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The hundred years villainess Reincrinate as a princess

The hundred years villainess Reincrinate as a princess

Black Reign


She died due to overworking as a popular web writer, she never thought she could die like that in an appropriate state. But they did say, if only you could be given another chance to live again and alas, she was reicarnated as a child! She is not just merely a baby, but the youngest and only princess of an Eryndor Empire! How a 30-year-old unmarried and virgin woman could survive this? Especially her family where she belongs are famous as a heartless and tyrant royal family?

Chapter 1 1

I stopped typing on my cellphone when the Uber driver stopped his car and stopped at my side.

I am now here at the gate of my house. I wasted no more time. I grabbed money from the pocket of my bag and immediately gave it to the driver.

I thanked to the driver and then I opened door . I went out and faintly I walked towards the gate of the house. Yes, I felt tired since I left the house but I was more tired during the times I was out because I had to work with my editor. Because I have a novel currently being written.

My editor and I are still arguing a bit because I don't want to publish my work even though my due date is really close. Even if the publishing house pays a lot to release it, I still refuse. Not because I don't write well. I just really don't want to show it --- except for me. For me, there seems to be something missing in that story.

When I entered my house I went straight to my room. I lazily laid my bag on the single sofa.

I immediately opened my laptop to review my work. I'm speculating that I'll add more or not --- delete that.

I no longer realized how much time I had focused on my laptop. I can almost feel the blurring of my eyes. My eyes have also narrowed a few times. I realize I haven’t had dinner yet. I let out a deep sigh. I decided to cut the novel I was making first.

But as I stepped on the floor of my room I suddenly collapsed. I curled up and fell on my chest. I can feel my heart speed up. Faster and faster. I gritted my teeth because of pain. I couldn’t help but scream for help because I was the only one in this house. My parents are also gone because they are currently in America and they have already migrated there.

I just left it here because of my passion to write. Even if they don’t agree with the career I want.

My chest hurts more. Damn, I just now realized that I haven’t eaten properly for a few weeks because of my stress.

Especially when I get hungry! Don't tell me ... My cause of death will be overworking !? No, no, no!I’d rather die if I die any other way, just don’t do it!

The novel I was writing earlier suddenly came to my mind. I tried to move, I almost crawled but my body couldn't really handle it.

I tried to reach my laptop but I failed.

I finally fell to the floor. My body seems to have a mind of its own. Gently closed my eyes.

Damn, why did I end up like this? Is it because I neglect myself too much? Most likely. But no, I still want to finish the novel I'm working on. I want to finish it no matter what happens.

I want to live again. I won't be quiet until I get to the end of that novel. Oh please ...

"Awake ... she's here." I heard a woman's voice. It was soft and she pronounced every word gently.

I quickly opened my eyes. Wait, am I not dead? I'm not going to die? Long live me? Wait, I no longer feel the pain in my chest.

I raised my hands as if reaching out. My forehead furrowed slightly when a woman with a wide smile exposed herself to me, based on her dress she was an assistant. The baby wind chime in front of me also exposed me! I wonder more why my arms are so short ?!

The woman carried me. My jaw dropped when I saw that many women were dressed as maids. The hem of their skirts is long and floor-length! I also rolled my eyes around. Wait, this is not my room! Where am I?!

I heard them sigh when suddenly the big door of this room opened. The maids lined up and bowed slightly as if you thought they were expecting guests.

Until four men entered this room! One looks young and the other is a teenager and the other two are young people who are almost the same age.

Why are they dressed differently ?! Wait, as I recall, I see those costumes in the Medieval movies I watch!

"Is she awake yet?" authoritative question of the young man approaching us. But why is his clothes so bloody ?! Even the young man had a blood stain on his armor! Even its cheek was stained with blood!

What is this, are they killing each other ?!

"Yes, Your Majesty. The princess is awake ..." politely replied the woman carrying me.

My expression was blank as I watched them. I can sense the dominance, pride and fear within. To this day I am still confused about what is happening. Who are they? They look like foreigners because some of them have black hair. As well as their features.

The young man in front of me also gave me a blank expression. The hair is black. Tall and muscular physique. He looked scary, as if I was going to peel off the skin of this one! “By now you’re safe,” he said.

I was surprised when he picked me up.

"We have destroyed the Kingdom of origin of those who undertook your life."

Huh? What is he saying?

He turned me back to the woman. "Take good care of the princess." his cold command. But my hair stood on end as the expression on his face changed. A sharp look he bestowed on us. "Once you have failed in your duty, I will not hesitate to deprive your life." they have turned their backs on us and have left this room.

