. A man in a blue suit hurriedly ran, likely late for an appointment. A teenager strolled with a dog and a cup of coffee. Numerous individuals, each immersed in their own lives, passed by in a flurry of activity.

Her contemplation was interrupted by a sudden gust of wind that scattered a few pages across the floor. Anita flinched at the unexpected movement but quickly composed herself. She bent down to retrieve the papers, realizing they had flown from a nearby table. After returning the pages to their place, she perused the content, pausing at certain words. A sigh escaped her lips. The owner of the document was nowhere in sight. In a moment of internal debate, Anita noticed sticky notes and a pen on the table. Retrieving her phone, she typed a few words, quickly obtaining results that led to insightful suggestions. Writing a brief note and adorning it with a smiley face, she affixed it to the papers, motivated by a desire to prevent the owner from falling victim to deceit.

"Order number 4," the man announced behind her. Anita collected her order and left the café. A phone call from Shirley beckoned, "Are you coming, girly? Jason and I are waiting for you before starting the meeting." "I am on my way," Anita responded, settling into her car. Sipping her coffee slowly and savoring the morning radio, she set off to her friend's house.

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