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Nightmare Of My Dreams

Nightmare Of My Dreams

Sheila E


Twenty five year old writer, Venus west has zero luck in love and a regrettable past . She meets Alan Carter one day when grocery shopping. They fall in love genuinely and gets married . Months later she realizes Alan Carter is the murderer to Richie, her first love. How torn will she be after she realizes her husband is a ruthless murderer? Alan Carter is a billionaire with a degrading past who never knew his parents, he finds out the murderer of his real and foster parents , he also finds out who Richie really is to him . Alan goes out of his way for revenge , but does he succeed ? , Is the murderer to his whole life worth the love he has for Venus? Nightmare of my dreams is a thrilling , affectionate , loving , passionate and obsessed romance between two different beings . Let's see as they discover theirselves and fight for their burning love in the midst of betrayal , hurt , anger , revenge , mischief, regret and death......REVENGE IS SWEET BUT LOVE IS AMBROSIA....

Chapter 1 The stranger

Venus pov

Night drizzles poured down in heavy thuds on the people of New york city . The side walk were shadowed with people wrapped in Jade coats. My boots were hell for me and I hurried my aching legs ,almost screaming as I limped my way to the store . I muttered a curse towards Lucian . She had earlier made me lend her my boots when she unexpectedly crashed at my apartment because her date intentionally left her at a closeby diner, she couldn't use her Gucci heels to walk through New York city under the morning rain so I had lended her my only perfect boots I had and she hadn't returned it for days . Now here I was , wearing my old boots from last three years , it was small, old and ached my big toe . I could say I was really having a bad week , none of my articles were approved by The Pensmiths and I was totally loosing my mind . They had rejected all six of my articles on Climate Change , leaving me entirely clueless on what to write. My writers block was lingering and it was so bad that I haven't put down anything in days . My head and feet ached ,I needed a drink and I needed one hell of an umbrella.

The store was full . Babies ,mums , young ladies , men . They were everywhere. I imagined Gabriel being there with me . He would laugh and tell me he knew I wished for anything to just disappear. He had understood the Claustrophobia I always experienced around people and he had been a dear boyfriend to fix dates at quiet places so as to avoid me not loosing my mind . I sighed and pressed my forehead as I hurriedly grabbed eggs , toilet rolls , pads , milk , frozen beef and some cans of sparkling water . I sighed as I grabbed the water , my faucets in my apartment was currently on repair since the water rushing seemed to be a bit coloured. Of everything, I really wanted Gabriel to be here , my week has been really straining and I craved a warm hug . Sadly , Gabriel was away to milan for work purposes . I wanted to scream. Actually I did . I opened my mouth and screamed a silent scream that seemed to help.

"Someone is having a bad day"

I spun around . The first thing I noticed was everything in his shopping basket were booze , rum, whiskey , beer .

"Guess am not the only one"


That was when I stared at his face. He had the perfect face angle and his lips screamed warmth. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in any crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face . His eyes were fierce and arrogant . Like he wanted everyone to instantly fuck off and let him be. He was wearing an obsidian coat and a simple white shirt tucked into a black trouser. It was like someone had thrown an angel right in front of me. I suddenly wanted everyone to disappear to leave me alone with this stranger so I could tell him how my week has been and he could stare at me with those brown eyes and tell me it was fine. I would be fine .

Fuck,Venus, your staring too long.

I was so pathetic, I wanted to throw up at my own self. He was staring at me intensely now and i almost shuddered . His gaze was fierce .

"I'm sorry"

He smirked, looked me up and down and walked away . Shit . Even his walk was model like . I wondered what he saw when he looked me over . Probably a sex starved woman with small boots and a bad fashion sense. I sighed and walked to the counter to pay. The crowd in the store seemed to reduce, I checked my watch , it was past twelve .

He was at the counter . I paid for my items and couldn't help but feel his gaze lingering on my neck. It was so strong that I could almost feel his touch. I stared back at him and he didn't even make an attempt to stop staring. He gave a sad smirk again and walked out of the store magestically.

"Wow" The red haired sales girl said.

I sighed.


Gabriel called me immediately I entered my apartment.

"I miss you" I sat.

"I know"

"They ain't really giving me breaks over here . I'm going to speed up and come back to you. Love you Ven.


He hung up.

I flung my cabinet open and searched for any alcohol. An image of the store model instantly flashed in my head . Why did he shop so much alcohol?, Is he a drunk? and Why did his eyes affect me so much. I was pretty certain I had seen him somewhere before, my past life maybe . He was just so handsome in a sad way , like he didn't mean to be handsome but he just had to go with it . I wondered what he thought about me and I was pretty sure my trousers and green turtleneck were really not appealing in any way . I somehow wished I had worn something better. Like my Christmas present from Gabriel, a red cotton turtlenecked gown that wrapped my curves in the right places.

What was my problem?, It's a fucking stranger Ven.

I slept off with my trousers and turtleneck . I woke up the next morning with a face staring deeply at me . I shrieked and bolted up.

"Luc damn!!"

"Do you always leave your backdoor open?"

"Really?" I stared.

She laughed " I'm sorry, called your line a thousand times and I was passing by your house "

I rubbed my eyes and tried to bounce back to reality.

"Brought your boots love , do you always sleep with your outing clothes?, someone is really shattered, Gabriel is gonna come back Ven , you don't have to look so disorganized"

My head hurt terribly .

"This is not about Gabriel , my week is just really not going well "

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