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My Ever Persistent Luna

My Ever Persistent Luna



" Can't you understand that I really don't love you.." He reminded her with a cold glare. " It's ok we can share my love instead...." She said with a cheerful smile. " Please don't kill Them!!" He screamed with fright. " But they made fun of you?" She pouted while crossing her blood stained hands before her chest. " Why are you doing this..." He glared at her with a resentful gaze yet what he got in return was her affectionate gaze. " Because I love you^^" She said with a loving smile. " Can you please just leave me alone..." He pleaded with teary eye's. " Am sorry but I'd rather die than be apart from my sweetheart " Ever since he happened to save her after returning from pursuing his education abroad, Lu Xin's once peaceful day's had come to an uneventful end. At first he vowed that he would have nothing else to do with her, Yet the next day his own parents had them engaged. Tried escaping by going to work?, Well unfortunately she became his Boss. He didn't want to sleep in the same room as her?, Well to bad now they slept in the same bed. No matter what he does, Lu Xin always finds himself within her grasp, no where to run, no where to go. With each chapter, Her determination to win Lu Xin's heart grows, and his walls crumble a little more. Their journey towards love is filled with tender moments, emotional obstacles, intense internal struggles and thrilling scenarios.

Chapter 1 For you I'd wait for an eternity

" At this rate am going to be late" A Young man in a white collard office wear and neat ironed black pants glanced towards his wrist watch with a frown.

A beautiful bouquet of vibrant flowers held properly on his left hand while also holding a luggage bag with his right, underneath the starry night sky.

With the setting of the sun, the neon lights would flicker on, and The city's after-dark alter ego kicks in. More relaxed and care-free than its busy, conformist daytime counterpart, the evening is the time to kick back and let your hair down. From the bright lights and bustle of downtown and the sleek skyscrapers and glitzy allure of its several districts.

His slick jet black hair fluttered silently within the wind as he stood silently by the pavement seemingly looking for a cab, a sense of impatient could be clearly seen on his face as he waited, his stunning appearance couldn't help attracting several roaming eyes that stared at him in awe and longing but even then he didn't seem to pay much attention towards them, acting as if such acts were already a normal occurrence.

Though frowning, his enticing features didn't look diminished in the slightest, instead it gave of the feeling of an enticing cavalier.

The tempting young man's name was Lu Xin, a 24 year old soon to be intern who'd just graduated from medical school not to long ago, now getting ready to undergo his internship, for personal reasons he sought to undergo his internship back in his home city, after so long outside, he couldn't wait to return home to his friends, family and most of all his darling girlfriend who he'd not seen face to face in years, up until now Lu Xin had been pursuing his studies abroad only now returning after several years.

Fortunately for him, not too long afterwards he finally managed to hail a cab.

" Where too? " The uber driver looked him up and down, his thoughts unknown.

" A second please..." Lu Xin reached for his phone after dropping his luggage and the bouquet of flowers to his side.

Looks like his new here, probably some kid coming for a visit or something_ The Uber driver sneaked a glance at Lu Xin who was on his phone.

After a short bout Lu Xin turned his phone screen towards the Uber driver " I'd like to go here please, am sorry for the delay, It's my first time here you see and am afraid am a little loss"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it, judging by the location on the screen I'd say that's around the newly built residential area not to far from the McDonald's down town, you sure that's where you want to go?"

" Yes, am kind of in a hurry you see, so do you mind driving faster sir, I hope my request isn't to much of a problem?"

"No no no not at all young man, I was just asking to make sure, that's all, no need to worry, I promise I'll get you their as quickly as possible" The driver smiled reassuringly, his two hands placed firmly on the wheel, his figure gave Lu Xin a sense of comfort and safety, since there was nothing with the driver he might as well enjoy the ride he thought.

" Many thanks Sir, I'll be sure to leave you a five star review afterwards" Lu Xin smiled courteously towards the driver.

" Hahahaha then allow me to thank you in advance my boy, ok now fasten your seat belts we wouldn't want to get into any accidents now do we" The driver shortly drove off afterwards, their destination was non other than Lu Xin's Girlfriends apartment building.

" You seem new around here, Visiting someone by any chance?" The driver tried striking up a conversation, yet his face was still facing vigilantly towards the road.

" Yes actually, how did you know?"

" Kid with those stunning longing eyes of yours anyone would be able to guess" he smirked helplessly, Lu Xin who was behind him fortunately wasn't able to see his expression, only god knew how embarrassed he'd be if he saw.

" Ehhh?, was I that obvious..." Lu Xin smiled embarrassingly, yet he didn't feel discouraged, instead the longing within his eyes was soon accompanied by a sweet smile the moment he remembered the reason for his impatience.

After so long he'd finally be able to see her again, the love of his life, his beating heart, the apple of his eye, his girlfriend Myeong.

Due to him leaving home to pursue his studies else where, Myeong who wasn't able to, was forced to stay back while he left...

Ever since then, though they tried keeping in touch through social media and technology, it still wasn't the same, meeting in person and texting over the phone were still two different things, Lu Xin understood that clearly, so whenever something came up concerning her, he'd make it his number one priority no matter what, whether he was busy studying for exams, or meeting with friends, so long as she was in need, he'd drop everything he was doing without hesitation.

Even though he felt happy and cheerful whenever they texted, he still yearned to spend time with her like always-whether cuddling, going out on date's or kisses and hugs, deep within his heart he'd been patiently waiting for the day he would finally be able to see her again, unlike the last time they met, he was naturally far more different than prior.

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