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The His Wife

The His Wife



We are currently at a party with the man I married. The Ross couple took me from an orphanage and married me to their daughter because they said they needed a grandchild. "Aryn, join me in the bathroom," said Jai, who is the girlfriend of my husband's friend, so I nodded and turned to Adam. "I will accompany Jai to the bathroom" I said and he looked at me and nodded. I smiled at him before walking away with Jai. I also went to the bathroom because I also peed. Jai finished first so I sped up. We were about to return to our table when we saw that there was a commotion. "Why Adam? What I'm saying is true," said a voice, so Jai and I walked closer to the gathering of people. "You feel that all women will kill you, so you plan to take my girlfriend as well," he said until I saw what was happening. Adam was standing while there was a small man standing in front of him and a woman behind him. I frowned because I didn't know what was going on. "Babe, that's right," said the woman behind the small man. "I told you, Clifford. I didn't touch him. She touched me and I avoid her," said Adam in his still calm voice but it was cold and serious. "Don't lie, Ross! That's how you are!" it screamed and k!nulled my wife. His bodyguards suddenly became alert but Adam raised the alarm so they did nothing. "I'm married, Clifford," Adam said so I was suddenly stunned. "As if you're loyal!" Clifford shouted and let him go. Adam chuckled and everyone backed away. "You can say that," Adam said and wet his lips. Adam was very calm while Clifford was obviously furious. Suddenly, Clifford took a glass of wine and before he could pour the wine on Adam, I intervened so I was the one who got wet. "What the hell!" said Clifford and looked at me. "We can talk about this matter privately, I'm sorry if my husband did something that p!ss you off. Just like what I said earlier, we can talk about this matter privately," I said in a calm voice and held Adam's hand and covered him. Just in case Clifford does something that will harm Adam. "Is this your wife?" asked Clifford. "Yes, Mr. Clifford," I said and Clifford suddenly grinned. "We can talk about it Adam. Do you want us to change?" Clifford said suddenly and I was surprised that Adam was in front of me while holding my hand. "What did you just say?" Adam said, clearly angry. "Palit" Clifford didn't finish what he was going to say when Adam pointed a bar!l at him in the head. Everyone was alerted so I pulled the hem of Adam's clothes. "Hey," I said but his aura was different. "You can disrespect me, !nsult me ​​and do whatever you want, but what you did to my wife made me lose my temper," Adam said and I saw Clifford swallow. "Adam, we can settle this matter privately," I said calmly and he looked at me. He took off his coat and put it on me because my clothes were wet. He looked at Clifford again so I interrupted again but now I was looking at Adam. "Don't," I said and he looked at me while I held his hand with the bar!l. "So this is your wife?" said Clifford and laughed. "Shut up or I'll-" "Adam," I said in a low voice and stroked his hand. He lowered the bar and turned me around again and pulled Clifford closer to him. "You're lucky because she's here, but otherwise. I don't know where to pick you up," said Adam, which I didn't hear. "Let's go, before I do something," said Adam and we walked away. His indeed the most scary person who can k!ll you once he loses his temper, and I'm his wife.

Chapter 1 The food

Chapter 1

I grew up in an orphanage. A nun told me that I was left outside the orphanage naked.

As I grew up, I noticed that what I was taught was different compared to what others were studying, the nuns were also more caring for me than for other children I only realized why they were like that to me when I was about to marry a man I had never seen in my entire life.

"Your breakfast is ready," I said when I opened the door.

I saw Adam quietly working on his laptop while holding papers.

I entered his office here at home and approached him to see what he was doing.

"Eat first," I said and sat on the sofa near him.

"Later," he said, which is why I frowned.

"You shouldn't wait for food," I said in a low voice and he looked at me.

"Woman," he said.

"Yes?" I asked and he sighed before taking off his glasses and then putting down the papers.

"Alright, let's eat then," he said as if giving up, which is why I smiled and got up from sitting.

I quickly grabbed his hand and led him to the dining area.

