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It's complicated

It's complicated



Lia bullied Keira all her life from kindergarten to middle school. Keira had to move away due to some circumstances but comes back six years later with a new personality Will Lia finally confess her feelings for Keira And will Keira reciprocate them ???

Chapter 1 She's back


"Waka up Lia, you're gonna be late for your first day of college", I heard my mom shout from the kitchen I guess, that's where she spends most of her time.

"Ooooo" I groaned

It's been six years I'm 19 now , I still miss her.

She just left without saying goodbye

Well I understand it's not like we were friends anyway

I made school hard for her

Always bullying her. You can't blame me, it's cause I love her

I just had to get close to her

And made everyone stay away from her

I sluggishly got up took my bath put on my jeans and Shirt

Well I like it simple.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and kissed my mom's right cheek " good morning Mom "

" Good morning sweetie, ready for your first day of college"

" I guess" I groaned eating my pancakes.

I heard Amelia my best friend honked her truck

" Do you wanna go late on your first day?" She screamed from outside.

" I'm coming motherfuc...." Couldn't finish my sentence when I felt a knock on my head.

" Watch your language young lady". My mom scolded

" Maaaaa I'm sorry" I whined and kissed her cheek before going out to Amelia's truck.

" You ready baby?" She asked

" I guess so" I sighed.

" Don't worry honey. You'll meet different beautiful girls in school. Just be open minded" she said grinning then she started the car and zoomed off.

" I don't want different beautiful girls. It's Keira I want" I rolled my eyes

" Well you need a miracle for that to happen"

"I really do need a miracle" I thought to myself.


Well I'm back to LA(Los Angeles)

I didn't think I'll come back here. My mom, Kiara and I left LA cus my dad had a tragic accident and died I was 13 then and Kiara was 18 then

Things weren't really working for us then so we had to move.

We went to my mom's side of the family. A year later mom met Rodney

I don't like him at all

He replaced my daddy. Kiara seems to be okay with him but not me everyone knows about that

I was really calm before daddy died I was bullied alot in school especially by Lia she made life hell for me

But right now I'm rebellious

Daddy's death awakened something in me

I take no bullshit from anyone

Kiara was and is still calm. I'm 19 years old now

Practically an adult. I don't listen to anyone not my mom especially not Rodney.

I only listen to Kiara sometimes

She's my bestest friend

My back bone. I've only looked up to her and cared about her.

Mom and Rodney had a son Kian.

I don't hate him, he's just 3 years old. Infact I love him it's not he's fault that Rodney's he's dad. He's still my brother.

" Keira come down stairs now and have breakfast otherwise you'll be late for college"

I was already ready. I know I might be rebellious or crazy but damn me if I'm gonna joke with school

My daddy loved books alot. He was an astronaut. I've always wanted to be an astronaut just like him. He was and still is my role model.

I was putting on a leathered short, leathered boots and a baggy shirt. I went downstairs everyone was already seated at the dinning.

" What are you wearing?" Mom asked

"What else, clothes of course"

" Those are too short Keira , you're going to school not a club" Rodney spoke up

" Who asked for your opinion" I scowled at him

" You will not talk to him like that young lady" mom barked at me

" Can I just have breakfast in peace?" I sighed

" No one's stopping you

You're the one causing trouble here Keira I only stated the obvious. What you're wearing isn't suitable for school period" Rodney barked

" You have no fucking right to talk about what's suitable and what's not suitable for me you got that?"

I stood up and left to my Lamborghini outside

Yeah my Lamborghini

I got it last year. Mom didn't wanna get me a ride like she did for Kiara cause I refuse to get along with her So called husband Rodney

I worked really hard at clubs I was a DJ in California ( my mom's side of the family resides there) and I got myself a Lamborghini

Cool right.

I was resting my head on the steering wheel when someone entered the passenger seat.

It's Kiara and she's with Kian.

" Hey baby" I carried him and kissed him all over

" Who's your favorite big sister?" I asked

" You are " he screamed between giggles"

" Not fair, what about me?" Kiara pouts

" You don't get him chocolates and ice cream do you, you're always giving him bitter medicine ewwww" I squeezed my face.

" Yes Sister Kiara always gives me bitter medicine" Kian complained

"It is for your own good you know, I don't want you to turn out to be like your stubborn big sister Kiera she never takes care of herself. She doesn't take medicines, and that's not good".

That's true I would never take medicines, like never even if I'm dying.

" Now come on Kiera has to go to school, say goodbye to her"

" Bye Keira, I'll miss you. Get chocolate for me when you're coming" he pouts

" Of course my little bundle of joy" I kissed he's cheek and gave him to Kiara.

" Drive safely okay" she asks with so much concern in her voice. I Know she's worried about me. I mean that's how dad died. He's brakes were tampered with and he crashed into a moving truck.

I nodded at her and zoomed off.



Well the school looks okay

I walked in majestically like I owned the place

I guess some people remembered me. Well I was the little girl always getting bullied by Lia and her minions

Well not anymore

I just pray I don't see her here you know maybe she moved to another country.

I stood at the entrance of the class. Well it was hard looking for it

" Please come in, you must be Keira Riona Davis" the teacher ( a lady ) asked me

" Yes I am " I answered immediately

" Come in, hmmm you can seat beside miss Rodriguez over there" she points to the blonde girl sitting at the third row

She's pretty, really pretty look at her smile. Keira self control. Stop drooling.

Walking towards her I caught a peculiar face LIA SANTINO

It is her, and she was staring right at me as if she had seen a ghost. Well she still has her red hair pretty I guess. Her glow up was okay but it doesn't match mine I thought proudly before sitting down with the pretty Blondie

" Hi, my name's Mina " she said and stretched out her hand for a handshake

" Keira" I said shaking her hand

She was nice. She said she'll like to tour round the school with me after class she's also just getting to college I guess.


Damn, it's her it's really her. It's my Keira and she's beautiful God how much I've missed her although I'm a little bit angry that she left without saying anything

But I'm glad she's back. I'm so fucking glad

Our eyes met and I think she knows that it's me cause of how intensely she stared at me.

After class I'll go talk to her I'll apologize to her

I'll ask her to be my friend then we'll surely progress from there


It'll be easy right?

I thought

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