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Resurrection Of The Oppressed Man

Resurrection Of The Oppressed Man



It turns out that having a handsome face does not guarantee that a person will be appreciated and loved. That was experienced by Aland Laureus, a poor man who only worked as a parking lot attendant and had to accept the infidelity committed by Clarissa, his wife. Not to mention the scorn he received from those closest to him and those he had just met. But who would have thought Aland, who turned out to be a billionaire because of an old work that exploded, would suddenly be a rich man? The heartache and deep disappointment made him ambitious to avenge the treatment of those who had mocked and humiliated him. When money makes everything easier, does Aland succeed in his mission? Did Aland succeed in changing the way people perceive the money they have?

Chapter 1 Cheating

Aland Laureus’s eyes were drawn to a pair of men’s shoes on the doorstep. Aland looked at the watch on his wrist. It was unusual for him that, in the middle of the night, when he came home from work, his mother-in-law was still receiving guests.

Aland worked as a parking lot attendant with an uncertain income. He has not been able to buy a house or just rent one, so he is forced to live with his in-laws. It was not uncommon for Aland to be treated badly because he was considered a burden on his wife Clarissa’s family.

Exhausted, Aland walked to his room. After opening the door slowly, his eyes widened when he saw the disgusting scene between Clarissa and a man he didn’t know. Aland’s body heated up, and his chest felt very tight. How could he not be Angry? Clarissa Sweta’s body, the wife he loved so much, was being enjoyed by another man. Clarissa seemed to be enjoying herself while occasionally asking the man to give her more pleasure.

"Keep going, baby! Aaahhh, so good."Clarissa sighed and closed her eyes as she savored the delicious thrusts of Alex's sword.

Seeing Clarissa squirming violently, Alex accelerated his movements.

"Oouuchh...! Aaahh...!"

Sighs could be heard coming from them. Clarissa's messy hair and the sweat oozing from both of their bodies made the sensation even more heated.

Clarissa skillfully played with her tongue as Alex's sword entered her mouth.

"Oouuchhh...!" Unable to hold back the pleasure, Alex pushed Clarissa's body onto the bed.

Alex thrust his sword back into Clarissa's pleasure hole.


The two of them were so lost in pleasure that they didn't notice Aland, who had been standing behind the door.

“Stop it!”

The vibration of Aland’s voice startled Clarissa and the man named Alex, Clarissa’s mistress.

Alex got up from the bed and looked at Aland’s face with a mocking gaze. Clarissa covered her beautiful body with a blanket, as if she didn’t want him to see her body.

“Who are you? How dare you come into this room?” Aland’s hands clasped tightly with a flushed face.

“Oh, so this is the husband you told me about?” Alex looked at Aland’s body from head to toe with a cynical gaze while wearing boxer briefs that only covered his manhood.

“Yes. You see, right? He only wins in looks but has no money at all,” replied Clarissa, who, instead of feeling guilty, insulted Aland in front of Alex.

“Clarissa? What did you say? Why would you say something like that?” Aland couldn’t stop thinking about Clarissa’s words, which hurt him even more.

“You’re still asking why? You should realize yourself! Are you able to provide for me? Look at you! You always come home late every day, but you don’t bring home much money!” Clarissa then left and looked for her clothes, which were scattered somewhere.

Aland’s heart was like being pricked by a thousand needles. The sweat of anger was flooding his body that night.

“Never mind, there’s no need to demand that Clarissa love you because she doesn’t need a husband like you!” laughed Alex, who was getting bigger and bigger.

Aland’s heart broke even more when he saw Clarissa’s hand wrapped around Alex’s arm. Clarissa seemed to deliberately show intimacy in front of Aland.

“Clarissa, please be patient! I can definitely buy you a house like the one you’ve been craving.” Aland’s mouth trembled to hold back the heartache as well as the tears that were held in his eyelids.

“You have repeatedly asked me to be patient, but until when? Let alone buying a house, you still ask my parents for food! My parents!”

Clarissa’s words made Aland’s life feel even worse.

“Look at Alex! He has a prestigious position in the company because he is a trusted person in the company, unlike you! Just an urban parking lot attendant!” added Clarissa.

“But Clarissa, I...” Despite his broken heart, Aland still tried to persuade Clarissa.

“Already! From now on, don’t ever appear in front of me again because I don’t love you anymore.”Clarissa took Alex’s hand and left Aland.

“Listen to what Clarissa says carefully! You’re a man with nothing!” Alex nudged Aland’s shoulder with his body, making Aland almost fall down. Luckily, Aland’s hand quickly grabbed the wall of the room.

Aland’s eyes highlighted the look on Clarissa’s face, who seemed to be joking with Alex while leaving him. They were proud and did not feel guilty at all.

Aland’s body was so weak that he couldn’t even support himself. He leaned his body down and wiped away the tears that he had been holding back.

“Why are you still here? Hurry up and leave!”

A loud voice startled Aland, who was in a slump. She was Merry, Clarissa’s mother, who was also his mother-in-law.

Aland slowly got up and stood right in front of Merry.

“Mom, why did you let another man into Clarissa’s and my room?” Aland didn’t seem to care about the first sentence that came out of the short-haired and slightly curly woman’s mouth.

“Oh, so you’ve dared to raise your voice, huh? Just so you know, Clarissa doesn’t love you anymore. Clarissa would rather be with Alex than with you!” With a cynical face, Merry answered Aland’s question while crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Aland looked down stiffly. He don’t know how many times he has heard such condescending words pierce his heart.

“Look, these are all invitations to Clarissa’s wedding with Alex, so don’t expect to be with Clarissa again.” Merry threw several pieces of paper that were Clarissa’s wedding invitations to Aland face.

Aland could only be silent, staring at the writings of Clarissa and Alex, who would soon have a wedding.

“How can Clarissa, who is still my wife, marry another man?” Aland muttered while clenching his fists full of anger. Aland’s heart was in turmoil.

“Alex has paid a lawyer to be able to arrange a marriage with Clarissa, even though Clarissa is still your wife. Isn’t it very easy for Alex to get rid of a poor man like you?” Merry seemed to know what was on Aland’s mind.

“So from now on, pack your clothes and get out of here!” Merry snapped hatefully.

With no other choice, Aland was forced to pack his meager clothes. He left the house that had been a silent witness to Merry’s mistreatment and Clarissa’s infidelity.

Aland walked aimlessly down the street. That night, his life felt very chaotic. Unable to walk any longer, Aland decided to stop in front of a minimarket.

Not long after, a luxury car arrived with lights shining on his face. Two well-dressed men got out of the car. Instead of entering the convenience store, the two men stopped in front of Aland, who was sitting with his body leaning against the wall of the convenience store.

“We’ve finally found you, Mr. Aland Laureus,” one of the men said while taking off his glasses.

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