"Tada!" I said and he let go of my hand and sat on the chair.

He tasted what I cooked and I gasped when he went straight to the sink and there sömä.

"Dāmn," he said while sümüsükä in the sink so I just held my breath again.

I spent four days trying to cook for him because I found out that he is sensitive to food and rarely eats food made by others I can say that I was always and I never guessed what food he wanted.

"I'm sorry, you didn't like it anymore," I said to him and he sighed before coming to me and patting my shoulder.

"Better luck next time," he said and walked away.

I stared at the food in front of me and just held my breath because I was the only one to eat it.

I sat on a chair and ate slowly. I was sad because I didn't seem to have done anything right in this house.

I can't even cook him properly. He hasn't liked anything I've cooked yet. But not everything ends here.

I'm going to make more food and I won't stop until I find out exactly what he likes in food.

As his wife I should know what he likes and dislikes and that includes chicken curry.

Pickled" Porridge " Braised pork, beef and others." Chicken curry

I sighed after eating the food I prepared for him.

After I ate I got up and walked to his office to say goodbye. The fridge is empty because of what I just cooked, so I must buy again.

"Adam," I said when I opened the door and he looked at me.

"I'm going to the market today, the fridge is out of stock," I told him.

"Are you going to the market alone?" he asked and I nodded.

"I'll just ride a tricycle," I said and he frowned.

"You can have my car," he said, making me shake my head.

"I don't know how to drive a car yet," I said truthfully and he suddenly dropped the papers he was holding.

"Take Herman with you," he said and I shook my head.

"There is no Herman. They say there is an emergency in their province," I said and saw that he gasped and felt his senses.

"I'll come with you," he said, which is why I shook my head very quickly.

"No, it's okay. I can go shopping alone, I might bother you," I said and he shook his head then stood up.

"No. I can't let you go to the market all by yourself," he said, which is why I just sighed because I didn't want to argue.

"Okay, but there are too many people in the market, you might get dirty," I said and we left his office together.

"I know," he said, which is why I was stunned He knows?

"Have you been to the market?" I asked and he nodded before walking towards the door "Are you wearing that?" I asked because he was wearing a white t-shirt with shorts reaching up to his knees.

"Yes, why?" he asked and I shook my head.

"If that's what you're wearing, I'm wearing this too," I said and we left the house together.

I was wearing a gray shirt and leggings. It's only in the market.

But even though the clothes Adam is wearing are very simple, I know he can still attract many women in the market, especially since he looks like a model because of his body size.

I was surprised when Adam's car opened for me.

"Shall we go for a drive?" I asked and he nodded.

"So we won't have a hard time buying stuffs," he said so I just got on. I can't do anything either.

And as I expected, when we got to the market many women were staring at him as if they wanted to take him.

I said it. It was really wrong that I agreed to take him here.

I got out of the car first and waited for Adam to park the car. I just looked around and immediately liked a fruit not far from my place.

A few minutes later, Adam was walking towards my place and I could see many women turning and looking at him.

"Let's go," he said so I nodded and walked towards the man selling apples, grapes and bananas.

I was about to buy when Adam suddenly pulled me and we walked away from the seller.

"Why?" I asked as we walked inside the market "Mama sent some fruits, they're coming today," said Adam, which is why I nodded and didn't speak.

He let go of my hand and walked to buy things.

First he went to the nga ísdá market and I just followed him.

"Oh boss, you're here again," said the man selling ísdá, making my forehead frown.

is he coming here?

"Still the same as before?" asked the seller and Adam nodded and took out his wallet I saw that he had only one thousand in his wallet and it was very thick, so I asked why Adam would buy it "250 ma'am," he said to me so I took out my small wallet and took out 250 then I paid.

"Your wife, boss?" asked the salesman before we left.

"Yes," Adam answered, making the salesman smile.

"Stay strong with you guys!" said the boy with him which made me smile.

Adam took the fish from me and stopped walking.

