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Rebirth of the Rejected Mate of Lycan Brothers

Rebirth of the Rejected Mate of Lycan Brothers

Cale Xu


In Daisy's past life, she faced an arranged marriage with Lycan Prince Devant. She decided to elope with her boyfriend when her stepsister convinced her how ruthless and ugly-looking her fiance was. However, on the night of elopement, Daisy found her boyfriend had an affair with her stepsister. Heartbroken and shocked, Daisy changes her mind and agrees to marry her arranged husband—only to find out she is mated to both Lycan twins— the current Lycan King Caleb and Lycan Prince Devant. To avoid conflict of the pack, both of the Lycans rejected her. However, Lycan Prince Devant wasn't satisfied with the rejection. On the day of his wedding, he killed his bride and twin brother to take over the pack as the new Lycan King. Returning from rebirth, Daisy vowed to take revenge on those who killed her loved one and make them pay for their sins. She became the strong and independent woman in a world-known pack she had built with blood, sweat, and tears. She promised the Moon Goddess to not take her mates back. But can she really stop the mate bond after rejection? Can she stop herself from falling in love after knowing that ex-Lycan King Caleb, now titled Alpha Caleb in Bluemoon Pack, announced to the world that he will pursue her? Will her revenge plan succeed? Or will she be torn between choosing the two Lycan twins who want to claim her back?

Chapter 1 Cheating

I saw how the waves of my stepsister's hair bounced back every time she passed by me in the hallway of our school.

Every boy in my class wants Alyssa Whitmore, but not my boyfriend, Johnny Hastins.

Johnny and I have been together for three years. When I meet my wolf, Issy, she doesn't like him.

I know the reason behind it.

He's not my mate, so my wolf doesn't want him. But that's okay because I love my boyfriend so much. I'd rather have him than my mate out there.

I will reject my mate for him. And no one can change my mind.

Johnny assures me every time a girl tries to hit on him. He would always say that I was prettier than them, tuck my hair behind my ears, and kiss me passionately to the point I melted in his arms.

But there was this one time that I overheard his conversation with his boys. I felt sick in my stomach the first time I heard it.

"Damn, look at Alyssa's legs! I can only imagine what it would be like to have them wrapped around my head."

I didn't want to believe it was my boyfriend, my loving and faithful boyfriend, who said that. It's been weighing on my mind lately, a feeling of unease that nags at me. So I asked him about it.

"What do you think about my stepsister?" I asked Johnny when we were playing in my room.

My mother is often away from home, which gives Johnny and me a chance to sneak out of school and enjoy time together in our room.

"Do you find her pretty?"

"Why are you asking this? You know that I love you, Daisy."

My forehead creased because of that. I was just asking, but he seems defensive. When he saw the reaction on my face, he sighed and put the Rubik's cube on my bed.

"Come here, Daisy," he urged, patting his side, expecting me to approach. However, I resisted. Instead, I locked my gaze with his, searching for honesty.

It was etched in my memory, his voice uttering those lewd words about my stepsister. I couldn't shake the feeling that it was him who said that!

"You like Alyssa! I remember you used to have a big fat crush on her!" I exclaimed, my voice tinged with jealousy.

"What? That was long before I decided to be with you, Daisy!"

"Yes, but you're still into her even though you're with me now!" I choked back tears, overwhelmed by the sudden surge of emotions.

At that moment, I felt so insecure about myself. Alyssa's voluptuous figure stood in stark contrast to mine, intensifying my feelings of insecurity.

"What?! Of course not, my love. You're always the one that I want..." He whispered against my ears and started kissing it like a child enjoying his lollipop.

"It's always been you, Daisy," he muttered before he squeezed my ass and pushed me against the bed.

"Not Alyssa, not anyone... It's you, always." I couldn't help but muster a smile after he said that. Those are the only words I needed to hear from Johnny to make me okay.

My wolf felt unease when Johnny kissed me passionately. Johnny's touch was gentle yet firm, his fingers tracing a path along the curve of my jaw, igniting a fire within me. His eyes bore into mine.

As our lips met, the world around us seemed to blur, leaving only the sensation of his mouth against mine, a fervent dance of passion.

"Hey bitch, you better wash the dishes tonight. Mom is out again for her business endeavors so I don't think she'll come home early. I have a party to attend from a neighboring pack. You know the drill!"

I rolled my eyes as I saw how skimpy and slutty my stepsister's dress is. I nodded and started doing the dishes on the sink.

Sometimes, I feel like she's the real daughter of the Whitmore family.

My mother, Cynthia Whitmore, is one of the top-notch business tycoons in Thunderclaw Pack. She wants me to marry someone whom she met during her business meetings.

I never met the man in person. She said he would be a good husband for me.

Of course, I declined because I have a boyfriend. But things have been so different the past few days. My mom always gets home drunk at night. She has been insisting that if I don't marry this man, she's going to get killed. I love my mom so much that it's concerning me.

Sometimes, I just laugh it off because she's drunk. Isabella doesn't give a damn about her, so I asked my mother how work was when she was sober. And my world shattered when she finally told me her problem.

She told me she was in big debt with the Lycan royalties, and I had to marry one of them. The Lycans had granted her a mere three-day window to settle the sizable debt.

Where can we get a hundred million dollars in three days?!

Even though Alyssa and I will work, we will never reach that certain amount in days!

I couldn't sleep after hearing those words from my mother. I went to my boyfriend's house but he wasn't there so I returned to our house... only to find my mother drinking her favorite Brandy again.

