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My little companion

My little companion



I went to the BDSM club brought home a Neko. Wasn't lucky in relationship maybe a neko is all I need

Chapter 1 NEKO


I walked into the club I was heartbroken, I just found out my girlfriend was cheating on me. I did everything to make her happy, bought her everything she wanted but still yet she cheated on me.

Everyone I've ever dated were only after my money. The biggest Balthazar Enterprise , yeah I own every hotel, every real estate, every bar at the North side of Astor.

I lost my parents when I was only 14. Right from then I've struggled to be independent on my own.

I came here to drink my pain away. People we're here partying, gambling, auctioning NEKO's (sex slaves). Then I saw her she looked scared and young, men were touching her trying to get a better look at her to buy her. She crawled to the very end of the cage and buried her face on her knees.

I decided to join the bidding for her something in me wanted me to get her. If I can't be in a relationship then I can as well have a Neko for pleasure right.

I was the highest bidder and I bought her. They took her to a private room and directed me there.

She was so scared, I walked up to her and opened her cage and ushered her to come out

Her body was shaking

"Please don't hurt me, I'll do whatever you say I promise, please don't hurt me " she fell to her knees

"Get up" I ordered


"I said get up" I raised my voice. She flinched and stood up with her eyes looking down at the floor.

"Strip" she stared at me with an expression I couldn't understand " I said strip" I snapped and she reluctantly took of the only garment she was wearing revealing her naked body to me

She was very beautiful but still so young. I wondered how she got here in the first place, isn't she supposed to be with her family.

I walked close to her but she retreated from me that pissed me off

I walked closer and she went farther till she reached the wall. With nowhere else to go she fell to her knees again and begged

"Please don't hurt me...."

I pulled her up by the hair "listen to me you bitch, whenever I get close to you, you don't run away, you got that" I warned and she nodded

"Good, now get inside your cage"

"Master please, " she said between sobs.

I pulled her by the hair into the cage and locked her in

She cried and screamed for me to come back and release her but I just walked out of the room.

I instructed the bouncers to get her and put her at the booth of my car. After thirty minutes drive I got home. I instructed Kelly, my house keeper to bring her into the living room. I went upstairs and changed to my comfy sweatshirt and shorts.

I came back downstairs stairs and opened her cage, she quickly got out and tried running but I held on to the leash on her neck, causing her to fall hardly on the floor. She whinced and cried , I walked up to her and gave her a slap.

" Don't you ever runaway from me again, you're mine, I own you. Your only job is to please me, understood?"

"Y-yes" she said between sobs

" You'll regard me as yes Mommy, nothing else."

She nodded

"Y-es m-mommy "

"Good, this is your new home, you'll stay here with me, your only job is to do what pleases me nothing else. You'll ask for my permission before you do anything, is that clear?" I raised my voice

"Yes Mommy" she nodded her head.

"Good, now come with me" I lifted her up and took her to my room"you should always be in here except I let you out," she nodded"what are you supposed to say?" I raised my voice

"Yess-ss m-mommy"

"Now go shower and meet me downstairs"

She didn't move from where she stood. "I said go shower"

"Mommy, i-i don't shower by myself"


"Back at the club they bath me themselves, they don't want me to touch myself mommy"

I stared at her for a while then led her to the bathtub, she stripped and got in

"Now watch how I bath you cause after now you'd do it yourself, I'm I clear"

"Ye-ss mommy" she nodded.

I washed her properly and gave her a short and hoodie to wear then took her downstairs. The time's already 12am, it's so late and I guessed she hadn't had anything to eat. I asked Kelly to make her soup.

I gave her permission and she ate. She swallowed her food so fast that I thought She'll choke

"Eat slowly I'm not gonna take the food away from you" she nodded and still continued eating fast. I collected her spoon and she looked at me then fell to her knees

"I'm sorry Mommy Please don't hurt me please"

"Sit" I ordered, she reluctantly sat back on the chair

"Open up?" I decided I'm gonna feed her. Feeding her I studied her face, she's really so young and beautiful, she should be in school, how did she end up at the club, where are her parents.