"Why did you" I cut him off.

"Change your money first, you can't pay a thousand, you can only pay little by little. Don't even take out your wallet, you really that," I said and took the ísdá back from him but he didn't let me.

"Slimy," I said.

"That's why I will carry," he said and walked away.

When will I win this man?

I just follow where he goes as if he knows everything he should buy.

"Pogi, what are you looking for? Me?" asked the saleswoman here in the vegetable garden, which made me wince even more as she turned around.

Adam didn't pay attention to her and just bought vegetables and I was quietly behind him.

"Here," Adam said and reached for a thousand because he bought a lot.

"Wait lang pogi," said the shopkeeper and took a pen.

"634," said the woman and the woman was about to hand the change to Adam when he left so I took it.

"It's mine," I said but the woman was having second thoughts.

"She's with me," Adam said while turning away from us.

The shopkeeper handed me the change while raising his eyebrows. I just gasped because of that.

"You're terrible," I said because he turned his back on the woman.

"Do you want me to interact with her?" Adam asked as he walked to the chicken market.

"Yes?" I answered that I'm not sure. He didn't say anything and just bought a chicken "600 sir," said the seller, which is why Adam paid while I only had vegetables.

Next, Adam went to the rice market and I just held my breath because I was already sweating while Adam was still fresh "Oh boss, another sack?" the fat man asked Adam and he nodded.

I said that the ingredients in the fridge are not enough and then he seems to buy everything in the market.

Adam took a bag of rice and put it on his shoulder while still holding some plastic. I tried to take it but he wouldn't let me.

I just held my breath because it was as if he didn't have anything to carry with him Everywhere else we went and I think we bought almost everything, we also passed by Puregold when we put the rest of our shopping in the car.

"Chips?" he asked and I nodded.

"Biscuits?" he asked and I just nodded, just in case someone with a child came to visit.

"Can I eat?" he asked and I nodded so we still have stock.

"Juice?" he said so I stopped.

"Do you intend to buy everything here?" I asked and he laughed a little so I stopped even more.

When we bought everything we needed, we went straight to the car and Adam handed me his handkerchief because I was drenched in sweat.

When I finished wiping, I got into the car and gasped because I was so tired.

"Are you okay?" Adam's person and I nodded and Adam drove the boat.

We've been married for 4 months now and Adam is the one acting out most of the time because I don't know anything about him and what should be there and not in the house. This was also the first time we went shopping together.

"Drink this," Adam said and handed me a bottle of water which I immediately took "Thank you," I said and drank.

The truth is that Adam and I are not really close, his dad just told me to do everything to get close to him, at least that's what I'm doing now.

I can't read him so it's rare that we're really close like we are now.

We look like a real couple even though we don't love each other.

Because Adam's father told me that our marriage should work, the case is that Adam is very smart and what is happening now is very rare.

I think he just had free time so he decided to join me.

But I'm still thankful because he doesn't yell at me, mínúmúrá or maybe hurt me. It's okay if we only look like a couple once in a while, at least he's still hanging out with me.

Adam and I were both tired and went home but he still went straight to his office here at home and still attended his online meetings and stayed up late.

I am currently here on the sofa in our room because I found out from Mrs. Ross that Adam doesn't want anyone next door because he can't sleep.

Even though we are married, I still sleep here on the sofa and let him sleep in his bed. He doesn't scold me or anything so I'm fine.

I also went to sleep first so he didn't tell me anymore, and it seemed that he was better alone in bed.

The next day I woke up early because today was my first day at work. Adam often gives me money and I'm not used to that. I want to earn mine too.

I was preparing breakfast when I felt someone looking at me, I turned around and saw Adam looking at me intently.

"So you got yourself a job?" Adam said so I couldn't move.

"Ah, I would have told you yesterday because you were busy," I said and placed my 5th dish on the table for him.

Fettuccine Alfredo.

"Breakfast," I said and he sat down as if he was not in the mood.

