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My Billionaire Husband Doesn't Want a Baby.

My Billionaire Husband Doesn't Want a Baby.



"Get rid of that thing!" "No, this child means so much to me." An arrogant billionaire and heir to a famous company, is forced to marry a common waitress. The waitress gets pregnant in the process and he wants the baby gone. Would he reconsider his decision after having a near death accident?


Ojo's POV

It was another morning waking up next to a strange woman but I didn't care. I had never cared. After all, my father was filthy rich, so why would I be bothered about life?

"Hey, wake up! Get out of my house. I'm done with you" I yelled at the woman in my bed. She looked angry at me but that was her problem.

"Aren't you going to get dressed too and drop me off at my house at least?" she asked, as she dressed up to leave. I laughed at her so hard till she got upset and left.

"John! Where is this stupid old man? John!" I shouted down the stairs.

I saw him running out of a corner of the house as fast as his short old legs could carry him.

"Shine these shoes now and get my breakfast ready." I ordered him while tossing the shoes down the stairs, hitting him on the head.

I laughed and walked away because he worked for me and can't do anything to me.

Taking my bath and getting dressed I walked out with only socks on my feet and the house was so cold.

"John! Where are my damn shoes?! You old fool, you will make me late to work and I won't hesitate to fire you. Shine my shoes, you are taking the whole day. So incompetent all of you in this house!" I ranted as I walked to the dining table.

I sat at the table to have breakfast, and I saw that my eggs had been fried the wrong way again. I picked up the plate and stormed into the kitchen and tossed the plate at the chef's face.

"Is this how eggs are made in your village? Fry it again idiot. This is rubbish and it tastes like crap!"

I saw a little blood drip down his face from a cut on his head but I was definitely not the bad guy. All I wanted was my eggs fried a certain way, that's it.

I walked out to the dining room once more on cold tiles and I opened my mouth to yell at John when I saw him with my shoes. I snatched the shoes and shoved him out of my way. Bloody idiot!

I had no idea why dad hired him when he looked older than a dinosaur.

The chef walked out with my food the second time, but I had lost my appetite from looking at the stains of blood on his clothes.

"Can't you clean yourself up before you make my food? So I should eat your blood now with the eggs or what? Are you insane? Get that shit out of my sight!"

I got up and stormed to my car because I was late already and I didn't need my father on my neck today.

My driver didn't see me early enough to open the door like I had instructed him multiple times, now I had to stand and wait again. Glaring at him I hopped into the car and waited for him to drive me to my office. I could only hope that we do not meet any hold ups on the way.

If only that dad had not forbidden me from firing them, I'd have fired each one of them this morning. People beg to work for me and they that work for me, can't treat me like a king.

I got to my office on time. Thank God. I walked in to see my secretary on the phone giggling like she was in her house. Snatching up her phone I smashed it on the floor. Next time she would learn to keep her business out of the office.

"Get me my coffee now!" I thundered.

"Sir it's on your desk," she answered, while she bent to look at her phone. I smiled to myself after seeing tears in her eyes. Good for her!

I sat at my desk ready for work, sipped my coffee and immediately spat it out, "are you mad? Do you want to bruise my tongue with this hot coffee? What is wrong with you? You can't do something simple like this but you're giggling on your phone?!"

"S-sir I-I was a-arranging your meeting with Mr I-Ike like you told me to"

"I told you to? When? I never told you to do that" "B-but sir you said-"

"Are you trying to insinuate that I cannot keep track of what I said? Is that what you're doing right now? Calling me a fool?" I said while walking up to the idiot. I poured the coffee on her instead of drinking it.

Sadly it made her shirt cling to her body and she had a really nice body but unfortunately I couldn't take her home because she didn't have any sense. She stood there flapping her shirt trying to cool the burn I caused. Serves her right. Next time she won't dare to say rubbish.

"Get out of my sight and cancel all my meetings. I'm going to have breakfast. If my father comes here, you better tell him I'm at a meeting or else" I wagged my finger at her and left the office.

Good thing my driver had the door open already. At least one person had learned something new today.

"Drive me to a good place where I can have breakfast before I die of hunger."

Ten minutes later he stopped at a simple looking place. "So now you want me to eat here? In this shabby looking place? I swear, if I see one cockroach in my food I will fire you and your entire family!"

"Sir I promise the food is good sir."

I glared at him and walked into the place.

What a surprise! It was packed with middle class individuals and there was no empty table. I walked up to a man sitting alone and ordered him to leave. He complied. I guess he was aware of who I was.

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