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The Billionaire Contract Wife

The Billionaire Contract Wife

Gift Chiago


When Ava’s world is turned upside down after discovering her fiancé and her sister in an intimate moment, she turns to alcohol to numb the pain. But when she wakes up with a handsome and mysterious man in her bed, she finds herself in an unexpected situation. The man offers her chance at revenge and live through a contract marriage. As they deal with the challenges thrown at them by their families they learn that sometimes love can blossom in the most unlikely circumstances


For some minutes Ava stood at the same place, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She stood there for what looked like ages staring blankly at her fiancée and sister making love. Chloe was under her fiancée Alan, with her legs spread up and him on top groaning and pounding really hard. She could hear Chloe moan so softly, for a second she started thinking of how she has never moaned like that when having sex with Alan. He has always been cold towards her during sex as opposed to how passionate he is now. “Alan…” Ava couldn’t help but shout out her fiancées name. Her legs were shaking, she was loosing control of her self. “What are you doing here? Alan who was startled, asked her. “What am I doing here” she was confused. They were supposed to be downstairs at their engagement party. Alan had told her he wants to use the restroom and she had to come look for him after waiting for almost an hour. She looked at Alan who has already starting to dressing up. Their clothes were scattered all over the place. Then she looked at her sister, she was trying to cover herself up with the duvet beside her. Wasn’t Alan supposed to be explaining what was going on instead, her thoughts were interrupted by her sisters voice “I thought you told her about us? why is she acting all surprised” Chloe asked Alan while eyeing Ava. “Told me about what? What is she talking about Alan?” Ava was even more confused. “Dear sister, the truth is that your fiancée here, has never liked you” Chloe smirked “ he only got close to you just to get my attention, you took it so personal that he had to play along.” At this point Chloe felt fulfilled, now she can finally put her sister in her place. Chloe has always derived joy seeing her sister in pain. “Alan what is she talking about” Ava has always had the feeling that something was off but she chose to ignore the signs because she loved him. She didn’t pay attention to the fact that Alan only visited when her sister Chloe was around, he took her out only if her sister was coming with them. He spent majority of his time with Chloe but she saw it as brother-in-law bonding with the sister- in-law. “This might not go down well with you Ava but I never liked you. I love you sister Chloe and she wasn’t giving me attention I had to get close to her through you” Alan spoke like someone who was truly hurt “ I’m sorry, I hope you will understand and not make a big deal out of this.” It was too much for her to take in at once, first he said he never liked her but her sister now he’s saying she shouldn’t see it as a big deal. “It’s our engagement party Alan, everyone is downstairs waiting for us come let’s go downstairs.” She tried to drag him with her but he gently pushed her away. “I’ll just pretend I didn’t see anything, you were drunk right? I understand let’s go downstairs now…” she almost choked on her words, she didn’t want to believe it even though the truth was right in front of her. She just wanted to wake up from this dream, she regretted coming to look for him in the first place. She would have just stayed downstairs with the guest she kept on blaming herself. “ you always like throwing yourself at people even when it’s obvious they don’t want you, are you not ashamed of your self!!!” Chloe shouting at her, and violently pushed her as she made attempt to drag Alan with her downstairs. At this point her legs couldn’t carry her again, they were shaking and she just fell down and cried. She cried because it’s true, she cried because she wasn’t dreaming, she cried because her life had always been rapped around having a future with Alan. Chloe and Alan left the room immediately and went downstairs leaving Ava all alone in the room. After what looked like an hour Ava wiped her tears and decided to go downstairs. She wasn’t surprised no one was there they have all left. No one cared about her. Her parents can’t wait to mock her on how irresponsible and unlucky she is. When Alan Luther proposed to her, her parents were so happy. Her mother personally told her she was proud of her. That was the first time her mother have said such kind and soothing words to her. She was never loved like Chloe at home. The good clothes, shoes and even food were given to Chloe. She was made to understand as the first child she should leave the good things for her younger sister. All this she did gladly but Chloe grew up to become very spiteful. She made a vow to do anything to keep Alan so as to gain her parents love but it won’t be possible obviously.

Ava looked around she was outside the hotel, she could feel the cold breeze on her skin. She walked down the road, she didn’t want to go home she just wanted somewhere she could get her mind off things. Far across the road she sighted a bar, she hurriedly went down there.

She walked into the bar her eyes red and her hair disheveled she looked around trying to avoid eye contact with anybody. She walked up to the bartender in a quiet voice she said “veuve Clicquot please” she sat down afterwards. The bartender nodded and quickly prepared the drink. He gently placed the champagne in front of her and she thanked him and took a sip of the champagne. She turned her face away and drank slowly so she could forget what happened. She remembered how she first met Alan he was her senior in middle school, from doing assignments together then became best friends or so she thought. So all those years he just wanted to get her younger sister’s attention she thought to herself. She remembered how passionate their love making was when she walked into the room. Hot tears ran down her cheeks she ordered more and more champagne until she got drunk.

She could feel someone’s touch and gentle whisper. She smiled maybe Alan has realized his mistakes and come back for her. She could feel him carry her and drop her on a soft surface. He caress her face and place a soft kiss on her forehead, her eyes , her cheeks and then her lips.

Wait, Alan has never done this, she didn’t care she just didn’t want to open her eyes she loved this moment and didn’t want it to end. Her clothes were slowly leaving her body and she could feel her body coming in contact with another body. she just didn’t want that moment to end.

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