"Do you want me to resign? I'll just be here at home?" I asked and saw him stop "If I say so, would you do it?" he asked so I was stunned and I couldn't answer.

As far as I can remember, Adam's mom told me the things I should know about him. said Mrs. It was Ross after I signed the contract.

He said that Adam was often alone because they didn't focus on Adam because they had so much work. It is said that Adam grew up distant from them. Adam only trusts Yin, Nulan, Saber, and Atlas because he has been with them since they were in high school.

Mrs. knows nothing else. Ross about Adam except for that other detail that their personal doctor himself told them.

I didn't say anything and immediately went to the phone of our house and dialed the number of the manager of the restaurant where I was supposed to work "Hello, I'm about to resign. Sorry for being so sudden, something happened and I'm fine. Thank you for accepting me, I can't work right now," I said and talked to the manager a little more until I completely settled my resignation.

"Okay," I said and was surprised when I faced Adam who faced me and I almost fell down. Fortunately, he grabbed my waist right away so I didn't fall.

To Be Continued...

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Other books by yang92

A Wife Cry

A Wife Cry



"Honey" I happily called my wife when I saw her go home to our mansion and I couldn't stop myself. I immediately greeted him with a tight hug and buried my face in his chest. Tears flowed down my cheeks again, not because I was hurt because I miss him so much. I was in tears because he still came home. He's back, he's back to me. "Laven, I miss you, so much, honey!" I said and tightened my hug around her waist. I felt both of his arms move and I was expecting him to hug me back. But it just grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back a little. Then he walked away from me, I was like a child who had his toy snatched from him because of what he did. "Hon?" "Let's talk," he said to me coldly. It seems that something is choking me and I'm struggling to breathe again. "W-Will you listen to my explanation, hon? We're welcome again? Can you forgive me? Thank you, Laven! I love you. I love you, so much hon!" I still cried, I promise. All the pain he gave me two months ago suddenly disappeared and was replaced by too much joy and happiness. "Thanks--" "I got pregnant, Aly." My smile suddenly disappeared and I felt at that time that a bomb exploded in my brain and it was difficult to recover. Those are just three words, but they have a very strong impact on me. It was as if my soul had separated from my body. My heart was beating fast and I was slowly getting hurt again. "No!" I screamed and almost burst a vein in my neck because of the force of my scream. "And she's Alice." "Laven! Not like this! This is not what I want!" I cried and shouted to my husband. "Aly, you know how much I wanted to have a child! But you can't give it to me!" he also shouted back at me. He makes me look like he loves me and I can't give him that. But not this way! No! This is not really what I want, eh! "You know that I won't have any more children, eh! But...Laven, I don't like this..." I begged as my sobs grew louder. It's s-sick to me. How could he do this to me? I'm his wife, do I think he loves me? "That's it! You can't give me a child!" he asked and even tweaked his own hair. He's obviously frustrated, isn't he? "Laven...we can adopt, eh..." I suggested which made him even more angry. "I don't like that! I want you to be mine, Aly, you can't give me a child so I came to Alica." My heart seems to be breaking because of what my husband did. I feel like my heart is being squeezed. That hurts. "I can't accept that, Laven! No!" Why is it that most of the women he gets pregnant are my cousins? Why still Alica? Why is he still...and when... "Laven..." I held my husband's foot and let the tears roll down my cheeks. What he did to me was so painful. "She's pregnant, Aly. Two months..." I finally fell to my knees and let go of Laven. "Let's separate, I want to marry her, Aly. I'm sorry." "Laven! L-Laven, please!" I called my husband and I was afraid... I was afraid of what would happen. I just looked at my husband who was leaving our house. I can't follow him because my knees are getting weak. I can not accept. Laven...this is not what I want, eh. Lord, why are you punishing me now? I love my husband very much... Don't take him away from me. Please... Don't do this to us. "Laven!" "Ally!" Jullie rushed to me. During the time that my husband did not come home to me, my cousin stayed here because he was wondering what I should do. "Jullie, stop my husband, please! Stop him from leaving!" "Aly, t-it's okay, please... Stop it. Leave your husband alone," Jullie also cried and begged me, which I quickly shook my head. "I-I can't, Jullie. I can't... I love him, I-I love him so much. I'm going to die, J-Jullie... I'm going to die if I lose him!" I promise I will still cry. Seeing me trying to get up from kneeling on the floor, my cousin hugged me tightly. "No! Let me go! I'll stop Laven! Let me go, Jullie!" I shouted. At that time I seemed to lose control of myself. I feel really crazy and scared. I'm afraid of being left by the man I love. "Laven!" I saw myself again kneeling in front of my husband carrying a huge suitcase. He decided to leave our mansion. He decided to leave me. He is ready to leave me... "Laven, please. Don't do this to me, please. I love you, I love you so much, Laven..." I begged and cried. "Let me go, Aly. Let me do this..." he said with difficulty, I sobbed and shook my head. "Don't, please? Just stay here... Don't leave me... I can't lose you, honey... I can't," I said and my voice broke. I really can't... I'd rather die than for him to leave me forever and he chooses my cousin Alica. "Don't you love me, hon? Why did you do this so quickly? Why did you let go of me so quickly? Do you still love me?" I love you..." I cried harder because of what I heard... "It's hard for me to do this too...but it's necessary. H-We won't be happy..." "You love me. Why would you leave me? Just stay here... Come back to me, please? Honey..." "I promised Alica, that my mother and her will be th