I shifted my gaze to the maids. Fear and nervousness were on their faces. It seems scary that the ---

Wait, princess? Ha ?! Me ?! What the hell is going on here ?!

I still can not believe. If I could just slap myself, maybe I would have done it.

I found out that I was the youngest daughter of Emperor Vencel Eyrindor.

He currently rules the entire Cyan Kingdom as well as several countries close to this country. Aside from that, he's notorious as a tyrant! Not only him, even the three men who were with me also found out that I am the children of the former Empress of Cyan. Everyone has pure black hair --- except for me who has blonde hair. I hear from the gossip of the housemates that my mother is not blue-blooded. In short, she's a commoner. Like, what the hell? So discrimination is also trendy when you're not fully royal blood, right?

I hardly move the toys anymore because I feel like I’m drowning in too much!in my previous life when I was young, I didn't have that many toys. In fact I would even rather handle fairy tale books than these.

But wait, these scenes seem familiar to me. Wait, wait, wait ---

Suddenly my babysitter picked me up. Our looks were right. There was a look of shock and astonishment on my face as she gave me a sweet smile.

"It's time to eat, dear princess." she said. But even before she could feed me completely, she suddenly hugged me with a shudder! "You're really cute, dear princess! I'm not really surprised that you can almost copy your mother's face!" she exclaimed.

Then she even rubbed her cheek against mine.

Huh? Does she know my mother?

If I could only speak I would not. Because I am just a baby and my tongue is still short. Ugh, this is frustrating! Never mind, I'll wait for the right time when I can walk, talk, that's all! I still have a lot to do. I need to think about how I can survive in this place. Especially with those four guys!

My babysitter's giggle was interrupted when the bedroom door suddenly opened. Another maid exposed herself to us unable to paint her face.

she held the skirt of her uniform as she approached us. "Hurry up and there's more to do in the Kitchen!" she almost sighed at the command.

"A-ah, the princess hasn't eaten yet…" she replied gently.

I heard her tsk- I was overwhelmed by the evil look of this witch. "I don't know why the dear Emperor is taking care of that child, that was like her mother slap in the face." she insisted that the evil she thought of me could not be removed.

this woman's tongue is also different. Like, what the hell?

yeah by the way. My mother in this world is a commoner. So they look down on me too. what now if my mother doesn't have goo life, ? Is it my fault? Duh. Is it my fault that my parents chuckled in this world, huh?

My babysitter turned to me sadly. she gently touched my little hand and finger. "Even though her mother was not blue-blooded, she was still the daughter of the dear Emperor."

I stared at her. Why do I feel she is even more hurt than me? It was as if she knew my mother very well from the words she uttered. Even if I wanted to ask, I couldn't do it because of my current state. But when I saw her sad face I felt pain in my heart. I bit my lip and no one said I cried out loud. I don't care if you hear me crying all the way out of this room! Because of that, the door opened loudly. Not expecting Vencel to start in the room, my father said.

"What's going on and she's crying?" hard but forcefully she calmed the question until she was in front of me. Suddenly she took me and she lifted me up.

paid tribute to my babysitter and another maid who bully me.

"-dear Emperor…" the maid exclaimed. she smiled with mixed apprehension.

"it's time for the dear princess to eat. She's already crying because of hunger."

Excuse me, ha! I cried even louder.

Vencel looked down at me. I could see in her face a look of astonishment and she wondered why I was like this now.

I looked at her. I gave her an expression as if I was complaining. There is only one way for me. I raised one hand once I pointed to the maid who bullied me. she was even more surprised.

She turned to my babysitter. "Tell me what happened." he asked her emphatically.

she opened her mouth slightly to speak but she was stunned.

There is a streak of skepticism. Argh, go girl! Tell her the real reason.

Go tell her that she's a bully! That she bad mouthing about my mother! You can do it!

"-what is it…" he looked a little at the maid. I saw that the sparrows were staring at it, telling them not to drop her.

The babysitter closed her eyes tightly and then gripped her skirt tightly.

"The truth of the matter is, Ethel said to slap the Lady

The maid sighed at the destruction of her. Panicked, she turned to Vencel. she was still fast in the ace room to kneel in front of us.

"that's not true, dear Emperor! Believe me, I'm not saying anything like that!" even more denial of the crazy bully!

This is a naughty girl. All she wanted to happen was she would turn my babysitter around! Damn, what should I do then? I need to help my babysitter! she can't leave especially since she can't be punished for what she didn't do. Think! I need to help her no matter what!