After eating I took her back to my room, I changed into my PJ's and laid on the bed.

"Come, come cuddle with me"

She slowly walked towards the bed and laid besides me. I cuddled her under the blanket and closed my eyes after a while she fell asleep.

Waking up that morning, she was still asleep, I took my bath, dressed up for work. I was about leaving the room when she woke up and quickly got of from the bed

"Mommy I'm sorry I overslept, I didn't know,i-i-i, I'm sorry Mommy"

"You are allowed to sleep okay, stop apologizing for sleeping, now go take your bath,you see that shirt and shorts over there you'll put them on and come downstairs, I'm waiting for you okay"

"O-kay" I knew she was confused, I didn't treat her as the slave that she is and I don't know why, I guess I pitied her

After what seems to be forever she came downstairs and she looked pretty, she was anxious, her gaze never left the floor she avoided looking at me.

I said nothing I just motioned her to sit and have breakfast, she ate hurriedly again, I took her food and fed her slowly

"Next time you eat in a hurry, I'll punish you okay?"

She nodded

After eating, I took her to the couch in the living room

"Sit" I instructed and she say besides me.

"What's your name?" I put the strands of hair on her face and kept it behind her ears, she flinched "ssh I'm not gonna hurt you, now tell me what's your name?"

"My name is Aiden mommy"

"How old are you?"

"I'm 20 mommy". She replied chewing the insides of her cheek still avoiding my gaze

"Stop that" I held up her face to face me "you'll hurt yourself"

"I'm sorry, mommy"

"It's okay". I looked at my wrist watch and the time was passed 10am. I sighed and spoke up"okay Aiden, I have to leave for the office, I'll see you when I get back home okay"

"Y-es m-mommy" she looked like she wanted to cry

"What's wrong?"

She didn't answer me" Aiden, you don't want me to punish you now do you, so better talk to me" she nodded "now tell me, what's wrong?"

"Y-youre leaving" she said a tear escaping her eye

"Yes Aiden, I need to go to the office today, you don't want me to go?" I raised my eyebrows, she shook her head no and she began crying. "ssh, stop that, stop crying" I caressed her back. She looked so scared

"I don't want you to go, I'm scared" she said Within sobs

"What are you scared of, there's nothing to be scared of, you'll be in my room waiting for me till whenever I get home"

"They'll take me away if you leave, please don't go" she held onto me tightly, I felt sad seeing her that way. She looked so vulnerable.

"Do you want to go with me?"

She nodded yes and stood up ready to leave

"Okay, but first" I took my scarf from my purse stood up and cleaned her face.

"Good now we're ready to go"

We got out of my apartment, I opened the passenger seat of my car for her she got in. I strapped on her seat belt. She looked so cute in there.

I got in and drove out. Driving through the city, Aiden stared out of the window, she looked amazed and excited. Just like when you bring a kid to the mall. It's like she has never seen anything like it.

Finally we got to the office. She followed me into the building.

"Good morning ma'am" Agnes the receptionist said

I answered back and she stared at Aiden

"Ma'am, your girlfriend's pretty, really pretty"

"Um thanks" I didn't know why I didn't say she wasn't my girlfriend. I just went with the flow I guess.

We got into my office

"Sit on the couch over there, if you need anything I'll be right over there okay" I pointed to my desk opposite us.

"Yes Mommy"

"Um Aiden?" She looked at me" why don't you call me Sierra, that's my name, okay, I don't want you calling me mommy anymore hmmm"

"But why? Did I do anything wrong mommy, I'm sorry if I did something bad , Please"

"No no no no, Aiden, you've done nothing wrong okay, I just think it'll be nice if you call me that okay"

"Okay, I'll call you Seirra" she smiled. She's so pretty

"Good, if you need anything I'll be right there okay?" She nodded " good girl, I placed a kiss on her forehead and went to my desk.

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