The Obsession Of Mayor's

The Obsession Of Mayor's



Blare Maiden Sy 25 years old homeschooled girl she lives with her aunt in New York Her parents died when she was young she was left with her aunt Sandra who has no husband and children When he graduated, he was sent home to the eastern coast where his grandmother got sick, so he had to go home and have his grandmother here, especially in his business. Tacoma Kyro Laduvic 32 years old mayor of a town on the eastern coast, the youngest mayor in his area, he is known for being ruthless, all the corrupt in the capitol, he was removed and bribed, all property that was not covered by their name was taken away when it turned out to be similar to serving in the government His grandmother is the Gov. And his uncle is the v-gov, so there is nothing against the people who own half of the land in their area. Prologue Let me go, what the hell - blare while struggling with the man I told you to stay away from that guy - shouted loudly when the man suddenly took her from the party Who are you to say I am? Who are you to say I am? Really you didn't know me after all - man What are you going to say - blare What is this man going to say in Blare's mind? After I pleasure you - man with a devil smile What are you saying pleasure pleasure are you on drugs let me go I will sue you - blare Then go case me baby - male and his body is more stressed because he blare turned it away when blare's face turned to the other side because he felt hot Do you remember that day baby you please me to put my dxck inside you - the man whispered in her ear She was not surprised by the hot breath that hit her ear but by what the man whispered No no Not in Blare's mind while thinking about what happened to him last 2 months I think you remember that day baby when you opened your thighs for me and begged me to let you in that night you became mine - Blare took a breath when the man's face fell on her neck she almost screamed Especially with the hot breath this Help help - blare is struggling with the man everything that I touched and kissed that night it's all mine so I own you even your soul are mine only mine - whispered a man with a mixture of Anger and worry here What do you say Mr. you just kissed me that's all then I'll tell you I'm not the one who owns me and no one owns me and my body That's just my fiance and that's not you - Blare shouted, he was really thankful and that's not him anymore The man stuttered but it looked like he was wrong because the man's face darkened Her eyes widened when the man took over her lips. She struggled but the man pressed her body harder. Here she turned more. Her body leaned against the wall. She tried to close her mouth. Napa. She bit her lower lip when the man bit her. She licked the blood I'm just reminding you that you are mine don't begrudge my patience, you might just find yourself in my bed naked and moan all day long pumping you hard until you get pregnant - man while blaring for breath he was holding his knee You're an animal - blare he almost choked her out of breath a while ago and then the man bit her lower lip I'm territorial person baby so be a good girl and stay away that man - man before he left he kissed blare again.