I cried again. shit, it's up to Vencel to understand what I mean. I got their attention again.

she looked at me wondering. I cried while shaking. I always taught a woman named Ethel. I turned to the babysitter.

I raised my hands to reach her. Vencel seemed to be in the mood, she handed it to her. No one said I hugged the babysitter tightly. I want to convey that she cannot leave my side. As I was doing this I was stealing a glance at Vencel.

Hopefully even with this small gesture she will get it.

she turned coldly to Ethel then closed her eyes. "If she's lying, the princess won't cry." his authoritative language.

"-dear Emperor…" her voice was already trembling with fear and nervousness. she bent down again, almost kissing the floor.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to mention and insult Lady Lorah. I admit I was guilty ---" she couldn't continue what she was going to say when Vencel spoke again.

"Grab this woman and throw her in the dungeon where the lions are!" strong and angry orders of the Emperor to his fellow soldiers.

"Majesty… Please… don't… Have mercy…" she cried and begged desperately as the soldiers picked her up.

When she was finally released from this room I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally the babysitter cannot be punished. So I can rest? I was a little tired of their quarrel.

Maybe Vencel can leave this room. But it looks like I’m still mistaken because she hasn’t left yet.

she offered to be the one to load me first. He ordered the babysitter to leave first. What the heck? Hey! Don't leave me here! I just save your life, girl! Argh, since I can't even speak yet she obeyed the Emperor's order.

So this man and I were the only ones left. I looked at her in surprise. she attended the baby crib and gently put me back there.

she took the bottle of milk off the table and she fed me. I blinked when I saw the change in the expression on her face.

If before she was scary, now, I just saw her soft-side. Far, far away from the fearsome and heartless Emperor I hear.

Like me she was just staring at me too. she watches me drink milk. she moved one of her hands then gently touched one of my foreheads.

"Eat a lot, so that you grow up quickly. That way, one day you will be able to face and look at people who are superstitious." she said with her soft voice. Like, seriously?

I stopped drinking milk due to shock.

A small smile flashed on her lips. "For now, me and your brothers will protect you first."


A week ago when Ethel disappeared from the Palace everything was back to normal. No one is trying to bully me anymore. Is there no apple? That's good too, so I can relax. I just need my time until I grow up. The maids fed, put me to sleep and played with me even though I wasn’t really in the mood to play really.

I also found out what my babysitter’s name was. Her name is Nesta Bolton. She's actually a daughter of Baron of Conmoor. She offered to take care of me since she's a good friend of my mother, she said. Now I know what's her connection with my mother but still, curiosity flooded me. Especially with this family. I still want to know and learn about them. I was with Nesta every day but she didn't talk much about the Eyrindors. I need to gather more information about them.

"Dear princess, I need to take a bath and get dressed." said sweetly after she made me drink milk.

"We're going out now because Your Majesty wants to see you."

Huh? What's up? Did I think she was overprotective? she kind of doesn't want to let me out of this room because there are so many attempts on my life. What is there and how is the wind different?

A pink dress was put on me after I took a bath. The shoes that Vencel bought for me were still in my dress. This dress will be known to be pompous because of the fabric and its high quality.

For the first time I got out of the room. The outside is beautiful and airy. Looks like no one will try in my life because it's peaceful. Additionally there are many flowers around that are more pleasing to the eye. I can still smell the fragrance of this scent.

Something caught my attention. A big door. I saw there the Emperor waiting for our arrival. Not only him, there were three other men with him who looked like him with black hair. That's right, they were the only ones I saw that night. That's all, I don't know their names yet. Actually, I’ve heard their names but I don’t know exactly who they’re referring to. But because I saw them, I would also know what their names were.

We stopped when the royal family was in front of us. Nesta as well as the maids bowed slightly to pay tribute to those in front of us.

"Here is the dear princess Your Majesty." her polite language to them.

The Emperor took me from Nesta. "You can leave now. I'll just call you." she said coldly to them.

My eyeballs rolled to my side. I winced inwardly when I saw the princes up close. Trace her faces the amazement! has just seen a man!

"Did you see that, Eomund? she looked at me!" ejaculation of the youngest of them. Huh ?!

"The trick. Tss." she answered with a smirk.

"Can I carry her, Your Majesty?" the smiling young man asked Vencel.

He did not answer that. Instead he snorted. Wow, how cold huh.

"However, we are glad to meet you, Princess Styriniana." he gently touched my small palm then he gave me a sweet smile.

Wait, I'm more obsessed with what's happening. I thought this family is ruthless? Why did the wind change?

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