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Caught Between Them

Caught Between Them



Amelia Grace meets Logan, the alpha of Portland werewolves and falls in love with him or so she thought. She meets Brock, Logan’s beta and friend and she suddenly cant even breathe, she still cares for Logan but when she looks at Brock all her sense of reasoning flies away

Chapter 1 One

The pipe broke and I wondered if my day could get any worse, I watched, exasperated, as water pooled around me and I was too damn broke to even call a plumber, luckily the water stopped rushing out and I sighed, jeez! My life is was so fucked up. My living room wasn’t any better, I was a neat person but I lost it last night. I stared at the scattered living room that looked as if an army had passed the night here.

A bark rang out and I turned to see my little puppy running and barking as his vocals could allow.

“There you are, Ginn” I said and picked him up. Ginn was a brown husky, I found him on the roadside, abandoned by someone and had picked him up then we became BFF(best friends forever); a knock on the door made me jump and Ginn barked. I opened the door and my best friend, Reagan walked in, grinning when she saw the messed up room.

“Jeez, Amelia, you sure know how to mess something up, what happened here, wild lovin’?” she asked and I rolled my eyes sometimes Reagan was crazier than I thought

“Wild loving? You must be joking” I said plopping into a sofa, Reagan smiled like it was something I would do if could, the truth was that I wasn’t interested in any type of relationship, I was struggling as shit here and soon the owner of this house would demand for his rent, my life was surely fucked up.

“So, have you got any job yet?” Reagan asked and I shook my head glumly staring at a spider on the ceiling as it spun a web.

“God I hate America, it’s hard to find something doing” I muttered and Reagan grinned as if my statement amused.

“Oh Amy, you shouldn’t blame America for your problems, don’t worry I’ll ask an uncle of mine, he always tells me there are a lot of jobs in Portland” Reagan said and I groaned.

“Portland is too damn far, if I left here in the morning I am sure to come back the next day, jeez!” I complained to a smiling Reagan.

“It’s your choice Amelia, I think a job in Portland would be good for you, you’ve always loved nature and there is plenty of it in Portland” She said and I mused over her words. I really loved nature, maybe a job in Portland wouldn’t be that bad.

“Fine” I grumbled and Reagan nodded.

“Got anything to eat,” she asked and I scowled at her.

“Just some cheeseburgers and milk” I said and Reagan smiled.

“That’s great” she said and sauntered to my kitchen sashaying her hips, I shook my head but smiled, what would I do without Reagan? Her quirky and funny self always made me laugh. Reagan came out of the kitchen with cheeseburgers and a glass of milk, I watched as she shoveled cheeseburgers into her mouth then gulped down her glass of milk.

“Yum” she said, “Reminds me to come here every morning”

“I pray I get a job in Portland, I wonder how you’ll knock on my door in the morning” I said and Reagan winked at me.

“I could visit, Amy, it’s no big deal” she said and drank the last of her milk, she stood and stretched as I glared at her.

“You just ate the last of my meal” I said and she nodded and strolled out.

“Who’s gonna return the plate?” I yelled.

She slammed door slammed shut


The ride to Portland land was long and tiring, I sat in the back of the pickup, and with my backpack, I had given Ginn to Reagan to take care of. The pickup lurched and my head slammed into something, I groaned and sat straighter, watching as the landscape rolled by, I smiled when I saw a herd of gazelles, I saw one or two buffaloes. The pickup lurched again and I cursed, was the driver high on booze. We passed the mountainous terrain and drove into a small town. I stared, fascinated at the close knit houses and people, men hurriedly went about, dogs barked, the air seemed pure and clean.

The pickup stopped and I hopped down, wincing as I landed too heavily on my feet, I stared at the paper in my hand. Reagan had scribbled an address on the paper of her uncle’s house. I stared at the address once more and followed the directions until I came to a small town. How the hell did I get a job here? I didn't know, I asked a little boy about the address and he pointed to a large house, I knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal a man in his late forties, he smiled at me.

“You must be Reagan’s friend” he said, his smile broadening and I nodded. He motioned for me to come in and he asked me to sit, he brought a steaming plate of pizza and soda and set it before me, my mouth watered.

“Reagan said you needed a job” he said and I nodded.

“I need a job, I am currently unemployed” I said and Reagan’s uncle nodded thoughtfully.

“There is a man who is in need of a waitress. I am gonna contact him to see if the position is still available. Got a place to stay?” He asked and I shook my head.

“You can stay here as long as you want, I’ll see you later” he said and walked away. I sighed and eat the last of my pizza and contentedly leaned back into the sofa, things were getting better soon I would have a job and carter for myself, I can’t wait as I settled into the sofa, a bone-chilling howl rang out, an howl that rustled my brain, and I could tell that howl wasn’t from a wolf, It was no wolf

How did I knew? I don’t know, what I could tell was that the howl meant a message.

And I knew what the message was.

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