The Doctor's Compelled Affair

The Doctor's Compelled Affair



I could ruin a relationship but I won't because I will go through the process that the man in front of me needs right now. "Please!" "Please!" please talk to me. "I can do everything you want, just please give your kidney to my love," he pleaded with me. I am hurt because he is doing everything just to keep the girl he loves alive. I am selfish but my health is also at stake and my love for him as well. "You know what I want, you know how much I love you..." "FINE!" he quickly went to what he had to say. I just finished secondary school when I first saw him and I can say that I loved him before but he was just like air to me. "I do sacrifice my freedom because I love her so much. You obsessed to me Bless, you did," he said and actually pointed to himself and shook his head. "But you won't be happy with me because I'll make sure we're only connected on paper. There's no me, no you, because there's no us!" he said seriously. His face is serious as far as I can see, he's not angry and also he has nothing to be angry about because he came here voluntarily because he needs something from me. "So, we have nothing more to talk about," I said. It's up to him if I look like a contradiction to their love. He is the one who needs me, he should be the one to follow because I am talking about my life here. "Okay! just give me time for her recovery," he responded three times and actually raised both of his hands. The power of love can sacrifice freedom, my mind said. "Do you think I'll let you get close to him just in case?" I asked seriously and walked towards the door. I opened it to signal that he can leave because he has nothing to do with it. Our conversation is over because it's not possible anymore, what he wants is what will follow. "I will only do one year to teach and try to love you. If it doesn't happen in one year, you will leave yourself," he answered seriously and walked out of the house. I smiled because I knew that was enough assurance for him to learn to love me too. "Prepare yourself because you will be involved in the operation tomorrow," he said last before heading to his car and until he disappeared from my sight. The operation was completed successfully. Dr. asked for consideration. Monteleagre to take care and watch over the girl he loves first. I'm not selfish because I still have compassion. Knowing that when we are destined even if the world turns upside down, we are really meant for each other. The day passed and it took months, Dr. The talk is Monteleagre. He secretly let me live in his mansion and he also sent me to school so that I could finish my studies as a doctor. A lot has changed in a sacrifice, he almost lost what he says we are only connected on paper. "Mahal?" I called him because he was just in the kitchen cooking. "Can I borrow your dermatology book?" I will ask. "Just get it from the library," he answered me as he tasted what he was cooking. This is his routine, so I'm here to prove that what they say about love is a choice is really true. He didn't say the magic word but I'll feel it. "Taste it baby?" he said and came to me. I'm thrilled when he looks like this to me so I can't get rid of my smile. He slowly brought the spoon closer to my mouth but before I could taste it, my stomach turned upside down. I don't know what happened but Im feeling weak after throwing up and no one is vomiting but I didn't expect the anger I see from his eyes. His a doctor, he knows what happened. I thought he would be happy if he found out I was pregnant and we would become a family but everything I thought in return turned out to be a nightmare for me. He accused me that I am wh*re. "I can not bear a child!" are words that keep repeating in my mind. How can I defend myself if he closed the conversation and he hated me so much because he taught that I am a filthy woman and a whore? I faced all the accusations, cruelty to me even though I was pregnant because I felt him and I love him but everything has a limit since I was married because of an event that can't be returned even when. I left...but I swear I will come back and make him look like he was wrong for all the accusations against me! I will also make sure that the person who lied to him will pay for his belief. Because it will be proven if I have not committed any sin because I am the aggrieved because I am a clean woman and he can also bear a child. One day I will make you down and on your knees and beg me!

