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Curse Of The Forgotten Mate

Curse Of The Forgotten Mate



"What are you doing? Showing your real self?" He turned his back and saw her opening her shirt button. "Yes, I am showing you my real self." She answered him as she walked closer to him, she threw her shirt into the floor, her cleavages were visible to him. "I'm not sure if you can see it now! Can you?" She asked him pointing at the semi colon tattoo that was on her tummy. His gaze softened on seeing the tattoo. "Take a look at this also." She pulled down her skirt and showed him the phoenix mark that was on her waist also. "Don't judge people when you barely know anything about them." She warned him. "Who did this to you? What made you do this?" He held her wrist in anger waiting for hee to say something. ****** Anastasia thought the past was over, but it was only the beginning. She starts working at a new company. She never expects to run into the man who got her pregnant. As their paths collided, the truth begins to emerge, she discovers the terrible curse that haunts him, and that their fate are intertwined. Can she save him before it is too late? Or will thier love last forever?

Chapter 1 Pregnant.

Chapter One

Anastasia's Pov.

Gulping down all the content that was in the glass cup I aggressively placed the cup on the bar table as I waved my hands at the barman.

"Ahhh finally!" I heaved a deep sigh of relief immediately I came out of the club. It was really hard to pull through the crowd. I couldn't go home this way to be nagged by some stupid overprotective, and over-religious parents.

I decided I was going to sleep at the hotel, and just lie to them I was at a friend's place. I staggered to where my room was with blurry eyes.

I couldn't find my card so I kept on hitting the door to the room and suddenly it opened. My hand stopped moving and it was held in the air, I could feel a very strong grip on my wrist.

"Did someone enter my room?" I asked myself as I slowly looked up and I saw a very huge figure standing at my front. It was a human but he looked so huge.

I was lost in his grey eyes as he couldn't stop staring at me. I was not that drunk, and I knew I was seeing a human right at my front and not an angel. He looked so cute and my thoughts were interrupted by his angelic voice.

"You are here!" He said to me. He turned back and walked inside the room, and I went after him. Then the door closed itself.

"Are you supposed to be drunk at all?" The stranger asked me as I scoffed. I sat at the edge of the bed pulling off my shoes and throwing them at the corner of the room.

"Why the hell are you in my room?" I queried him when I noticed he wasn't planning on leaving.

I climbed up the bed with my eyes staring at the ceiling while I could feel him climbing the bed also. His scent alone is something I can't resist.

"Are you avoiding me? Do you want me to report to your boss?" He asked me as he was beside me already. His hand went to my bare lap already, since I was putting on a gown and it was easy for him to have access to my thighs.

"You are mine tonight!" He said as his lips landed on mine while I kissed him hard badly!

I didn't know what I was doing at that moment. I couldn't resist him, but this was the best feeling ever. I have never felt this way before.

*The Next Morning*

I yawned with my mouth wide open, as I opened my eyes gently and slowly. I remembered what happened and it all felt like a dream. I felt like a woman and it was a great feeling.

I touched the rough bed as what I saw hit me back to reality, I lost my virginity to a stranger last night.

I stood up quickly in fear as the thoughts of my parents rushed in immediately. I'm not scared because I lost my virginity to someone I barely know but because of my parents.

I would be fucking dead if they find out about this! I tried to remember the stranger's face but I couldn't. I looked around and I also noticed this wasn't my room, I must have entered the wrong room.

I also noticed some cash in the drawer beside the bed.

"What does he take me for? A slut?" I stood up slowly from the bed as I felt pain in between my legs, it was so painful that I could barely walk.

I wore all my clothes that were already littered on the floor as I found my way back to my room.

*Two Months Later*

Ever since the incident happened I couldn't go back to the club, I just can't! I stared at the screen of the phone as I heaved a sigh of relief dropping it back on the bed.

My life has always been this way. My dad has always wanted me to work in his company, I was not interested in stuff like that! He vowed he would never allow me to work and I have accepted my fate.

I stood up from the bed as I went downstairs craving for something crazy! Felt like eating chicken and at the same time roasted plantain!

I called my best friend, Susan. I told her what I felt like eating maybe she could help me get it on her way here!

"Are you okay at all? Why would you feel like eating something like that? Roasted plantain? What the hell!" Susan shouted on the phone and that made me cover my ear.

I burst into tears immediately as I ended the call and continued crying. I can't even eat what I want to anymore!

It wasn't long before I heard the bell ringing! Who could it be? I am not expecting anyone! I walked towards the door and I noticed it was Susan.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I left the door entrance so she could enter.

"Don't tell me you were crying for real?" She asked! I guess she must have noticed how red my eyes were.

I didn't answer her, I left her at the entrance and walked to the dining table.

"Are you sure you are okay? Your face looks so pale and homeless! We can go to the hospital for a checkup." She suggested.

"No, why would I?" I rolled my eyes, I've been feeling uneasy lately but it is just going to go overtime. I felt like vomiting as I quickly stood up and rushed to the guest toilet since it was the closest and released everything inside me.

Susan followed me there

"You don't look okay!" She said as she patted my curved back slowly and gently.

I rinsed my mouth slowly as I remembered what happened two months ago with the stranger! It can't be possible that I was pregnant right?

I slowly stood upright as I looked at Susan's face with fear in my eyes, I couldn't describe my feelings right now! I hope my thoughts are wrong. Susan dragged me out of the toilet.

"I don't want to hear anything! I'm taking you to the hospital right now!" She said to me as I didn't even bother to move.

My brain is still trying to process everything that just happened!

"Please can you help me get the pregnancy test kit?" I held her hand as my hand wouldn't stop shaking.

"Hope it's not what I'm thinking too?" Susan asked.

"Help me get it first please!" I begged her as she rushed out of the house while I paced around the sitting room hoping this wasn't real.

A few moments later, she was back with the pregnancy test kit. I slowly collected it from her.

"My life depends on this!" I held it tight with my hands still shaking. I ran into the bathroom that was in my bedroom while Susan waited in my bedroom.

I sat over the closet as I followed the necessary instructions. I was done already as I waited for the results.

"God, please! Please!" I prayed in silence.

I could see the line turning double, I covered my mouth in fear as it fell from my hand. Tears slowly come down from my eyes.

Is this going to be my end?

I came out of my room, and with the expression on my face, Susan already knew what the answer was.

"You know I'm not Scared of raising a baby right? I'm just scared about what my parents might do." I told Susan as I wiped my tears.

"They will surely figure out you are pregnant! You can't hide it? What are you going to do?" Susan panicked biting her fingers.

"What baby are you two talking about?" I heard my dad's voice and my eyes widened. Was he listening to our conversation all along?

I slowly turned my face as I saw him standing with my mom at the door entrance.

"Don't tell me you are pregnant?" My mom asked with tears in her eyes. She walked slowly to me and then slapped me immediately.

"I can explain Mom!" I said with my hand on my cheeks.

"Explain what exactly?" She shouted as she held her chest while I tried touching her but she moved back and warned me not to touch her!

"You finally disgraced us, Sam! I'm sure you know who we are in this neighbourhood. I don't know how you want to do it. You must leave this house and don't let a word get out about it!" My father said as he walked away.

While my mom looked at me disgustingly as followed my dad. I looked at Susan as she hugged me knowing fully well that my eyes were filled with tears already.

I'm very sure my parents meant it when they told me I should leave the house and I was going to do just that. Thank goodness I have a lot of savings here.

I would have to go to the club to know if I could get in contact with the man who I slept with months back. I have to do something to get out of this situation.

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