"Mom, please... don't sell me to that man!" I kneeled in front of her and grabbed her hands. She was shaking so badly. As soon as I saw the tears forming in her eyes, I couldn't help but cry too.

"We don't have a choice, Daisy! Please do it or else the Lycans will kill us!"

"But Lycans are known as cruel, vicious, and merciless husbands! How could you do that to your own daughter?! Aren't you ashamed of yourself, mother?!"

A loud slap was heard across the room. "Don't disrespect me like that!"

I gasped, my mouth formed an "o" and looked at her with so much hatred. "I'm... still not going to marry that Lycan," I whispered and walked out of the house.

My mom kept on calling my name to go back but I didn't even look back. I went to Johnny's house and embraced him tightly. As he tenderly ran his fingers through my hair, concern etched on his face, I told him about everything my mother wanted me to do.

"I want to elope. Will you come with me, Johnny ?" He nodded without hesitation and kissed me fiery. We had sex after that night and planned our elopement tomorrow.

Johnny is the only man I envision in my future. I want to create a family with him, and if my mother cannot support that choice, then I'm so sorry for her; I will have to part ways.

On the night of elopement, I stood amidst the tranquil embrace of the forest, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nerves.

But Johnny didn't arrive.

He was supposed to be here by now. My eyes scanned the path, straining for any sign of his familiar figure, but he was not there.

What if something happened to him?

Did my mother find out about our plan?

I have to go back home!

My steps were weighed down by disappointment and disbelief, but the fear of what might happen to my boyfriend hung heavy on my shoulders.

"Johnny?" My voice echoed when I saw that the door of our house was open. As soon as I entered, I saw the familiar leather shoes of my boyfriend scattered on the front door. It looks like he was in a hurry to come inside.

"Ah yes, Johnny! Yes! Ah... "

I stopped midway and looked above. It came from my stepsister's room. I hated my gut feeling, but I hated myself more when I went upstairs to see what was going on.

"Fuck, Isa. You're so hot..."

The door creaked open to a sight I could never have fathomed.

My stepsister, entwined with Johnny in a moment of betrayal.

The air grew thick with heartache, the truth unfolding before my eyes, drowning me in a sea of devastation and betrayal.

They were having sex!

I stood there, my feet pierced on the wooden floor outside my stepsister's room.

"Aren't you going to the forest?"

"Yes, but we're not finished here yet."

Alyssa chuckled and continued kissing Johnny aggressively.

"Oh my Gosh! Can you imagine what my sister would do if she found out I'm fucking her boyfriend behind her back?" The voice was laced with wicked amusement.

As her words hung in the air, I inadvertently stepped on an object on the floor, resulting in a resounding thud that shattered the stillness. Their actions halted abruptly, their heads swiveling in my direction, their eyes wide with surprise and alarm.

So this is the reason why Johnny is out of reach tonight...

He is fucking my stepsister behind my back. So funny! And here I am planning an elopement with him!

"Daisy ... please, no..." Johnny whispered softly like he used to do it when he made a mistake. I was swooned before, but this time around, I will never be.

I will never... be! It makes me sick!

"Daisy! It's not what you think! We're just... hanging out..." Johnny shouted behind me but I didn't stop running downstairs.

Damn it. The tears flowing down my cheeks didn't help me find my room because everything became blurry.

I hate my stepsister so much! And my boyfriend, for falling into her trap! I hate them all!

"Daisy, look at me!" Johnny grabbed my waist and hugged me from behind. He put his head on my neck and whispered the word "sorry" multiple times.

"W-Why..." I whispered to him and wiped away the tears.

"Why did you do it?!" I gritted my teeth to control my anger. My wolf, Issy, was scratching her chest because of the pain. She couldn't handle it anymore, so she was trying to release her emotions.

"I... I don't know..." Johnny whispered to me and started kissing my neck. He made me face him and looked at me with those emerald-green eyes.

"That wasn't me, Daisy. I shouldn't have done that to you..."

"But you did," I choked back the tears. "What happened, Johnny? We are supposed to be together! We even planned to elope because I'm going to be engaged to a cruel man whom I don't even meet in real life!"

"Hush, my love. I still love you," he whispered and captured my lips. I tried to get away, but he was insisting on kissing me... so I just gave in.

My stomach doing a flip despite myself. "Okay, you still love me? Then get her out of my house! Now.”

"Now? There are Lycans out there in the woods… that’s what the rumors says. It’s the 6th of September.”

"I don't care if she dies out there! She made my life miserable though, so why would I care about her?!”

"Daisy, you're insane! She's your sister!”

"And you're fucking each other behind my back!”

"Yeah… but I still love you." I pushed him away but he was staring at my lips so hot it burns in my skin.

"That's what it all matters, love…” he whispered before capturing my lips again.

As I embraced him, I dug my nails on his biceps and felt the familiar sensation. The way he kissed me now, it seemed foreign, almost unfamiliar... like he was diverting his attention by kissing me.

When he finally pulled away, I instinctively touched my tingling, slightly swollen lips, the residue of his electrifying touch.

After what he did to me tonight, the intensity of his effect on me still left me reeling.

"Please, Daisy ... am I forgiven now?" Johnny asked me in a soft voice while cupping my cheeks. I blew a heavy breath and looked him in the eye.

The pain of betrayal was still there, but my love for him was more. Issy, my wolf, keeps on scratching my chest to stop me from saying those words, but I have more control than her.

"It's alright... I forgive you," my voice quivered, the words slipping out like fragile whispers. They tasted so wrong on my tongue, but I let them linger in the air nonetheless.

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