The Trapped by Him

The Trapped by Him



"Get her, bring her to our hidden basement" he said while looking at me with a deadly look Lord! I know I'm a philosophical person but why did I have to end up in this situation? I'm Mary Viatrixe Xylline Monteverde, a philosopher, basagulera and crazy woman but I didn't know this man would be the only one I would fold. "I don't even know that old man, you bastard!" I sneered at them and I was very surprised that a man grabbed my arm, that's why I changed his face when he kicked his balls He immediately groaned in pain and sat on the floor "Fanga, that's just a girl you can't hold tight yet" shouted this man so I looked at him badly "I am not his daughter. I don't know that, are you a fool?" I yelled back at him and I felt a cold aura from him and suddenly signaled. I was very surprised that three macho men grabbed me. I tried to get out of their hands but they were so strong that I couldn't struggle. Their muscles are very big and it's hard to fight with them stubbornly, especially when there are three of them that stop me. "Boss, don't feel sorry for my son, please. I know I'm wrong" suddenly said a man who was by my side and was also held by the men What son is he talking about? I just met that while he was running towards me and then he suddenly said that I was his daughter? Am I being affected by this? "Diě" said this very cold man and he suddenly raised a gun and pointed it at the man's forehead "D-Derick, this is my son, take him instead of me. He can serve the Master. He can be made a maid, a slave or maybe a bed warmer" said this man who made my eyes widen What is it? Bed? Suddenly, my heart beat faster, especially when the smile appeared on the face of this boss. "Hey! I don't even know you and then all of a sudden you're going to give me to this stupid man? Are you crazy? I wonder what's in bed? I'm a decent woman f*ck you!" I shouted angrily at this and at the same time the gunshot hit the old man's forehead I suddenly fell silent and bit my lip as I felt my body tremble. It was the first time I saw someone killed in front of me and I knew I was traumatized here. "Go follow my instruction" ordered this demonic man and the men who held my arm pulled me Even though I was shaking from what I witnessed, I was still able to walk and ride a car. Even though I sympathized with this problem because of his stupidity, I still felt a little pity for him. Yes, it's only about 1%. After an hour, the car I was riding in stopped and they pulled me out of it "What the hell, take it easy oh. I'm a very fragile woman and if you pull me it's like you're pulling a big cow" I yelled at them again "Fragile? You look like an amazon" said the man who made my blood boil as they pulled me. Tsk, thank you for keeping me captive if I hadn't destroyed that skull earlier. I just noticed that I had stumbled upon a large mansion. Is this the basement? It is too big and dirty to be called a basement. That Master looks rich. A few minutes passed again and they brought me into a room and I didn't see even a thing or furniture. Is this really a room? The men holding me violently pushed me to the floor and closed the door on me and locked it I slowly stood up even though my back still hurt from the impact of being hit on my back. What am I going to do here? There is no bed or tv. It's boring here. This mansion is still rich and yet this room is empty. Suddenly the door opened and it revealed a man with a socket of good looks but a terrible posture. Just one look from him is sure that I'm already buried. "Who are you?" I asked him firmly while raising an eyebrow "Are you a daughter of Ronald?" He asked me and I raised my eyebrows even more "Ronald who?" I asked with difficulty "It looks like Ronald fooled me again huh" he said "You're stupid" I said and suddenly his expression changed. "Excuse me?" He said and walked straight towards me "You got fooled fast so basically, you're stupid" I repeat and step back as he approaches me with a sharp gaze "Mary Viatrixe Xylline Monteverde is a beautiful name" he said and he suddenly stopped walking "Of course my mother thought of that." When I'm proud of him. By the way, how did he know my name right away? I haven't said that yet. Tsk, he immediately did a background check on me. "Your name would be fitting if it were written in a tomb" he coldly said causing my smile to disappear "What if I bury you? It's good to be out of there" I shouted "Go on" he playfully said so I prepared myself. I was a black belter in taekwondo when I was in college, so I am confident in my skills. I immediately punched him and accompanied him with strong kicks that would knock anyone down immediately when hit. All of this he avoided quickly which annoyed me. How can he avoid and block my attacks? Should I use my last technique? I suddenly stopped and stared at him "Done already? Tsk weak" he said and I grinned at him I lowered the strap of the shirt I was wearing an

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